Natural Cat Health

When our kitty cats health declines we often run to the vet to get the first pill to stop the symptoms. The Two Crazy Cat ladies like to try to treat aliments naturally but more importantly prevent illness in the first place, how do we do that? We go back to the natural basics of what our kitty cats need for great health.
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Is Your Cat Happy!?!
I know I’m not the only human who has looked deep into my cat’s eyes and wondered, “Is my cat happy?”
Do you Deworm Your Cat?
Are you deworming your cat on a regular basis? If so, we need to talk.
Why Does My Cat's Poop Smell So Bad!
Let’s face it, no one’s feces smells like roses. However, if the cat poop smell in your home is overwhelming, this blog is for you.
When Should You Neuter Male Cats?
Here’s something we’ve learned about that most cat parents don’t think about: Neutering our male cats. Usually, shelters and rescues neuter male cats at around 8 weeks of age – or 2+ lbs.
Tips for Litter Box Cleaning
Cleaning the litter box isn’t rocket science… or is it? Believe it or not, there are correct and incorrect ways to clean the box. You might think weekly deep sanitizing cleanings are needed but is that what our cats want or is it good for them?
Do Cats Have An Adam's Apple?
If you’ve ever wondered if cats have an Adam’s apple, you’re in the right place. Maybe you’ve just wondered if the little lump you feel on your cat’s throat is something to worry about. You are also in the right place.
How To Help Prevent Disease In Cats
According to, at least 93% of indoor cats are fed a dry food diet. So why do so many feline specialists advocate for a moisture rich diet?
Can Cats Overheat?
If you live in a sun soaked area of the world, you may have wondered if cats can overheat. The answer is yes. This may be a surprise – since it’s well known that cats are drawn to warmth. Plus they actually prefer a temperature that’s a little too warm for some people (like Jae). 80-90 degrees Celsius is thought to be the temperature most loved by cats.
Omega3 Essential Fatty Acid Benefits for Dogs and Cats
Are you currently using fish oils for your pets? Does your pet need essential fatty acids? What is fish oil with omega3 good for? Do they even work, should your pet be on them? Is it ok to give dogs fish oil? If you’re feeling confused about where to start, make sure you click the link for our blog post, because you'll learn what are essential fatty acids, what can happen if your pet is low in them, how they help the body and how you can start using them in your pet today.
Can Your Toilet Bowl Cleaner Harm Your Cats?
We use so many chemical cleaners in our homes. I mean they smell lovely and clean great, so what’s the issue? These chemical household cleaners we use on our counters and floors affect our cats’ health.
3 Tips For Reading Cat Food Labels
Reading cat food labels can be confusing. It’s also one of the most important things we need to do. Food is foundational – for our health and our cats. Unfortunately, the regulations for cat food allow for some very sneaky marketing tactics.
A Cat’s Extra Toe Bean
Toe bean is a common term used to describe a cat’s paw pads. A cat’s toe beans are arguably one of a feline’s finest features. In addition to being irresistibly adorable, each bean has a special purpose… But have you ever noticed what seems to be an extra toe bean on your cat’s floofy paws?
A Fatal Flower Around Your Cat
Everyone is familiar with the old cliche “Curiosity killed the cat.” If you’ve ever had this fatal flower in your home, you may know just how sadly true this is.
Is it Normal for Cats to Mouth Breath?
Dogs typically breathe through the mouth and nose, but it’s common to see them panting in excitement or after exercise. When dogs get excited or overheated they cool down by panting. They rely on panting to regulate their body temperature.
Car Safety For Cats
While car rides are usually not a cat’s favorite activity, it’s important to know the basics of car safety for cats.We know most people are more concerned about the stress of a car ride – not the safety.