Interactive Read-Alouds

Lessons, activities, questions and books for interactive read alouds. {kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade}
126 Pins
Asking Questions Activities
The picture book, The Stranger, is perfect for teaching a lesson on asking questions in first and second grade. Use these asking questions activities along with the interactive read aloud lesson. An asking questions anchor chart, worksheet, craftivity, task cards and more are included!
Making Friends Activities for Kids
Making friends can be tricky for kids. Use the picture book, The Someone New, to teach students how to make friends. The interactive read aloud includes an anchor chart, discussion questions, task cards and activities for making friends in the elementary classroom.
Natural Disasters Activties
Teach a science lesson on natural disasters with the picture book, I am the Storm. This interactive read aloud lesson on natural disasters will engage students and promote inquiry. Use the anchor chart, task cards, discussion questions, and craftivity for I am the Storm to start your weather unit.
I Need My Monster Activities
These I Need My Monster writing activities are perfect for October - or any time of the year! Teach your first and second graders how to add description to their writing with this interactive read aloud lesson. The I Need My Monster activities are perfect for the elementary classroom!
Room on the Broom Activities
And it's perfect for Halloween! Room on the Broom is such a fun story and it's perfect for teaching a lesson on sequencing. The lesson is all planned for you, all you need to do is download and read! Book Club members, you can grab this lesson now! Not a member? Click the link to join!
Spookley the Square Pumpkin Activities
Spookley the Square Pumpkin is now in the Colorful Apple Book Club! Join now to get access to this full read aloud lesson plan (plus SO many more)! Includes a Spookley the Square Pumpkin craft, read aloud discussion questions, activity sheet and task cards.
Wants vs. Needs Activities for Kids
Use the picture book, Wants vs. Needs vs. Robots to teach a social studies lesson on wants vs. needs in your elementary classroom! This read aloud lesson has everything you need, including a teacher lesson plan, wants vs. needs activities, discussion questions, craftivity and more!
Natural Disasters Activties
Teach a science lesson on natural disasters with the picture book, I am the Storm. This interactive read aloud lesson on natural disasters will engage students and promote inquiry. Use the anchor chart, task cards, discussion questions, and craftivity for I am the Storm to start your weather unit.
We Don't Eat Our Classmates Activity
Use the picture book, We Don't Eat Our Classmates, to teach social expectations in the classroom! This lesson and activities are perfect for elementary school students to teach social emotional learning skills.
Enemy Pie Activities
These Enemy Pie activities are perfect for the elementary classroom! Help students understand conflict resolution with this interactive read aloud and engaging activities. Your students will love Enemy Pie!
Teach Positive Thinking Skills
Teach positive thinking skills with the book, I Can Handle It! This is the perfect read aloud to teach this important SEL skill.
Read Aloud Questions
Are you struggling to come up with questions to ask during an interactive read aloud? Check out these tips for asking just the right questions during your read aloud!
Do Unto Otters Activities
Use the book, Do Unto Otters, to teach your students how to respect others. This read aloud lesson is perfect for teaching this important SEL skill in the elementary classroom!
Natural Disasters Activties
Teach a science lesson on natural disasters with the picture book, I am the Storm. This interactive read aloud lesson on natural disasters will engage students and promote inquiry. Use the anchor chart, task cards, discussion questions, and craftivity for I am the Storm to start your weather unit.
Owl Moon Activities - Interactive Read Aloud
Owl Moon is a great read aloud to teach a lesson on setting in your second grade writing class! Help your students develop essential writing skills with these interactive read aloud lessons focused on setting. Our carefully designed setting activities and setting anchor chart will guide your students in improving their writing skills. You'll love how easy it is to implement these interactive read aloud lessons. Get yours today!