Papers by Andrzej Jardzioch
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2003
ABSTRACT This research introduces application of Fuzzy Logic for dynamical scheduling of intellig... more ABSTRACT This research introduces application of Fuzzy Logic for dynamical scheduling of intelligent manufacturing systems. In this approach, production scheduling is generated automatically using a task-based representation scheme of production orders and simulation model of flexible manufacturing system. The simulation model was constructed with the use of eM-Plant program. There were developed control algorithms of storing-transporting subsystem during simulation process, where the traditional method and the method of artificial intelligence were applied. The model constructed in eM-Plant program was combined with program, which uses rule bases formed in FuzzyTech program. The purpose of this combination is to dynamically assign operations to the resources of the Manufacturing System to accomplish the proposed task.
Advances in Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2000
Advances in Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2013
The paper presents the problem of determining the prioritisation of production orders. The propos... more The paper presents the problem of determining the prioritisation of production orders. The proposed criterion function allows a comprehensive evaluation of various ways of prioritising taking into account both the income derived from the execution of production orders and the penalty for any delays which may occur. The criterion function was implemented in an algorithm based on the operation of a colony of bees. The experiments which have been carried out make it possible to evaluate the solutions obtained through the provided algorithm and compare them with the solutions obtained through the typical heuristic rules. The results show that the prioritisation obtained through the algorithm is characterized by the highest qualities of the criterion function and is definitely superior to that obtained through the simple heuristic rules.
Advances in Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2006
Przedsiębiorczość i Zarządzanie, 2016
Logistyka, 2013
ABSTRACT W artykule zaprezentowano nieklasyczne podejście ewolucyjne, oparte na algorytmie genety... more ABSTRACT W artykule zaprezentowano nieklasyczne podejście ewolucyjne, oparte na algorytmie genetycznym, do rozwiązania problemu szeregowania zadań w systemie produkcyjnym. Optymalizację szeregowania przeprowadzono względem możliwego do uzyskania zysku, z obliczaniem kar za opóźnienia. Zaproponowane podejście obejmuje permutacyjne kodowanie chromosomów, elitaryzm, brak genetycznego operatora rekombinacji, zastosowanie mutacji heurystycznej oraz zmiennej w czasie mutacji zamiennej (ang. swap mutation). Przeprowadzono badania dla 9 losowych zleceń dla których metodą całkowitego przeszukania permutacyjnego obliczono optymalne szeregowanie pod względem zysku. Uzyskane wyniki porównano z innymi metodami szeregowania.
Prace Naukowe Instytutu Technologii Maszyn i Automatyzacji Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Konferencje, 1999
Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka, 2007
Pomiary Automatyka Robotyka, 2005
... Sławomir Jałowicki, dr inż. Andrzej Jardzioch, mgr inż. Piotr Pawlukowicz, mgr inż. Mariusz S... more ... Sławomir Jałowicki, dr inż. Andrzej Jardzioch, mgr inż. Piotr Pawlukowicz, mgr inż. Mariusz Sosnowski, prof. ... Budowa miniaturowego elastycznego systemu wytwarzania W skład systemu wchodzą podsystemy: magazyno-wo-transportowy, technologiczny tokarski i frezarski (rys. ...
Applied Computer Science, Sep 30, 2022
Sustainable development is an very important idea nowadays and it influences on many factors. It ... more Sustainable development is an very important idea nowadays and it influences on many factors. It is very important to focus on the goals of sustainable development and implement them both in industry and in everyday life. The aim of the article is to analyse the impact of implementing an automatic conveyor belt transport system between the stands of an exemplary assembly line on sustainable development in economic and environmental terms. The analyzed production process consists of one production line with six assembly stations. The efficiency of individual design solutions and electricity consumption were adopted as the evaluation criteria. To compare the two processes, a simulation analysis was performed in the Plant Simulation program. First chapter is the introduction to the article. The second chapter describes the current applications of simulation tests. The third chapter describes the production system that is improved by adding conveyors. The next chapter compares the processes with and without the use of conveyors and presents how much energy must be used additionally by implementing conveyor belts, but also what energy savings can be obtained by installing additional stop sensors. The fifth chapter presents the conclusions: the conducted research allowed concluding that the implementation of conveyor belts affects a higher number of finished products at the same time as the transport of components is manual. However, the best solution is to use conveyors with stop sensors, and the power consumption is then low and more profitable for the enterprise.
