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101 Pins
Homemade Snow Globes
A tutorial on how to make homemade snow globes (no water) that you can use to decorate your house or give away as gifts. #Christmas #holidays #crafts #decorations #DIY #giftideas #homemade
Best Ways to Beat the Winter Blues - DIY With My Guy
Fun ways on how to beat the winter blues! Overcome the depressing darkness of the winter by these tried and true WINTER BLUE REMEDIES. #winter #winterblues #blues #winterbluesparty #winterparty #holiday
50 Indoor Activities for Kids with a Winter Theme
Too cold to go out? Try these fun inside winter activities for kids. You’ll find 50 screen-free activities covering a variety of winter themes like snowman pictures and decorating paper cookies. Bring the fun of winter inside with these creative indoor activities. #indooractivities #winterfun #creativekids #screenfree
How to Stay Safe in the Heat: Prevent Heat Stroke and Heat Exhaustion in the Hot Summer Sun
It's the middle of Summer. It's hot out there, folks. Please be careful if you're outside, especially if it's as hot where you are as it is here in South Texas! #summer #heatexhaustion #heatstroke #staysafe #tips #advice #PSA #safety #weather #Texas #mamawritesreviews #heatadvisory #heatwarning
PSA: Winter Weather Safety- How to Stay Safe in Snow, Ice, Severe Cold, Floods, Wind, Fog, & More
Thank you to NOAA and the National Weather Service for the information! Please be safe this winter, especially while travelling! #winter #driving #safety #cold #coldweather #weather #winterweather #blizzard #snow #Ice #driving #beprepared #besafe #mamawritesreviews
Quickie Questions: Weather Edition
Happy Monday! Let's start off the week the usual way here at Mama Writes Reviews: by a Quickie Question! This week's question: How's the Weather? #Quickie #Question #QuickieQuestions #mamawritesreviews #Weather #meteorology #rain #storm #thunderstorm #snow #fog #hot #sunny #cloudy #cold #rainy #stormy #foggy