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Salt (Wireframe)

Salt (Wireframe)

Saltは PlantUML のサブプロジェクトで、グラフィカルなインターフェイスや ウェブサイトワイヤーフレーム、ページ概略図、画面青写真

グラフィカルなインターフェイス、回路図、青写真を作るのにとても便利です。概念的な構造を 視覚的なデザインと整合させ、美しさよりも機能性を強調するのに役立ちます。

開発者、デザイナー、ユーザーエクスペリエンスの専門家は、インターフェイス要素ナビゲーションシステムを視覚化し、コラボレーションを促進するためにワイヤーフレームを使用します。プロトタイピングや 反復デザインに重要な、詳細度の低いスケッチから詳細度の高い表現まで、忠実度はさまざまです。このコラボレーション・プロセスは、ビジネス分析から ユーザー・リサーチまで、さまざまな専門知識を統合し、最終的なデザインがビジネスと ユーザーの両方の要件に合致することを保証します。

Salt is a subproject of PlantUML that may help you to design graphical interface or Website Wireframe or Page Schematic or Screen Blueprint.

It is very useful in crafting graphical interfaces, schematics, and blueprints. It aids in aligning conceptual structures with visual design, emphasizing functionality over aesthetics. Wireframes, central to this process, are used across various disciplines.

Developers, designers, and user experience professionals employ them to visualize interface elements, navigational systems, and to facilitate collaboration. They vary in fidelity, from low-detail sketches to high-detail representations, crucial for prototyping and iterative design. This collaborative process integrates different expertise, from business analysis to user research, ensuring that the end design aligns with both business and user requirements.


Basic widgets


  • ボタンは [] で括ります。
  • ラジオボタンは () で括ります。
  • チェックボックスは [] で括ります。
  • テキスト領域は " で括ります。
  • ドロップリストは ^ で括ります。

  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^

 This translation need to be updated. 

You can use either @startsalt keyword, or @startuml followed by a line with salt keyword.

A window must start and end with brackets. You can then define:

  • Button using [ and ].
  • Radio button using ( and ).
  • Checkbox using [ and ].
  • User text area using ".
  • Droplist using ^.

  Just plain text
  [This is my button]
  ()  Unchecked radio
  (X) Checked radio
  []  Unchecked box
  [X] Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^


Text area


   This is a long
   text in a textarea
   "                         "

  • ドット(.)によって、縦方向のスペースを埋めています
  • 最後の行のスペース("  ")によって、領域の幅を広げています

[Ref. QA-14765]


   This is a long
   text in a textarea
   "                         "

   This is a long
   text in a textarea
   "                         "

Here is an attempt to create a text area:

   This is a long
   text in a textarea
   "                         "

  • the dot (.) to fill up vertical space;
  • the last line of space ("  ") to make the area wider.

[Ref. QA-14765]

Then you can add scroll bar:

   This is a long
   text in a textarea
   "                         "

   This is a long
   text in a textarea
   "                         "


Open, close droplist


  ^This is a closed droplist^ |
  ^This is an open droplist^^ item 1^^ item 2^ |
  ^This is another open droplist^ item 1^ item 2^ 

[Ref. QA-4184]

You can open a droplist, by adding values enclosed by ^, as:

  ^This is a closed droplist^ |
  ^This is an open droplist^^ item 1^^ item 2^ |
  ^This is another open droplist^ item 1^ item 2^ 

[Ref. QA-4184]

罫線の使用 [|、#、!、-、+]

Using grid [| and #, !, -, +]

表は括弧 { で開始すれば自動的に作成されます。 そして、列を分割するには | を使う必要があります。


  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]


文字 結果
# 全ての縦横の罫線を表示する
! 全ての縦線を表示する
- 全ての横線を表示する
+ 外枠を表示する

  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]

A table is automatically created when you use an opening bracket {. And you have to use | to separate columns.

For example:

  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]

Just after the opening bracket, you can use a character to define if you want to draw lines or columns of the grid :

Symbol Result
# To display all vertical and horizontal lines
! To display all vertical lines
- To display all horizontal lines
+ To display external lines

  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]

グループボックス [^]

Group box [^]

{^"My group box"
  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]

[Ref. QA-5840]

{^"My group box"
  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]

[Ref. QA-5840]

セパレータの使用 [..、==、~~、--]

Using separator [.., ==, ~~, --]


  "Some field"
  Note on usage
  Another text

You can use several horizontal lines as separator.

