LEN >>>>

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LEN KAGAMINE PHOTOS‼️‼️‼️ 🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌🍌 I finnaly restyled his wig and I think it looks A LOT better than the last one. Also I <3 JOOST • • • #len #lenkagamine #lenkagaminecosplay #lenkagaminecosplayer #lenkagaminevocaloid #cosplay #cosplayer #voacloid #vocaloidcosplay #miku #kagamine #kagaminelen #_raccoon_cos_ #joost #voacloidlen
The lighter and darker pictures are talent months apart 😦 also dude HOW DO YOU TAKE PICTURES I guess I’m a bit better at it now then when these picture where taken because like these are the BEST ones and the rest are just Len staring like 🧍‍♂️ - - - #len #lenkagamine #lencosplay #lenkagaminecosplay #vocaloid #vocaloids #vocaloidcosplay #lenkagaminecosplayer #lenkagaminevocaloid #cosplay #cosplayer #_raccoon_cos_ #miku