Natural/Protective Hairstyles

639 Pins
This contains an image of: Perm rods on sisterlocs 💕
Perm rods on sisterlocs 💕
I’ve had sisterlocks for 8 years and have been using this method to flatiron my hair for the last year. Applying proper heat protectant and low levels of heat (occasionally) are the best way to avoid breakage! #curlinglocs #sisterlocks #lochairstyles #naturalhairstyles #flatironcurls #womenwithlocs #locstyles #locstylesforwomen #sisterlocs #locs
Heat Styling Sisterlocks | Flat iron
I’ve had sisterlocks for 8 years and have been using this method to flatiron my hair for the last year. Applying proper heat protectant and low levels of heat (occasionally) are the best way to avoid breakage! #curlinglocs #sisterlocks #lochairstyles #naturalhairstyles #flatironcurls #womenwithlocs #locstyles #locstylesforwomen #sisterlocs #locs
#microlocjourney #locs #blackwoman #blackwomanhair#locdiary #locsforwomen #sisterlocks #sisterlocs #locdhaircommunity #locsjourney #locs #locprocess #microlocs #locstyles #locs #locdhaircommunity #blackwomenhairstyles #blackwomenwithlocs #thelocgurl #microlocstyles #locstylesforwomen #locstyles #lochairstyles
my go to microloc styles! which one is your faveee?! 🤭💜
#microlocjourney #locs #blackwoman #blackwomanhair#locdiary #locsforwomen #sisterlocks #sisterlocs #locdhaircommunity #locsjourney #locs #locprocess #microlocs #locstyles #locs #locdhaircommunity #blackwomenhairstyles #blackwomenwithlocs #thelocgurl #microlocstyles #locstylesforwomen #locstyles #lochairstyles
Retwist the EASY way!
How to RETWIST your Locs at Home - DIY YOUTUBE: DesireeMare IG: itsDesireeMarie_