Morning Basket

112 Pins
Teaching Youth to Pray: The ACTS Prayer Model for Kids (with Printable PDF)
Teaching Youth to Pray: The ACTS Prayer Model for Kids
27 Bible Affirmations For Kids
Elevate your child's spirit with these awesome biblical affirmations! Nurture their faith, confidence, and sense of purpose with powerful verses and positive messages straight from the Word. From reminders of God's love and strength to affirmations of courage and gratitude, these biblical affirmations will empower your kids to navigate life's challenges with grace and resilience.
Power of Words
Paul tells us “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs to benefit those who listen” Unwholesome refers to foul language, dirty jokes, vulgar humor as Christians our words should be helpful, edifying, uplifting. The closer you are to Jesus the less this type of language will exist your mouth. When you walk with Jesus a purification and transformation happens in your heart by the power of God…remember wh
The Pumpkin Prayer Minibook
The Pumpkin Prayer Minibook. Free printable Pumpkin Prayer mini-book for homeschool, or children's ministry. This printable booklet is perfect for harvest festivals or trunk-or-treat activities.
Free Printable Pumpkin Prayer For Kids
This printable pumpkin prayer activity is the perfect way to help teach your kids about God this fall! This activity walks you through step by step carving a pumpkin. As you do each step of craving with your kids, read the pumpkin prayer and remind them of what it truly means to be a Christian. This printable includes wall art to hang up in your home, an instructions page, and a bonus... FREE bookmarks with the pumpkin prayer on them to print out, laminate, and encourage your kids in reading too