
257 Pins
Missing Numbers Games (Number Patterns Bottle Cap Centers) Math Stations
Missing Numbers Bottle Cap Centers perfect for practicing number sense, number order... all while recycling!
Addition Fluency Math Games
Build your addition fluency with these fun activities for mastering addition math fact fluency. Your kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade students will love these fun and engaging activities to build their math skills. Head to this blog post to add in these new math games to your math workshop and math centers! Get a free addition math game while you're there!
Addition & Subtraction within 20 Math Centers - Number Sense Activities & Games
20+ Fun Addition and Subtraction Math Center ideas to help your students develop number sense, strategies, and fact fluency. A mix of worksheets, games, and hands on activities that are perfect for teaching kindergarten and first grade math centers and stations!
How Many Am I Hiding? Math Game
"How Many Am I Hiding?" is a simple subtraction math game for Pre-K, Preschool, Kindergarten children to practice number concepts.