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451K views · 25K reactions | Time for another bento cupcake box 🙌 Peacock teal and pampas brown by @cocoa.colour with some choccy buttercream - use code SOPHIE10 for ££ off! Gorgeous golden sprinkles from @shirebakery - code SOPHIESCUPCAKESANDBAKES for ££ off Thank you impression stamp from @embellished_bakes_hl 6B, 1M, 4B & 1E nozzles As a reminder, these boxes are a single layer of 5” sponge, with 8 cupcakes. The boxes are just adapted 12 hole cupcake ones, but you can get specific ones for this purpose from some suppliers. The bento cake itself can feed up to 6 people (if you’re going with cupcake portions) so the whole box feeds 14. #bentocupcake #bentocupcakebox #bentocake #bento #cupcakes #trending #sprinkles #shirebakery #cocoacolourpeacockteal #tealbuttercream #shadesofteal #autumnalvibes #autumnpalette #thankyougift #thankyoucupcakes #luxurycupcakes #celebrationcake #birthdaycupcakes #chocolatecupcakes #americanbuttercream #buttercreamcake #cupcakereel #pipingskills #pipingvideo #pipingbuttercream #buttercreamdesign #buttercreamtutorial #cakedecorating #guildfordbaker #guildfordcupcakes | Sophie’s Cupcakes and Bakes
Sophie’s Cupcakes and Bakes on Reels | Sia · Gimme Love
Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake mit Karamellschokolade und Oreo-Boden - Emma's Lieblingsstücke
Ein Rezept für einen Triple Chocolate Mousse Cake mit Karamellschokolade und Oreo-Keksen. Drei Schichten leckerste Schokoladenmousse.