Handyman Videos

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Working with Reclaimed Wood
Upcycling is all the rage today, and you may have wondered, “What is reclaimed wood?” Reclaimed wood has lots of features that make it worth bringing into your shop; its history, the wood’s character, and availability of species you may not be able to get otherwise. This instructional video from WoodWorkers Guild of America explains these benefits.
Jointing A Box Top
If you’ve ever built a wooden box you know that it is virtually impossible to get the four sides to align perfectly along the top, even if you have executed your joinery flawlessly. It is quite common that you will end up with small ridges in each corner where the pieces meet, and if you don’t address it, the box will look as though it is poorly constructed.
WWGOA LIVE: October 2022
Looking for some new woodworking knowledge? George Vondriska will answer your woodworking questions on WWGOA LIVE.
WWGOA LIVE: September 2022
George Vondriska received a lot of great questions during the WWGOA LIVE Q&A. If you missed the September LIVE event, watch the full recap now to hear about tablesaw blades, tapered legs, glued clamps, wood movement and much more.
Grit Automatic Blast Gates
Do you open the blast gates on your tools before turning them on? Do you remember to close each blast gate when you’re done? If your answers include two no’s, there’s a problem. Your dust collector can’t pull dust through a gate that isn’t open. And if you leave unneeded gates open you’ll diminish the performance of your dust collection system. Grit Automation has a very cool dust collection solution for you.
Check out the Mullet
You gotta protect your lungs from dust. Shop vacuums work great, but dust can QUICKLY clog the filter on a shop vacuum. If air can’t get out, air can’t get in, so performance drops off really fast.The Mullet High-Speed Cyclone Dust Collector is a cyclonic separator that goes in line between your shop vacuum and the thing you’re grabbing dust from.
How to Set a Miter Gauge for 45 Degrees
Setting the miter gauge on your table saw to a perfect 45-degrees can be very challenging. And, if you’re planning on making picture frames, being just a tiny bit off will be a deal breaker. But here’s great news. You’ve probably already got a tool in your shop that will give you the precision you need to set your miter gauge perfectly, allowing you to get an exact 45-degree cut.
Finding Sanding Solutions
Sanding can easily fall into the category of things woodworkers would rather not do. Anything that can be done to make sanding easier and a more pleasant experience is a good thing. Uneeda’s vacuum and sander set up goes a LONG way toward making sanding more pleasant, and providing great results.
Pipe Clamp Buying Advice
How many clamps do you have in your shop? How many of them are pipe clamps? There are so many forms of pipe clamps in the marketplace, this video will help you understand what they’re all about, and how to choose the best one for your shop and your woodworking.
Choosing the Correct Screw Pocket Screw
Screw pockets are a great way to assemble woodworking projects, but only if you use the right screw. Screw pocket screws have specific characteristics that make them right for the job. In addition to choosing the right screw, you’ve got to choose the right thread. Check out this video to make sure you’re using the right fasteners for screw pockets.
Using Screw Pockets and Screw Pocket Jigs
Screw pockets or pocket holes are perfect for piecing together the rails and stiles of a face frame. By using a step drill and a specialized screw pocket jig, you can easily create screw pockets on your next woodworking project.
Small Drill, Big Power
Cordless drills are incredibly convenient, but sometimes they’re too bulky for the space you’re trying to use them in. I’ve wormed my way inside lots of cabinets, cordless drill in hand, only to find it’s too big to fit in the space that’s available.
Measuring Mistakes
Have you ever miscalculated or measured incorrectly and ended up ruining a woodworking project? Of course you have! Everyone does it; even the experts. In this week’s free video, Measuring Mistakes, George Vondriska and Spike Carlsen swap woodworking horror stories and prove that you shouldn’t panic if you make a mistake; they’re just part of the learning process.