Elegant Tassel Bodycon Mini Party GownMeasurement In CM BustWaistHipsLengthXS78668881S82709283M86749685L928010287XL988610889Measurement In Inch BustWaistHipsLengthXS30.726.034.631.9S32.327.636.232.7M33.929.137.833.5L36.231.540.234.3XL38.633.942.535.0Model Show - ApricotGirl taking photos in real clothesModel size: Height 175cm; Weight: 52kgBust-Waist-Hip: 90-62-93 cm ; Wear S sizeTransparent plastic Model:Bust-Waist-Hips 84-64-91 cm ; Wear S size Prom Dress With Fringe For Prom Season, Fringe Dresses For Prom, Sleeveless Fringe Evening Dress, Party Dress With Tassels For Party Season, Cocktail Dresses With Tassels For Party Season, Holiday Party Dress With Fringe, Fitted Floor-length Dress With Tassels, Cocktail Evening Dress With Fringe, Fitted Sleeveless Fringe Evening Dress