This board is all about INFJ love, INFJ love relationships, INFJ love match, INFJ love quotes, INFJ love signs, and more!
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4 Helpful Tips for INFJs Moving On from One-Sided Love With No Closure
INFJs are deep lovers who can hold onto unrequited love long past the time others may consider healthy or rational. This tendency only gets stronger when they didn't get closure. If you're an INFJ who needs help moving on from an unrequited crush without closure, you might find these four tips helpful.
5 Ways INFJs Can Struggle When Falling in Love
The INFJ tendency to fantasize about relationships can make it hard for them to embrace the reality of relationships when they find them. This is just one struggle an INFJ may face when falling in love. Check out this post to learn more about this struggle and four others. #infjintenselove #infjstruggles
5 Tips to Help INFJs Move On from Unrequited Love
Letting go of unrequited love can be especially challenging for people of the INFJ personality type. To help INFJs move on from this type of love, I'm offering these five tips.
6 Possible Responses to an INFJ Love Confession
When someone confesses their feelings to someone else, there are certain responses they can expect. This post addresses those six possible responses while also providing advice on what INFJs confessing their feelings should do in each case.
What Should an INFJ Avoid When Their Crush Is One-Sided?
When an INFJ is in the middle of an unrequited crush, their intense emotions may prompt them to do some out-of-character or even unhealthy things. To give you an idea of the kinds of behaviors INFJs with an unrequited crush might want to avoid, check out these eight.
How Can an INFJ Deal With Unrequited Love?
If you're an INFJ dealing with one-sided love, your intense emotions may prompt you to do things that are out-of-character or unhealthy for you. To keep your sanity in tact as you handle all the emotions that come with INFJ love, check out these five tips. #infjonesidedlove #infjintenselove
Are You an INFJ With a Crush? Consider This Advice Before You Confess to Them
When you have feelings for someone, it's natural to want to share those feelings. But for people of the INFJ personality type—whose feelings are known to run deep—it might be wise for them to hold off on confessing right away. If you're an INFJ wondering whether to tell your crush how you feel, you might find this post helpful.
Wondering if an INFJ likes you? Here are 4 subtle signs to look for.
When you like someone, it's common to look for signs that they like you back. If you're curious about some of the less obvious signs that an INFJ likes someone, in this post one INFJ shares four that she has displayed herself.
6 Must-Read Tips for INFJs Texting Someone They Like
When we INFJs like someone, we have a tendency to get lost in our feelings for them. And when that happens, reason often goes out the window. We may start to doubt ourselves and question everything we do—including every text we send. INFJs, if this is you, please read these six tips before you send your crush another text.
6 Sanity-Saving Tips for an INFJ Texting Their Crush
Do INFJs like texting? That depends on the INFJ you ask. But when it comes to texting our crush, all of us might have a tendency to become overly fixated on things that don't matter at all or not nearly as much as we think they do. These tips are designed to help you sort it all out. #infjoverthinking #infjtextingcrush
How an INFJ Can Text Their Crush Without Losing Their Mind
INFJ overthinking can lead to incessant thoughts about life in general. Throw in crush texts and you have a recipe for full-blown INFJ texting anxiety. "Did I say the right thing?" "Why haven't they responded yet?" "How do I know if they like me?" For INFJs who struggle with thoughts like these, this advice might just keep you from losing your sanity.
6 Things INFJs Should Keep in Mind When Texting Their Crush
"Why aren't they responding right away?" "Did I offend them?" "Do we have a romantic connection or are they just being nice?" These are the kinds of questions we INFJs may ask ourselves when texting our crush. Check out these tips to help you deal with them. #infjcrush #infjtexting #infjlove
5 Essential Tips for INFJs Replying After Someone Confesses Their Feelings to Them
If you're an INFJ needing guidance on how to respond to a crush confession, look no further.
6 Worry-Reducing Tips for INFJs Who Overthink Every Text They Send Their Crush
We INFJs are prone to overthinking. When we text someone we have a crush on, our restless minds can go into overdrive. To help keep those thoughts at bay, check out these six tips.