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Megan | witch tips on Instagram: "easy cinnamon quarter abundance ritual for the first of the month, new moon, or whenever you need a little money magick in your life. #firstofthemonth #moneymagic #manifestingabundance #witchcraft #beginnerwitch #witchtok #easyspells"
Megan | witch tips on Instagram: "house witch tips for beginners. witchcraft tips for home protection, luck, and beginner witch basics. some say a witch’s home is alive. try these witchy tips to keep your house spirit protected and aligned. #beginnerwitch #witchtok #witchcraft #housewitch #witchhouse #fengshuitips #floridawater #energeticcleanse #protectionspell"
Pandora's Box CT on Instagram: "🖤A Witch who wants to attract more wealth knows..💚🤩💜🎁💵🌹💎MONEY CLASSES LINK IN MY BIO💋Blessed Be Witches🦋💚🌹#greenwitch #spellcraft #manifesting #manifestation #witchtips #spells #witchtip #witchytip #witchesofinstagram #moneymagic #witches #witch #witchy #spellcraft #witchywoman #witchlife #witchesofig #witchyvibes #witchythings #babywitch #witchystuff #instawitch #pagansofinstagram #pandorasboxct #witchery #witchcraft #magick #witchesofinstagram🔮🌙"
Suzy Dean Lyons | Wellness | Spirituality on Instagram: "Did you know about moon salt?????🌙 Lmk And send this to someone else who might not know. ALSO, drop WOOWOO for a link to our Woowoo Bestie community group. Trust me, you want to be in it.✨ Thank you @essential.witchery for teaching me this TODAY"
Donna Trinder on Instagram: "Samhain, a time to honor the cycle of life and death, and the turning of the wheel of the year. One kitchen witch way to celebrate this period is by creating a simmer pot, filling your home with magic to warm the heart and soul, and bring in a healthy and prosperous witches New Year. A simmer pot is a blend of fruits, spices, and herbs simmered in water to release fragrant aromas, stove top incense. You don’t need to waste fruit either as using skins and peels works just as well, but if you have some fruit about to go past its best you can always use that. For Samhain, consider using ingredients that symbolise the season and the harvest. You do not need to add all the ingredients I’ve listed - they’re just what I use. Use what you have or what you want to
Pandora's Box CT on Instagram: "🖤A Witch who feels like manifesting knows..🌚🕯️❤️‍🔥🧿🔮🌙🖤NEW MOON CLASS LINK IN BIO💋#newmoon #manifesting #greenwitch #goddessenergy #spells #witchesofinstagram #moonmagick #moonmagic #spellwork #newmoonritual #witches #witch #witchy #spellcraft #witchywoman #witchlife #witchesofig #witchyvibes #witchythings #babywitch #witchystuff #instawitch #pagansofinstagram #pandorasboxct #moonwitch #witchcraft #magick #witchesofinstagram🔮🌙"
Tamed Wild ® 🌙 on Instagram: "It’s August 1st! Join @themoonincarolina in this sweeping ritual (with a little sprinkle of cinnamon!). Happy August, magickal ones. #witchywoman #witchcraft101 #shesawitch #ritual #ritualmagic #ritualmagick #tamedwild"
Lynn Jinks:Crystal Therapist & Spiritual Life Coach. on Instagram: "Black Tourmaline: Set your intention: “No negativity to enter my home and to release negativity off those who are arriving as it is not mine to receive. Positive energy resides here” Energetically protecting your home with Black Tourmaline as it is renowned for its remarkable healing properties. It is believed to possess strong protective energies that shield individuals from negative influences. Set your intention and give it a try. Energy is all around us, everything is energy. Protect yours 💎🫶🏻 To help spread the energy love please like and share my post to anyone you think needs some energetic protection 💎🙌🏻🙏🏻"
Inspiring Touch on Instagram: "#solareclipse #cleanseritual #attractmoney"
Inspiring Touch on Instagram: "#solareclipse #cleanseritual #april8eclipse"
Pandora's Box CT on Instagram: "🖤A Witch who’s trying to let go of something knows..🔮🧙❤️‍🔥🌓CLASSES LINK IN MY BIO🧙📚🕯️🪬💋🌗💜🌓🔥💞🥀🖤💋🖤Blessed Be Witches🖤💋#greenwitch #moonwitch #spellcraft #witchcraftguide #goddessenergy #babywitch #paganwitch #letitgo #witchschool #spells #witchesofinstagram #letgo #spellwork #witch #witchy #candlemagick #witchywoman #witchlife #witchesofig #witchyvibes #witchvibes #witchythings #witchystuff #instawitch #pagansofinstagram #wiccan #pandorasboxct #witchcraft #magick #witchesofinstagram🔮🌙"
Inspiring Touch on Instagram: "#holyweek #protectionspell #protectionritual"
Inspiring Touch on Instagram: "#attractmoney #attractabundance #abundanceritual #firstquaertermoon"
𝑺𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒉 𝑩𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒔-𝑵𝒂𝒑𝒐𝒍𝒊 on Instagram: "Spring is returning ever so slowly. The snow is just about melted, the sun has been warm and nature is slowly waking from a much needed slumber. My feeders have been filling up and the chipmunks have returned! Spring is one of the most magical times of the year for me. I feel rejuvenated and ready for what’s to come. The world is coming alive again and while we may still have some chilly days, the subtle signs if Spring are ever present. Today, I wanted to share my own potion from the Kitchen Witch Companion where I had the pleasure of sharing some of my personal seasonal recipes with you. The seasons play a huge role in my personal crafting and being able to share some of those recipes with you is just a dream. I hope you enjoy this
@witchinthewoods_ on Instagram: "Imbolc is in just a few days marking the halfway point between the winter solstice and spring equinox, and one of the ways I love to celebrate is by cleaning and protecting the home. Making an herbal floor wash is a practical way to do this. This floor wash is not just used for physical cleaning, but also for spiritual purification, protection, or to bring in positive energies. I use folk method for this floor wash, to keep it simple. You can’t really go wrong. Here are some extra details: Before you start, think about what you want the floor wash to achieve. This could be cleansing negative energy, bringing peace to your home, or protecting your space. Based on your intention, choose the herbs that correspond to your desired outcome. You can use a single