Hay loft 是什么意思?
In a barn, up top where they keep the hay, is the hay loft.
Do you understand now?
Do you understand now?
they collapsed onto the Hay 是什么意思?
I guess that means they were really tired and so they just went to sleep straight away.
Hay what's up 是什么意思?
no es "hay" es "hey", se puede decir que significa " hola, ¿qué pasa?" o ¿qué onda?". es como saludar.
"Hay" 的用法和例句
请教我使用 Hay una duda que siempre he tenido sobre el uso del “ain’t”.
¿Bajo que circunstancia o situación se debe utilizar?
Agradecería si me ayudan con ejemplos.
Agradezco de antemano sus respuestas. 的例句。
¿Bajo que circunstancia o situación se debe utilizar?
Agradecería si me ayudan con ejemplos.
Agradezco de antemano sus respuestas. 的例句。
“Ain’t” es no inglés correcto. La palabra es “am not”.
Pero en “slang” decimos: “i ain’t going in there” (I am not going in there/no voy a entrar ahí)
Pero en “slang” decimos: “i ain’t going in there” (I am not going in there/no voy a entrar ahí)
请教我使用 Hay 的例句。
This is hay. It’s often used as food for livestock.
Some expressions:
I’m going to hit the hay = I’m going to go to bed. (This is because mattresses used to be filled with hay)
It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack = it’s pointless and impossible.
Some expressions:
I’m going to hit the hay = I’m going to go to bed. (This is because mattresses used to be filled with hay)
It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack = it’s pointless and impossible.
请教我使用 Hay的例句。
Hay is dried grass. Livestock eats it. Is this what you mean?
The horse ate all of the hay.
The hay took long to dry, because it rained.
The horse ate all of the hay.
The hay took long to dry, because it rained.
请教我使用 Hay que vernos entonces ?的例句。
It has been too long since we have talked. I can't talk now, but we must see each other soon.
I think we disagree. Therefore we have to meet and maybe we can work out a compromise.
I think we disagree. Therefore we have to meet and maybe we can work out a compromise.
Hay que lavar el termo antes de estrenarlo 和 Hay que lavar el termo antes de probarlo 和有什么不一样?
I think you meant to post this under Spanish questions
"Hey" 和 "Hay" 和有什么不一样?
Hey is an interjection or salutation. Hay is dried grass used to feed animals.
Hay fever 和 Fever 和有什么不一样?
Hay fever is spring allergies. Fever is having a high body temperature.
"Hay" 的翻译
Hay un gato debajo de la mesa. 这个在 英语 (美国) 里怎么说?
There is a cat beneath the table
Hay unas mesas alrededor del teclado. 这个在 英语 (美国) 里怎么说?
“there are some tables around the keyboard”
Hay un perro revolcándose en el cesped 这个在 英语 (美国) 里怎么说?
there is a dog rolling around on the lawn or on the grass.
there is a dog rolling around on the lawn or on the grass.
Hay dos tipos de personas frente al dolor…los que cubren y esconden sus heridas esperando a que se pudran y los que muestran sus raíces y crecen como árboles. 这个在 英语 (美国) 里怎么说?
There are two types of people dealing with pain ... those who cover and hide their wounds waiting for them to heal and those who show their roots and evolve like trees.
Hay algo que tengo que decirte 这个在 英语 (美国) 里怎么说?
There is something I have to tell you
Hay un equivalente en Inglés para decir que alguien "mucho pide y poco ofrece"?
Ask a lot and offer little
Ask a lot and offer little
Hay fever makes my eyes itchy and have a runny nose. I don’t want to admit that I have hay fever but it’s obviously I have it. Every night I take a medicine for it to ease symptoms. 听起来自然吗?
× Hay fever makes my eyes itchy and have a runny nose.
✓ Hay fever gives me itchy eyes and a runny nose.
× I don’t want to admit that I have hay fever but it’s obviously I have it.
✓ I don’t want to admit that I have hay fever but it’s obvious that I do.
× Every night I take a medicine for it to ease symptoms.
✓ Every night I take medicine (for it) to ease the symptoms.
✓ Hay fever gives me itchy eyes and a runny nose.
× I don’t want to admit that I have hay fever but it’s obviously I have it.
✓ I don’t want to admit that I have hay fever but it’s obvious that I do.
× Every night I take a medicine for it to ease symptoms.
✓ Every night I take medicine (for it) to ease the symptoms.
Hay cada año menos jóvenes que van al extranjero a estudiar. 听起来自然吗?
Cada año hay menos jóvenes que van al extranjero a estudiar , suena más natural
Hay Alex!
First of all I'm so happy to hear that you get through the exam! So did I! I told you that we were able to pass it!.
You're so lucky to have parents like that. My mother didn't give me money because she says it's my obligation. I'm always try to do my best but to be honest I don't feel that back me up and that makes me feel quite sad.
Anyway, have you hear about the new mario car games that has just gone on sale? It seems to be really cool and it has a really good review and also it's not expensive at all.
First of all I'm so happy to hear that you get through the exam! So did I! I told you that we were able to pass it!.
You're so lucky to have parents like that. My mother didn't give me money because she says it's my obligation. I'm always try to do my best but to be honest I don't feel that back me up and that makes me feel quite sad.
Anyway, have you hear about the new mario car games that has just gone on sale? It seems to be really cool and it has a really good review and also it's not expensive at all.
You did a really nice job, but there are a few corrections I would make: Hey Alex!
First of all, I'm so happy to hear that you got through the exam! I did too! I told you that we were going to pass it!
You're so lucky to have parents like that. My mother didn't give me money because she says it's my responsibility to earn money for myself. I'm always trying to do my best but to be honest I don't feel that back me up ("I don't feel that back me up"? no entiendo... ) and that makes me feel quite sad.
Anyway, have you heard about the new Mario car game that has just gone on sale? It seems to be really cool, it has a really good review, and it's not expensive at all.
First of all, I'm so happy to hear that you got through the exam! I did too! I told you that we were going to pass it!
You're so lucky to have parents like that. My mother didn't give me money because she says it's my responsibility to earn money for myself. I'm always trying to do my best but to be honest I don't feel that back me up ("I don't feel that back me up"? no entiendo... ) and that makes me feel quite sad.
Anyway, have you heard about the new Mario car game that has just gone on sale? It seems to be really cool, it has a really good review, and it's not expensive at all.
Hay una persona en fb que está de acuerdo con una foto de una niña con Eli Seaver de un cheetah y con su corazón en la mano y dijo que está bien su foto por qué demuestra que podría sobrevivir y yo le quiero comentar esto: if I have a profile pic of you without your head and with your heart in my hand, it would be a nice profile pic?? I think so because that will prove that I can survive in 2017
Está bien dicho?
Está bien dicho?
¿Quieres decir que la niña tiene el corazon de el cheetah? ¿Ella lo mató? Eso es muy horible! En mi opinion, le mejor manera de decir ese respuesta es, "If I had a profile pic of you without your head and your heart in my hand, would it be a nice profil pic? I think so, because that would prove that I can survive in 2017."
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- 请教我使用 同步的例句。