
Encouraging quotes and scriptures for your life. Offer keys to health, healing, and wholeness for your spirit, soul, and body. Understand God's heart for you and praise Him in the storm because the victory is coming! We will overcome!
569 Pins
What is the Kingdom of God?
God has so much more prepared for you, are you ready to receive it and walk in righteousness, joy, and peace in His Kingdom?
How to Overcome Rejection
How to identify and overcome the projected thoughts of rejection and receive God's love and your identity in Him.
Pastor Donna Wright discusses the effects of envy and jealousy in relationships and on our lives. Sh
How does envy and jealousy affect our relationships and on our lives? Pastor Donna Wright provides insights into how to overcome jealousy and walk in freedom. Discover how defeating envy and jealousy can restore relationships, recover your identity in Christ, and renew your blessings.
Walk in Freedom from Fear!
Find real solutions for overcoming fear of man, fear of failure, and fear of rejection. Learn Biblical insights into how to walk in peace and freedom from fear.
What is the Kingdom of God?
The Kingdom of God is more than just a place, it's a state of being in God's righteousness, peace, and joy through the Holy Spirit.
Healing from Arthritis
Read Camella's testimony about what she learned at Be in Health that led to her receiving God's healing from Rheumatoid Arthritis and more!
How Do I Pray to God
Have you ever wondered how to pray to God? Learn how to develop your prayer life, and remove any spiritual blocks to answered prayer.
Embracing The Father's Love - Dr. Henry Wright - For My Life Mini Teaching #WednesdayWisdom
A huge tragedy of today is that a large percentage of people are fatherless. Or maybe they have a father but he would not or could not show love. It can bring deep wounding and emotional scars even into adulthood. But I want to offer you hope today. There is a Father that has always loved you and always will. Find out more about who Father God is and His healing love for you today. Watch my mini-teaching on the Father's Love now on YouTube. Blessings, Dr. Henry W. Wright
What Does the Bible Say About Trusting God?
FREE Printable Scripture Art: Isaiah 26:3 - Perfect Peace. PLUS! How to trust God, and how to repair broken trust and a broken heart according to the Bible. Claim your FREE gift and find out more today!
How God Healed Me of All My Diseases
FREE Printable Scripture Art. God wants to help you grow and change more into His image. Also, Read Janie's testimony of how God healed all her diseases including autoimmune, anxiety, and depression! Discover God's plan to heal you too!
God Delivered a Police Officer from PTSD - Be in Health
FREE Printable Scripture Art Download: Greater is He that is in you! 1 John 4:4. Find it here! Plus! Read Hiram's testimony of how God helped him overcome PTSD!
God Delivered a Police Officer from PTSD - Be in Health
FREE Printable Scripture Art Download: Greater is He that is in you! 1 John 4:4. Find it here! Plus! Read Hiram's testimony of how God helped him overcome PTSD!
How to sleep again
Why aren't you sleeping? Find out what is keeping you from sleeping and how to recover your circadian sleep patterns for good!
Escaping Codependency
Learn how to recognize and overcome codependency God's way - stronger and healthier than your were before. It's not just about setting boundaries. Read more here!
Is Disease From God? - Be in Health
Discover what the Bible says about where disease comes and the Biblical Keys to defeating disease. Read this article to find hope and real solutions for your life. Also, receive this FREE printable scripture art download as a special reminder of God's desire for your life.