Life quotes

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Nikola Tesla Facts -
"Tesla never said this. Edison did! Tesla made everything work in his head before he ever built anything. If it didn't work in his head, it was never made. Everything that he built, worked! He never found 10,000 ways that didn't work. He found the way it worked, Every. Single. Damn. Time.
Never let lust for money lure you out of the protective and enduring fortress of real power. Follow @rgeenequote for more Quotes from the work of best selling author Robert Greene. #Philosophy #discipline #Wisdom #séduction #Psychology #mindset #power #robertgreene #books #quotes #rgreenequote
Your goal in life must be to always move higher and higher up the food chain, where you alone control the direction of your enterprise and depend on no one. Not affiliated with Robert Greene, Read Detailed Explanation in the link Below. #Philosophy #discipline #Wisdom #séduction #Psychology #mindset #power #robertgreene #books #quotes #48lawsofpower #rgreenequote #seduction #personalgrowth #Love #Read #Reading
#People tend to wear a mask that shows them in the best possible light. They say the right things, smile, and seem interested in our ideas. They learn to conceal their insecurities and envy. If we take this appearance for reality, we never really know their true feelings. . The Daily Laws: 366 Meditations on Power, Seduction, Mastery, Strategy, and Human Nature Book by Robert Greene Not affiliated with Robert Greene, Read Detailed Explanation in the link Below. p...
80 Most Famous Jordan Peterson Quotes To Blow Your Mind
80 Most Famous Jordan Peterson Quotes To Blow Your Mind
Robert Greene Quotes on Instagram: ““People around you, constantly under the pull of their emotions, change their ideas by the day or by the hour, depending on their mood. You…”