  "Some field"
  Note on usage
  Another text

木構造ウィジェット [T]

Tree widget [T]

木構造を作るには、{T で開始して階層を示すために + を使用する必要があります。

 + World
 ++ America
 +++ Canada
 +++ USA
 ++++ New York
 ++++ Boston
 +++ Mexico
 ++ Europe
 +++ Italy
 +++ Germany
 ++++ Berlin
 ++ Africa

To have a Tree, you have to start with {T and to use + to denote hierarchy.

 + World
 ++ America
 +++ Canada
 +++ USA
 ++++ New York
 ++++ Boston
 +++ Mexico
 ++ Europe
 +++ Italy
 +++ Germany
 ++++ Berlin
 ++ Africa

木構造と表 [T]

Tree table [T]


+Region        | Population    | Age
+ World        | 7.13 billion  | 30
++ America     | 964 million   | 30
+++ Canada     | 35 million    | 30
+++ USA        | 319 million   | 30
++++ NYC       | 8 million     | 30
++++ Boston    | 617 thousand  | 30
+++ Mexico     | 117 million   | 30
++ Europe      | 601 million   | 30
+++ Italy      | 61 million    | 30
+++ Germany    | 82 million    | 30
++++ Berlin    | 3 million     | 30
++ Africa      | 1 billion     | 30


== with T!
+Region        | Population    | Age
+ World        | 7.13 billion  | 30
++ America     | 964 million   | 30
== with T-
+Region        | Population    | Age
+ World        | 7.13 billion  | 30
++ America     | 964 million   | 30
== with T+
+Region        | Population    | Age
+ World        | 7.13 billion  | 30
++ America     | 964 million   | 30
== with T#
+Region        | Population    | Age
+ World        | 7.13 billion  | 30
++ America     | 964 million   | 30

[Ref. QA-1265]

You can combine trees with tables.

+Region        | Population    | Age
+ World        | 7.13 billion  | 30
++ America     | 964 million   | 30
+++ Canada     | 35 million    | 30
+++ USA        | 319 million   | 30
++++ NYC       | 8 million     | 30
++++ Boston    | 617 thousand  | 30
+++ Mexico     | 117 million   | 30
++ Europe      | 601 million   | 30
+++ Italy      | 61 million    | 30
+++ Germany    | 82 million    | 30
++++ Berlin    | 3 million     | 30
++ Africa      | 1 billion     | 30

And add lines.

== with T!
+Region        | Population    | Age
+ World        | 7.13 billion  | 30
++ America     | 964 million   | 30
== with T-
+Region        | Population    | Age
+ World        | 7.13 billion  | 30
++ America     | 964 million   | 30
== with T+
+Region        | Population    | Age
+ World        | 7.13 billion  | 30
++ America     | 964 million   | 30
== with T#
+Region        | Population    | Age
+ World        | 7.13 billion  | 30
++ America     | 964 million   | 30

[Ref. QA-1265]

括弧で括る [{、}]

Enclosing brackets [{, }]


Name         | "                 "
Modifiers:   | { (X) public | () default | () private | () protected
                [] abstract | [] final   | [] static }
Superclass:  | { "java.lang.Object " | [Browse...] }

You can define subelements by opening a new opening bracket.

Name         | "                 "
Modifiers:   | { (X) public | () default | () private | () protected
                [] abstract | [] final   | [] static }
Superclass:  | { "java.lang.Object " | [Browse...] }

タブの追加 [/]

Adding tabs [/]

{/ 表記を使用してタブを追加することができます。 HTML コードを使用してテキストを太字にできることに注意してください。

{/ <b>General | Fullscreen | Behavior | Saving }
{ Open image in: | ^Smart Mode^ }
[X] Smooth images when zoomed
[X] Confirm image deletion
[ ] Show hidden images


{/ <b>General
Saving } |
{ Open image in: | ^Smart Mode^ }
[X] Smooth images when zoomed
[X] Confirm image deletion
[ ] Show hidden images

You can add tabs using {/ notation. Note that you can use HTML code to have bold text.

