
838 Pins
Class Culture Quilt Project and Bulletin Board - Community Building Craft
Do you want a fun way for students to share their cultures and beliefs? Use this product to create a class quilt where all students can showcase their culture, interests, and beliefs. This fun activity can be used at the beginning of the school year to build community, decorate your classroom, and get to know your students. This activity can also be paired with literature to bring writing to life. The short story "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker and the poem "My Mother Pieced Quilts" by Teresa Pal
The #1 Getting to Know You Activity for Classroom Management
Looking to foster relationships among your students during back to school? This blog post is filled with fun Getting to Know You activities for kids! From icebreakers to games, get creative ideas to promote friendship and community in the classroom. Perfect for kindergarten, first grade, or 2nd grade, these activities encourage communication through making friendship bracelets. Explore these free back to school activities for exciting ways to build connections.
Start the Year with Hexagonal Identity One-Pagers
Are you looking for a fun, engaging, first day of school activity that will help you get to know your students while building your classroom community? This Hexagonal Identity activity will allow students to express themselves, show their creativity, and figure out what they might have in common with their classmates. In the end, you will have a beautiful classroom display that will connect your students as a community! #creativeela #backtoschool
FREE All About Me Activity for Elementary | Getting to Know You Activity for Back to School
During the first weeks of school it is important to get to know your students. I have a wonderful get to know you activity that your elementary students will love! All About Me in 6 Pictures is a FREE back to school activity. Whether you have early elementary students or upper elementary students, they will enjoy writing and drawing with this getting to know you activity. Perfect back to school bulletin board. You can do this, all about me activity, later in the school year too!
Mindfulness Game - SEL Board Game Activity
Use this mindfulness board game to help kids and young adults practice mindfulness. Learners will use mindful cards in the game to practice guided mindfulness activities, deep breathing practice, positive affirmations, and more. This game can be a helpful tool to teach kids and young adults how to c...
Escape Room Bundle for Social Emotional Learning | SEL Activities
Escape room activities to focus on social emotional learning. Skills targeted include coping strategies, executive functioning, conflict resolution, managing emotions, positive thinking, and more! You prep the materials and set up the room. Then, kids solve activities around the room to "escape". Great for interactive learning!