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Awesome short zombie film about a bitten father trying to save his baby from himself. Almost cried
Why Girls Love Pinterest
Why Girls Love Pinterest... through a mans eyes... this guy is hilarious!
Kid Snippets: "Drivers Ed" (Imagined by Kids)
Kid Snippets: "Drivers Ed" (Kids Talk, Adults Act)
Surprise Party
I cried I was laughing so hard! Omg this guy must have practiced this so many times!
Kid Snippets: "Math Class" (Imagined by Kids)
Kid Snippets: "Math Class" (Imagined by Kids) - YouTube
Christina Bianco Impression Reel - Firework | Christina Bianco
This lady sings Katy Perry's "Firework" while doing impressions for various celebrities and singers. Scarily accurate and really funny. Celine Dion is my favorite, I think.
Kid Snippets: "Salesman" (Imagined by Kids)
Dads record their kids playing and then act out the scenes. I died laughing!! So cute!
Confrontation - How I Met Your Mother
Neil Patrick Harris and Jason Segel of "How I Met Your Mother" Sing "Confrontation" from Les Mis on the Megan Mullally Show – I had a feeling this would be good. I didn't know it would be *this* good.
These parents are awesome. I laughed so hard! This is seriously the best thing ever.