21 Pins
The easiest IKEA hack ever! The only thing I found tricky was filming it in our tiny bathroom 😅 This towel ladder hack is great as it’s narrow and so fits perfectly between our bath and door. Here’s what I used: ❤️ IKEA Ivar side unit 30 x 179cm £12 ❤️ Wood filler for all the holes ❤️ Rust-Oleum bathroom wood and cabinet paint - Portland stone. ❤️ Some left over Osmo wood varnish on the middle panels ❤️ 3 Carey circular hooks from Plank Hardware £5.48 each ❤️ 1 TJABBIG basket from IKEA 25 ...
This may contain: some dried flowers are sitting on a table
DIY Wallhanging with lavender . DIY Wanddeko mit Lavendel 💜 . Kuru lavanta ile kolay duvar süsü💜
This may contain: a person holding three carrots in their hand with the caption idea de cena
CENA EN 10 minutos🎉🥹
CENA DELICIOSA EN 10 minutos🤭🎉🥹 Juro que me encanta hacer estas recetas, porque me salvan la cena del día y así no caemos en comer siempre lo mismo🫶🏻 además me decís que también os ayuda mucho así que súper contenta 😌 Vamos con ella: • Para dos personas yo he usado: • 3 zanahorias pequeñas • 2 huevos grandes • Una tortilla de trigo integral • Especias al gusto • Mozzarella al gusto Unos tomatitos cherry Podéis añadir un poquito de jamón si os gusta, aceitunas, atún… al gusto🥳 Comienza rallando la zanahoria bien finita con la ayuda de un rallador. En una sartén con un poco de aceite, añade la zanahoria y rehoga 3 minutos. Añade los huevos y especias y extiende bien con la zanahoria como si fuese una tortilla, y pon la tortilla de trigo encima. Dale la vuelta con l
This may contain: a person ironing clothes on top of a wooden table
Eliminar manchas de sudor
Difficulty: Easy Solo necesitas: • 50 ml agua oxigenada • 3 chups de jabón lavaplatos
This may contain: an ikea store display with the price tag on it's table and shelf
Ikea DIY ✨ Video by Instagram: sues_daily
Space-Saving Innovation: IKEA Behind-the-Door Shelf Hack Projects
Discover space-saving innovation with our IKEA behind-the-door shelf hack projects! Transform unused space into valuable storage areas with these clever DIY solutions. Perfect for maximizing organization in small rooms, closets, or bathrooms. Explore our guide for tips, inspiration, and step-by-step instructions to create your own efficient storage solution. #IKEAhack #SpaceSaving #DIYProjects #HomeOrganization #StorageSolutions [Credits: @cori.interior]
This may contain: a table with two stools and a sign that says, what i ordered vs what i created
What I ordered Vs What I created - Ikea seated bench ⭐️
Seated Bench 💫 Using products from IKEA ⭐️ Ekbacken Worktop - Light grey concrete • ⭐️ Metod Top cabinet Frames 60x60x40 • ⭐️ Maximera Drawer high 60x60 ⭐️ METOD Suspension rail - to fix the units to the wall. We added some vgroove drawer fronts from @naked_doors to finish the look.
Minimalist Marvels: Simplify Your Home Decor for a Serene Environment!
Embrace the minimalist lifestyle by decluttering and streamlining your home decor, creating a peaceful and calming atmosphere that promotes mindfulness and simplicity.