Ready to eat Food Packaging

Olio Studio - Photography & Design Integrated
Dozen Cousins - Olio Studio #packaging #packagingdesign #food #branding #foodpackagingdesign #foodpackaging #designstudio #design #illustration
Tasty Bite Organic Madras Lentils, 10 Ounce, Pack of 6, Ready to Eat, Microwavable Entree, Vegetarian : Tasty Bite Indian Entree Madras Lentils 10 Ounce (Pack of 6), Fully Cooked Indian Entrée with Lentils Red Beans & Spices in a Creamy Tomato Sauce, Microwaveable, Ready to Eat : Packaged Indian Dishes : Grocery & Gourmet Food
神戸発!プロに愛されるMCC食品のパッケージデザイン | 制作実績 | 株式会社TCD|ブランディング視点のデザイン