{/ <b>General | Fullscreen | Behavior | Saving }
{ Open image in: | ^Smart Mode^ }
[X] Smooth images when zoomed
[X] Confirm image deletion
[ ] Show hidden images

Tab could also be vertically oriented:

{/ <b>General
Saving } |
{ Open image in: | ^Smart Mode^ }
[X] Smooth images when zoomed
[X] Confirm image deletion
[ ] Show hidden images

メニューの使用 [*]

Using menu [*]

{* 表記でメニューを追加することができます。

{* File | Edit | Source | Refactor }
{/ General | Fullscreen | Behavior | Saving }
{ Open image in: | ^Smart Mode^ }
[X] Smooth images when zoomed
[X] Confirm image deletion
[ ] Show hidden images


{* File | Edit | Source | Refactor
 Refactor | New | Open File | - | Close | Close All }
{/ General | Fullscreen | Behavior | Saving }
{ Open image in: | ^Smart Mode^ }
[X] Smooth images when zoomed
[X] Confirm image deletion
[ ] Show hidden images


{* File | Edit | Source | Refactor }
{/ General | Fullscreen | Behavior | Saving }
{ Open image in: | ^Smart Mode^^Normal Mode^ }
[X] Smooth images when zoomed
[X] Confirm image deletion
[ ] Show hidden images

[Ref. QA-4184]

You can add a menu by using {* notation.

{* File | Edit | Source | Refactor }
{/ General | Fullscreen | Behavior | Saving }
{ Open image in: | ^Smart Mode^ }
[X] Smooth images when zoomed
[X] Confirm image deletion
[ ] Show hidden images

It is also possible to open a menu:

{* File | Edit | Source | Refactor
 Refactor | New | Open File | - | Close | Close All }
{/ General | Fullscreen | Behavior | Saving }
{ Open image in: | ^Smart Mode^ }
[X] Smooth images when zoomed
[X] Confirm image deletion
[ ] Show hidden images

Like it is possible to open a droplist:

{* File | Edit | Source | Refactor }
{/ General | Fullscreen | Behavior | Saving }
{ Open image in: | ^Smart Mode^^Normal Mode^ }
[X] Smooth images when zoomed
[X] Confirm image deletion
[ ] Show hidden images

[Ref. QA-4184]


Advanced table

  • * は左のセルとの結合となります
  • . は空のセルとなります

. | Column 2 | Column 3
Row header 1 | value 1 | value 2
Row header 2 | A long cell | *

You can use two special notations for table :
  • * to indicate that a cell with span with left
  • . to denotate an empty cell

. | Column 2 | Column 3
Row header 1 | value 1 | value 2
Row header 2 | A long cell | *

スクロールバー [S、SI、S-]

Scroll Bars [S, SI, S-]


  • {S:水平方向、垂直方向のスクロールバー


  • {SI:垂直方向のスクロールバーのみ


  • {S-:水平方向のスクロールバーのみ


You can use {S notation for scroll bar like in following examples:

  • {S: for horizontal and vertical scrollbars


  • {SI : for vertical scrollbar only


  • {S- : for horizontal scrollbar only




  <color:Blue>Just plain text
  [This is my default button]
  [<color:green>This is my green button]
  [<color:#9a9a9a>This is my disabled button]
  []  <color:red>Unchecked box
  [X] <color:green>Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^
  ^<color:#9a9a9a>This is a disabled droplist^
  ^<color:red>This is a red droplist^

[Ref. QA-12177]

It is possible to change text color of widget.

  <color:Blue>Just plain text
  [This is my default button]
  [<color:green>This is my green button]
  [<color:#9a9a9a>This is my disabled button]
  []  <color:red>Unchecked box
  [X] <color:green>Checked box
  "Enter text here   "
  ^This is a droplist^
  ^<color:#9a9a9a>This is a disabled droplist^
  ^<color:red>This is a red droplist^

[Ref. QA-12177]


Creole on Salt

CreoleまたはHTML Creole記法を使用することができます:

  This is **bold**
  This is //italics//
  This is ""monospaced""
  This is --stricken-out--
  This is __underlined__
  This is ~~wave-underlined~~
  --test Unicode and icons--
  This is <U+221E> long
  This is a <&code> icon
  Use image : <img:>
{^<b>HTML Creole 
 This is <b>bold</b>
  This is <i>italics</i>
  This is <font:monospaced>monospaced</font>
  This is <s>stroked</s>
  This is <u>underlined</u>
  This is <w>waved</w>
  This is <s:green>stroked</s>
  This is <u:red>underlined</u>
  This is <w:#0000FF>waved</w>
  -- other examples --
  This is <color:blue>Blue</color>
  This is <back:orange>Orange background</back>
  This is <size:20>big</size>
{^Creole line
You can have horizontal line
Or double line
Or strong line
Or dotted line
..My title..
Or dotted title
//and title... //
Or double-line title
--Another title--
Or single-line title
{^Creole list item
**test list 1**
* Bullet list
* Second item
** Sub item
*** Sub sub item
* Third item
**test list 2**
# Numbered list
# Second item
## Sub item
## Another sub item
# Third item
{^Mix on salt
  ==<color:Blue>Just plain text
  [This is my default button]
  [<b><color:green>This is my green button]
  [ ---<color:#9a9a9a>This is my disabled button-- ]
  []  <size:20><color:red>Unchecked box
  [X] <color:green>Checked box
  "//Enter text here//   "
  ^This is a droplist^
  ^<color:#9a9a9a>This is a disabled droplist^
  ^<b><color:red>This is a red droplist^

 This translation need to be updated. 

