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64 Pins
Effects of fast food on children | nutrition-children
Effects of fast food on children Contents 1 Fast food 2 harms of fast food on children 3 ways to make baby food healthier 4 References Fast food By the twenty-first century, fast food became popular all over the world.…
Protein deficiency in children | nutrition-children
Protein deficiency in children Contents 1Protein deficiency 2 Protein deficiency in children 2.1 Causes of protein deficiency in children 2.2 Diagnosis of protein deficiency in children 2.3 Improvement of protein deficiency in children 3 The importance of protein for children…
The importance of fruits for children | nutrition-children
The importance of fruits for children Contents 1 fruit 2 What is the importance of fruits for children? 3 Recommended quantities of fruits for children to eat 4 tips to encourage children to eat more fruits 5 References fruits Fruits…
All you need to know about child malnutrition | nutrition-children
All you need to know about child malnutrition Contents 1 Malnutrition in children 2 Children at risk of malnutrition 3 symptoms of malnutrition in children 4 Diagnosis of malnutrition in children 5 Treatment of malnutrition in children 5.1 Treating malnutrition…
The benefits of fish for children | nutrition-children
The benefits of fish for children Contents 1 fish for children 2 Benefits of fish for children 2.1 Nutritional content of fish 3 Recommended quantities of fish for children 4 types of fish that are safe for children 5 Harms…
All you need to know about infant formula | nutrition-children
All you need to know about infant formula Contents 1 The best infant formula 2 Choose formula 3 components of breast milk 4 benefits of breast milk 6 References The best infant formula All you need to know about infant…
Nutrition advices according to the age of your child | nutrition-children
Nutrition advice according to the age of your child Each age has a pattern of development and growth, which calls for an increase in certain elements over other elements in foods. Here is a list of some nutritional advice according…
Benefits of milk for children | nutrition-children
Benefits of milk for children Contents 1 milk 2 The nutritional value of milk 3 Benefits of milk for children 3.1 It's content of nutrients 3.2 Studies on the benefits of milk for children 3.3 Benefits of milk for children's…
Feeding the baby in the fourth month | nutrition-children
Feeding the baby in the fourth month Contents 1 proper feeding of the infant 1.1 Introduce solids too early 1.2 Introducing food too late 2 Signs of a child's readiness for solid foods 3 appropriate food for the infant in…
Feeding the baby in the fifth month | nutrition-children
Feeding the baby in the fifth month Contents 1Childhood stage 2 feeding the baby in the fifth month 3 References Childhood Childhood is considered one of the most important stages of a person’s development and his acquisition of the skills…
Guide to raising children on your own! | nutrition-children
Guide to raising children on your own! How do I raise my child alone? A single mother may find this question difficult to answer, but these difficulties can be resolved with a little creativity. Here's the guide. Child-rearing…
The rules for feeding children 6-12 years old | nutrition-children
The rules for feeding children 6-12 years old Contents Feeding children 6-12 years old Essential nutrients for school-age children The best food for children The rules for feeding children 6-12 years old Eating a balanced diet and exercising is essential…
Tips for proper nutrition for the children | nutrition-children
Tips for proper nutrition for the children Tips for proper nutrition for the children , Proper nutrition is the key to the safety of the mind and body of your child, taking care of feeding the child and monitoring his…
Benefits of cheese for children | nutrition-children
Benefits of cheese for children Contents Benefits of cheese for children Ways to present cheese to children Calcium is an essential element for children's growth. Among children between the ages of six and 11, 44% of boys and 58% of…
Benefits of peanut butter for children | nutrition-children
Benefits of peanut butter for children Contents 1-Benefits of peanut butter for children 2-Harmful peanut butter for children 3-Offer peanut butter to children Peanut butter is one of the foods that children love most for its delicious taste and ease…