Advances in intelligent systems and computing, Aug 28, 2018
The study focuses on two operators of a genetic algorithm (GA): a crossover and a mutation in the... more The study focuses on two operators of a genetic algorithm (GA): a crossover and a mutation in the context of machine learning of fuzzy logic rules. A decision support system (DSS) is placed in a simulation environment created in accordance with the complex adaptive system (CAS) concept. In a multi-agent CAS system, the learning classifier system (LCS) paradigm is used to develop a learning system. The aim of the learning system is to discover binary rules that allow an agent to perform efficient actions in a simulation environment. The agent’s objective is to make an effective decision on which order, from the set of the awaiting orders, should be transferred into a production zone next. The decision is based on the fuzzy logic system response. In the conducted study, two input signals and one output signal of the fuzzy logic system are considered. The concept of the presented fuzzy logic system affects the construction of rules of a specific agent. The paper focuses on the problem of coding the agent’s rules and modification of the coding by the GA.
Advances in Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2002
Prace Naukowe Instytutu Technologii Maszyn i Automatyzacji Politechniki Wrocławskiej. Konferencje, 2000
Applied Computer Science, Sep 30, 2021
The present article aims to describe the design of a fuzzy controller used for automated control ... more The present article aims to describe the design of a fuzzy controller used for automated control of the thickness of the extruded polyethylene film effected by the adjustment of the actuator in the cooling ring. In order to determine whether the designed controller operates properly, a model extruder was created and a simulation study was carried out. The Simulink programming environment integrated with Matlab was used for the development of the fuzzy controller and the simulation. The conducted simulation study demonstrated that the implementation of the designed controller would enable the adjustment of thickness on the perimeter of the film tube and quick reaction to possible departure in the assumed film thickness in mass production.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2015
This paper describes the problems associated with determining deadlines for handling production o... more This paper describes the problems associated with determining deadlines for handling production orders during the orders combination process in order to optimize nesting. The analyzed problems relate to an automated nesting system in which production orders come in via the Internet and are processed automatically, and with minimum operator intervention. The article describes the issues of cutting optimization in the manufacturing system based on a water cutter. The optimization process is closely associated with the generation of production schedules for current orders base. Particular attention is focused on the analysis of problems arising from the omission of the human role in the processing of orders, scheduling and decision-making processes.
Lecture notes in mechanical engineering, Oct 20, 2017
A solution to the problem of job scheduling in a flow shop system is proposed in this paper. A th... more A solution to the problem of job scheduling in a flow shop system is proposed in this paper. A three-machine flow shop system is presented with 10 sets of 10 random jobs to be processed. A new approach, called Simulated Hardening (SH), is used to schedule the jobs by taking into consideration two criteria: minimal makespan and maximal profit. The results obtained are compared with First In First Out (FIFO), Earliest Due Date (EDD), Shortest Processing Time (SPT), Longest Processing Time (LPT), Time Reserve (TR), and Descending Delay Penalty (DDP) sorting methods and confronted with the results of exhaustive search. The usefulness of the new SH algorithm is estimated in terms of the quality of the results obtained. Keywords Simulated hardening Á Scheduling Á Flow shop Á Makespan Á Profit 1 Introduction A job scheduling problem in a flow shop production system is widely discussed in literature [1-5]. The above works show that the most common objectives of job scheduling problems are the following: minimizing waiting time [3], makespan [4] or total tardiness [5]. In everyday production, these objectives can be regarded primary. The direct impact of makespan and tardiness factor on various Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) cannot be denied. However, there is one more issue within the scope of researchers' interest-economic factors. The correlation between time factors and profit resulting from a given scheduling still poses a challenge. The number of available works on profit optimization issues is somehow limited and not so widely discussed as the time-related problems. A few profit-related optimization problems related to job scheduling can be found in [6-9]. In this study, a specific time-profit correlation is adopted from [10] and thoroughly
Advances in Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2008
The paper presents problems arising during developing algorithms controlling workpiece flow subsy... more The paper presents problems arising during developing algorithms controlling workpiece flow subsystems in a flexible manufacturing system. The necessary signals as well as the general algorithm responsible for worpiece flow in a flexible manufacturing system were defined. On the basis of a structure of a flexible manufacturing system developed at the Institute of Manufacturing Engineering of Szczecin University of Technology the problems of selecting an appropriate pallet from a rack stacker and choosing the right transport operation of a horizontal transport carrier were defined. In order to choose an appropriate pallet to carry out a task a method based on fuzzy sets was proposed and applied. The linguistic variables used in the reasoning process and the structure of the process were also described. The operation of Fuzzy Logic module was depicted on the basis of simulation studies. The investigations confirmed the possibility of applying Fuzzy Logic reasoning in developing complex algorithms controlling automated manufacturing systems.
Papers by Andrzej Jardzioch