You can use Creole or HTML Creole on salt:

  This is **bold**
  This is //italics//
  This is ""monospaced""
  This is --stricken-out--
  This is __underlined__
  This is ~~wave-underlined~~
  --test Unicode and icons--
  This is <U+221E> long
  This is a <&code> icon
  Use image : <img:>
{^<b>HTML Creole 
 This is <b>bold</b>
  This is <i>italics</i>
  This is <font:monospaced>monospaced</font>
  This is <s>stroked</s>
  This is <u>underlined</u>
  This is <w>waved</w>
  This is <s:green>stroked</s>
  This is <u:red>underlined</u>
  This is <w:#0000FF>waved</w>
  -- other examples --
  This is <color:blue>Blue</color>
  This is <back:orange>Orange background</back>
  This is <size:20>big</size>
{^Creole line
You can have horizontal line
Or double line
Or strong line
Or dotted line
..My title..
Or dotted title
//and title... //
Or double-line title
--Another title--
Or single-line title
{^Creole list item
**test list 1**
* Bullet list
* Second item
** Sub item
*** Sub sub item
* Third item
**test list 2**
# Numbered list
# Second item
## Sub item
## Another sub item
# Third item
{^Mix on salt
  ==<color:Blue>Just plain text
  [This is my default button]
  [<b><color:green>This is my green button]
  [ ---<color:#9a9a9a>This is my disabled button-- ]
  []  <size:20><color:red>Unchecked box
  [X] <color:green>Checked box
  "//Enter text here//   "
  ^This is a droplist^
  ^<color:#9a9a9a>This is a disabled droplist^
  ^<b><color:red>This is a red droplist^

疑似スプライト [<<、>>]

Pseudo sprite [<<, >>]


 [X] checkbox|[] checkbox
 () radio | (X) radio
 This is a text|[This is my button]|This is another text
 "A field"|"Another long Field"|[A button]
 >>|<color:blue>other folder|<<folder>>

[Ref. QA-5849]

Using << and >> you can define a pseudo-sprite or sprite-like drawing and reusing it latter.

 [X] checkbox|[] checkbox
 () radio | (X) radio
 This is a text|[This is my button]|This is another text
 "A field"|"Another long Field"|[A button]
 >>|<color:blue>other folder|<<folder>>

[Ref. QA-5849]



OpenIconic はとても素晴らしいオープンソースのアイコンセットです。 これらのアイコンは、creole parserに統合されていますので、簡単に使うことができます。 このような構文で使用できます。: <&ICON_NAME>

  Login<&person> | "MyName   "
  Password<&key> | "****     "
  [Cancel <&circle-x>] | [OK <&account-login>]

全アイコンのリストはOpenIconic Websiteにあります。もしくは、次の特別なダイアグラムを使用してください:


OpenIconic is a very nice open source icon set. Those icons have been integrated into the creole parser, so you can use them out-of-the-box. You can use the following syntax: <&ICON_NAME>.

  Login<&person> | "MyName   "
  Password<&key> | "****     "
  [Cancel <&circle-x>] | [OK <&account-login>]

The complete list is available on OpenIconic Website, or you can use the following special diagram:



Add title, header, footer, caption or legend

title My title
header some header
footer some footer
caption This is caption
The legend
end legend

  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]


(参照: 共通コマンド)

title My title
header some header
footer some footer
caption This is caption
The legend
end legend

  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]


(See also: Common commands)


Zoom, DPI


  <&person> Login  | "MyName   "
  <&key> Password  | "****     "
  [<&circle-x> Cancel ] | [ <&account-login> OK   ]



小数または分数で拡大率を指定できます。 ピクセル単位でwidth(幅)またはheight(高さ)を指定することもできます。 幅と高さの両方を指定することもできます。この場合は、指定したサイズの内側に収まるように調整されます。

scale 2
  <&person> Login  | "MyName   "
  <&key> Password  | "****     "
  [<&circle-x> Cancel ] | [ <&account-login> OK   ]

(参照: 共通コマンドの拡大)


skinparam dpiコマンドを使って、生成する画像を拡大することもできます。

skinparam dpi 200
  <&person> Login  | "MyName   "
  <&key> Password  | "****     "
  [<&circle-x> Cancel ] | [ <&account-login> OK   ]

Whitout zoom (by default)

  <&person> Login  | "MyName   "
  <&key> Password  | "****     "
  [<&circle-x> Cancel ] | [ <&account-login> OK   ]


You can use the scale command to zoom the generated image.

