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Kristen Bos | Doctor of Physical Therapy on Instagram: "Dealing with pain that starts in your butt and travels down the back of your leg? 🪑➡️🦵 PART 2! You might be experiencing piriformis syndrome, and it’s often caused by tightness or weakness in the back of the hip. When the piriformis muscle puts pressure on the sciatic nerve, it can lead to that discomfort you’re feeling. 😣 The good news? You can retrain your body to lengthen and release this area, reducing pressure on the nerve and easing the pain. 💪🏻✨ If this sounds like you, come follow along! My page is full of more videos to guide you through exercises on stubborn pain points to feel better. 🌟 #piriformissyndrome #piriformis #Sciatica #SciaticaRelief #HipPain #NervePain #MovementIsMedicine #LowBackPain #PhysicalTherapy
Megan Dahlman on Instagram: "😩 Sciatica…when that nerve gets flared up, OUCH! You might feel sharp pins and needles, or a dull ache through your glute and down your leg. When it flares, these 3 stretches are easy to do and can be the tools you need to tamp down the pain and move a little better. 👍 ✔️ Seated Hamstrings Stretch (try adding some gentle rotation) - Take 4-5 deep breaths while moving your foot ✔️ Seated Figure-4 Stretch - Take 4-5 deep breaths; Just cross your ankles or lay on your back to do this if you feel crazy tight. ✔️ Standing Hip Flexor Stretch - Take 4-5 deep breaths (This releases the frontside of your pelvis to the backside doesn’t have quite as much torque on it.) And while these stretches are GREAT in the moment, if back/hip pain is something you deal wi
Recover Pain | Chronic Back Pain & Sciatica on Instagram: "💥 What Is Sciatica? 😨 Sciatica is a type of pain that stems from the irritation or inflammation of the sciatic nerve, the longest nerve in the human body. ❌ Common symptoms are pain, tingling or numbness in the lower back, buttocks or legs. Here’s how to get pain-free in 3 steps: 1️⃣ Pigeon Pose This will help stretch and strengthen your piriformis to release pressure off your nerve. 2️⃣ Sidelying Decompression. This one will help decompress your lumbar spine and release pressure off your sciatic nerve roots in the spine. 3️⃣ Elephant Walks Great for slowly desensitizing your sciatic nerve to help you return to movement ✅ And if you want to work with me & my team to recover from back sciatica for life, message me the wo
Kristen Bos | Doctor of Physical Therapy on Instagram: "Dealing with pain that starts in your butt and travels down the back of your leg? 🪑➡️🦵 You might be experiencing piriformis syndrome, and it’s often caused by tightness or weakness in the back of the hip. When the piriformis muscle puts pressure on the sciatic nerve, it can lead to that discomfort you’re feeling. 😣 The good news? You can retrain your body to lengthen and release this area, reducing pressure on the nerve and easing the pain. 💪🏻✨ If this sounds like you, drop a comment below! I’ll create more videos to guide you through another exercise to feel better. 🌟 #piriformissyndrome #piriformis #Sciatica #SciaticaRelief #HipPain #NervePain #MovementIsMedicine #LowBackPain #PhysicalTherapy #Physiotherapy #ChoosePT #zeel
Alex Dalili on Instagram: "HIP DISCOMFORT & LOWER BACK PAIN? ✅ Mobilize your hips ✅ Strengthen your glutes ✅ Stabilize & relieve your lower back Do you suffer from stiff hips and lower back pain? 👉🏻 GOOD TO KNOW! 👉🏻 Stiff and immobile hips can cause lower back pain! 👉🏻 CHECK OUT THIS EXERCISE! Try it yourself and feel the difference and relief for your hips and lower back! 👉🏻 My recommendation: 12 reps lifting the knee (hip external rotation), then lifting the foot (internal rotation), then switch sides. Do 2-3 rounds. Repost @physio_p_concept (thank you) ✨ #mobility #exercises #backpain #mobilityflow #relievelowerbackpain #hips #lowbackpain #lowbackpainexercises #selfcareeveryday #exercises #frozenshoulder #usa #uk #canada #pt #workout"
Alyssa Kuhn DPT | Osteoarthritis Expert on Instagram: "It’s a good one ✅🔥 Stronger glutes can help to support the hips and contribute to optimal movement 🙌🏼 Strengthening the glutes have been shown to reduce knee pain too as the hips can play a role in how the knees move ☝🏽 Single leg strengthening is important- if you notice one side is stronger than the other- spend a few more repetitions on the side that needs further strength 👏🏼 I often find many people don’t do enough single leg strengthening. This can lead to asymmetries that can then start to impact movement and potentially increase joint pain 👀 Master with bodyweight first before adding weight. Weight will increase the difficulty and the more weight you use, the harder this exercise will become on not only your hamstrin
