Curses, Pinterest is Actually Good at Ideas

24 Pins
I LOOT THE... BUGBEAR! Treaule Description Crowbzr Great for when you need to open crates. Head on a prke A human head, me eyes are smched open emma Fxrewood 2&4 logs gathered for a fire, Clay Tankard Mc‘d has begun to grow on the bottom, Belt Pouch Contains snacks equal to 2:54 rations. Stewpm There .s an eyeball floating around m there Aromatic Oolong Tea A tasty and healthy beverage. Sling Used for peltmg goblins For amusement. Fluffy Pillow Extremely Sufi pillow made ofrabbit rm. Bowen's flower Em A sedative, quickly makes bugbears unconscious cunering Gems 1d5 gems worth so GP are found in a pocket. Ponon ofVitahty Removes exhaushcn and cures any disease or poison affecting you (DMG, 188). 0 mm mu Mmmmmz m movflfluuc - iFunny
You loot the.... (pt. 2)
[OC] Preposterous Item - Fiddlestick
[OC] Preposterous Item - Fiddlestick : DnD