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Top 5 NASA ‘Picture of the Month’ captured by James Webb Space Telescope
Top 5 NASA ‘Picture of the Month’ captured by James Webb Space Telescope
APOD: 2017 February 15 - The Calabash Nebula from Hubble
A 5.000 años-luz de distancia, en la constelación de Popa, nos encontramos con la Nebulosa de la Calabaza. Es el producto de una estrella que ha llegado al final de su vida y ha expulsado sus capas exteriores al espacio, dejando tras de sí una enana blanca. #astronomia #ciencia
James Webb - v443 - 18 x 12
As the successor to the iconic Hubble Space Telescope, the James Webb Telescope takes space exploration to new heights, offering a fresh perspective on the cosmos. These images showcase the breathtaking beauty and scientific significance of the cosmos, from distant galaxies and nebulae to the birth of stars and planetary systems. Captured with cutting-edge technology, they provide a glimpse into the mysteries of the cosmos, one mesmerizing image at a time. Witness the brilliance of LDL's James Webb Space Telescope glass prints and explore the cosmos in your own home.