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Construction Alphabet and Number Order Puzzle (Math and Literacy Center)
These alphabet and number puzzles are great for Math and Literacy Centers. The kids will discover the hidden image by arranging the puzzle. This activity can also improve fine motor skills. Are you looking for more construction activities? You can use this for any construction theme in your classroom. Instructions: Cut each puzzle then rearrange the numbers to form the images! This file has: (2) 1-5 number puzzles (2) 1-10 number puzzles (2) Skip counting by 2's up to 20 number puzzles
Fluidez de Sílabas
These strips are mean for placing on a binder ring and having students practice reading their Spanish Syllables. Each strip includes the syllable with a image to represent that syllable under it. Can also be used during guided reading as a warm up.*Please note W, X do not have images to represent (xu, wo, wu)Includes:*Cover Page*Vowel Strip*Syllable Strips(Includes Black and White Version)Use fluency strips for read to self, guided reading or daily phonics review.Perfect for Dual-Language Classr
Classroom activity alert! 💡 Use our stepping stones 🌈🪨 for an active element!
Thanks @carlandathemagicalteacher for sharing ‘One of our ITC activities this week is Stepping Stones: We started off by going to our Special Letters, saying the letter and sound. Throughout the week students will walk across the stepping stones and stop at the letter I give them and say the letter name and sound. My student at the end totally surprised me! Today she was able to walk to her special letter 🙌🏾♥️ yesterday she didn’t know it! Stepping Stones are from @reallygoodstuff’
Cuaderno de Lecturas de Oraciones con PICTOGRAMAS ¡Imprimible!
Cuaderno de Lecturas de Oraciones con PICTOGRAMAS ¡Imprimible!
Actividades para niños
¡Atención padres, terapeutas y educadores! Descubre el Super Pack esencial con 1,000+ Recursos y Actividades para niños con autismo. Ayuda a tu hijo en su desarrollo integral: habilidades motrices, cognitivas, sociales y emocionales. Material 100% imprimible y descargable. ¡Empieza hoy mismo a transformar su vida!
Lotería de sílabas de A-Z con imágenes
36 Calling cards24 Student cardsThree versions: Color & Ink Saver and Ink Saver with black font Features the following slabas with images :ba: ballenace: cepilloco: conejochi: chicledu: duraznofa: fantasmage: gemelasgo: gorilahi: hieloju: jugoka: kratele: lenllo: llorarmi: mitnnu: nubea: andpe: peraqui: quince ro: rosarru: carruselsa: sandate: televisinvi: violnwa: Washingtonxi: xilfonoyu: yucazo: zoolgicoque: quesoci: crculogi: girasollla: llamama: mariposapi: pinginose: serpienteto: torrel
Lotería de sílabas de A-Z con imágenes
Lotería de sílabas de A-Z con imágenes