You can use either a number or a fraction to define the scale factor. You can also specify either width or height (in pixel). And you can also give both width and height: the image is scaled to fit inside the specified dimension.

scale 2
  <&person> Login  | "MyName   "
  <&key> Password  | "****     "
  [<&circle-x> Cancel ] | [ <&account-login> OK   ]

(See also: Zoom on Common commands)


You can also use the skinparam dpicommand to zoom the generated image.

skinparam dpi 200
  <&person> Login  | "MyName   "
  <&key> Password  | "****     "
  [<&circle-x> Cancel ] | [ <&account-login> OK   ]


Include Salt "on activity diagram"


(*) --> "
<b>an example
choose one option
" as choose

choose -right-> "
<b>please wait
operation in progress
" as wait
wait -right-> "
" as success

wait -down-> "
failed, sorry


!unquoted procedure SALT($x)
}}" as $x

!procedure _choose()
<b>an example
choose one option

!procedure _wait()
<b>please wait
operation in progress

!procedure _success()

!procedure _error()
failed, sorry

(*) --> SALT(choose)
-right-> SALT(wait)
wait -right-> SALT(success)
wait -down-> SALT(error)

You can read the following explanation.

(*) --> "
<b>an example
choose one option
" as choose

choose -right-> "
<b>please wait
operation in progress
" as wait
wait -right-> "
" as success

wait -down-> "
failed, sorry

It can also be combined with define macro.

!unquoted procedure SALT($x)
}}" as $x

!procedure _choose()
<b>an example
choose one option

!procedure _wait()
<b>please wait
operation in progress

!procedure _success()

!procedure _error()
failed, sorry

(*) --> SALT(choose)
-right-> SALT(wait)
wait -right-> SALT(success)
wait -down-> SALT(error)


Include salt "on while condition of activity diagram"


while (\n{{\nsalt\n{+\nPassword | "****     "\n[Cancel] | [  OK   ]}\n}}\n) is (Incorrect)
  :log attempt;
  if (attempt_count > 4) then (yes)
    :increase delay timer;
    :wait for timer to expire;
  else (no)
endwhile (correct)
:log request;
:disable service;

[Ref. QA-8547]

You can include salt on while condition of activity diagram.

while (\n{{\nsalt\n{+\nPassword | "****     "\n[Cancel] | [  OK   ]}\n}}\n) is (Incorrect)
  :log attempt;
  if (attempt_count > 4) then (yes)
    :increase delay timer;
    :wait for timer to expire;
  else (no)
endwhile (correct)
:log request;
:disable service;

[Ref. QA-8547]


Include salt "on repeat while condition of activity diagram"


repeat :read data;
  :generate diagrams;
repeat while (\n{{\nsalt\n{^"Next step"\n  Do you want to continue? \n[Yes]|[No]\n}\n}}\n)

[Ref. QA-14287]

You can include salt on 'repeat while' condition of activity diagram.

repeat :read data;
  :generate diagrams;
repeat while (\n{{\nsalt\n{^"Next step"\n  Do you want to continue? \n[Yes]|[No]\n}\n}}\n)

[Ref. QA-14287]





skinparam Backgroundcolor palegreen
  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]

skinparam handwritten true
  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]

🚩 skinparamには、saltでは使えないものもあります:

skinparam defaultFontName monospaced
  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]

You can use [only] some skinparam command to change the skin of the drawing.

Some example:

skinparam Backgroundcolor palegreen
  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]

skinparam handwritten true
  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]

🚩 FYI, some other skinparam does not work with salt, as:

skinparam defaultFontName monospaced
  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]





saltDiagram {
  BackgroundColor palegreen
  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]

🚩 スタイルには、saltでは使えないものもあります:

saltDiagram {
  Fontname Monospaced
  FontSize 10
  FontStyle italic
  LineThickness 0.5
  LineColor red
  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]

[Ref. QA-13460]

You can use [only] some style command to change the skin of the drawing.

Some example:

saltDiagram {
  BackgroundColor palegreen
  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]

🚩 FYI, some other style does not work with salt, as:

saltDiagram {
  Fontname Monospaced
  FontSize 10
  FontStyle italic
  LineThickness 0.5
  LineColor red
  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]

[Ref. QA-13460]

Please report any bugs to or here.
This website is still in beta testing.