Megan Dahlman on Instagram: "(Type CORE in the comments ⬇️ and I’ll send you the link to my free 5-Day Core Tune Up, which is entirely safe & effective for anyone with Diastasis Recti!) 💥 DIASTASIS RECTI (separated abdominal muscles) - You may have been pregnant 10, 20 or even 30 years ago, developed separated abdominals, and then it never healed on its own. 😬 This is an extremely common reason for low back pain and even sciatica, pelvic floor dysfunction, and a very weak core in general. These 3 exercises are an excellent way to begin correcting and reducing the gap in your abdominal muscles: ✅ Deep belly breathing, or diaphragmatic breathing - Do 6-8 deep breaths, attempting to engage your pelvic floor muscles as you exhale ✅ Pelvic tilts + exhale - Do 8-10 reps, once again tryi
Grow Young Fitness on Instagram: "#seniorfitness #balance #fitnesstips #exerciseforbeginners #homeworkout #exercisetips #fallprevention #aging #fitover60 #fitover70 #seniorliving #stability #mobility #physicaltherapy #lowerbodyworkout"
Madz Mariwa 🇵🇭 on Instagram: "8 MINUTES MORNING MOBILITY ROUTINE 🤩🤩🤩 #morningroutine #morningstretch #morningmobility #morningvibes"
Recover Pain | Online Pain Clinic on Instagram: "⚡️ Sciatica Rehab ❌ If you’re dealing with sciatica & are just focusing on stretching the nerve… You might be focusing on the wrong thing. There are 2 types of sciatica exercises: 1️⃣ Exercises to fix the root of your pain (herniated disc). 2️⃣ And exercises to desensitize your sciatic nerve. 😨 If you’re still dealing with sciatica, chances are you’re missing one of the two. If you want to recover from sciatica for life, it’s important that you both reduce the herniated disc compressing your sciatic nerve roots in the spine as well as desensitize your sciatic nerve! ✅ And if you want a step-by-step plan to recover from sciatica for life, message me the word “SCIATICA” and I’ll send you a link so you can book a free back pain fix dem
Chair Yoga For Seniors on Instagram: "Exercises for sciatica pain. These are some of the best stretches you can do for sciatica, pain relief. Sciatica, nerve pain solutions. 👍☺️♥️"
Recover Pain | Online Pain Clinic on Instagram: "⚡️Piriformis Syndrome⚡️ While research isn’t really clear if Piriformis Syndrome is even a real diagnosis, a LOT of people suffer from chronic pain in their piriformis muscle (middle of the glute). Sensitivity in that area can often lead to tighter glutes & sometimes even pain radiating through the sciatic nerve (down your leg). 💥 Here’s how to recover from it in 2 steps: 1️⃣ Pigeon Pose This exercise will help strengthen your piriformis to help reduce tightness and its compression on your sciatic nerve. 2️⃣ Standing Nerve Floss This will help pull your sciatic nerve back & forth, desensitize it and alleviate your symptoms. ✅ And if you want a long term plan to recover from sciatica forever, message me the word “SCIATICA” and I’ll s
Dr. Grant Elliott on Instagram: "💥 3 Tests to Diagnosis Sciatica and Fix It! ❌ Struggling with sciatica? Pulling aching burning or electricity down the leg? Around 50% of our online clients have sciatica so we have seen and heard it all and we know how much this sucks! How do you know for sure if it’s sciatica though? And ultimately, why haven’t you fixed it? 🔑 The key here are 3 simple tests you can use to determine if you might have sciatica. These will commonly reproduce those same leg pain symptoms, and if so the 3 exercises shown may help you achieve some results! Now these quick videos are great to get you started, but you still need an actual plan that will 100% fix it. We have taught thousands of people the full solution to sciatica, and you can learn it too! ✅ Want to
Conor Harris on Instagram: "One of my favorite easy and effective fixes for a tight Piriformis and related issues like Sciatica ✅ ——— #piriformis #sciatica #sciaticarelief #sciaticapain #piriformissyndrome #lowbackpain #lowbackpainrelief"
WeShape on Instagram: "This simple relaxing stretch is a great way reduce inflammation and feel better if you suffer from SI joint pain. Click the link in our bio to try WeShape for free!"