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Object Diagram

An object diagram is a graphical representation that showcases objects and their relationships at a specific moment in time. It provides a snapshot of the system's structure, capturing the static view of the instances present and their associations.

PlantUML offers a simple and intuitive way to create object diagrams using plain text. Its user-friendly syntax allows for quick diagram creation without the need for complex GUI tools. Moreover, the PlantUML forum provides a platform for users to discuss, share, and seek assistance, fostering a collaborative community. By choosing PlantUML, users benefit from both the efficiency of markdown-based diagramming and the support of an active community.

Definition of objects

You define instances of objects using the object keyword.

object firstObject
object "My Second Object" as o2

Relations between objects

Relations between objects are defined using the following symbols :

Type Symbol Purpose
Extension <|-- Specialization of a class in a hierarchy
Implementation <|.. Realization of an interface by a class
Composition *-- The part cannot exist without the whole
Aggregation o-- The part can exist independently of the whole
Dependency --> The object uses another object
Dependency ..> A weaker form of dependency

It is possible to replace -- by .. to have a dotted line.

Knowing those rules, it is possible to draw the following drawings.

It is possible a add a label on the relation, using : followed by the text of the label.

For cardinality, you can use double-quotes "" on each side of the relation.

object Object01
object Object02
object Object03
object Object04
object Object05
object Object06
object Object07
object Object08

Object01 <|-- Object02
Object03 *-- Object04
Object05 o-- "4" Object06
Object07 .. Object08 : some labels

Associations objects

object o1
object o2
diamond dia
object o3

o1  --> dia
o2  --> dia
dia --> o3

Adding fields

To declare fields, you can use the symbol : followed by the field's name.


object user

user : name = "Dummy"
user : id = 123


It is also possible to group all fields between brackets {}.


object user {
  name = "Dummy"
  id = 123


Common features with class diagrams

Map table or associative array

You can define a map table or associative array, with map keyword and => separator.

map CapitalCity {
 UK => London
 USA => Washington
 Germany => Berlin

map "Map **Contry => CapitalCity**" as CC {
 UK => London
 USA => Washington
 Germany => Berlin

map "map: Map<Integer, String>" as users {
 1 => Alice
 2 => Bob
 3 => Charlie

And add link with object.

object London

map CapitalCity {
 UK *-> London
 USA => Washington
 Germany => Berlin

object London
object Washington
object Berlin
object NewYork

map CapitalCity {
 UK *-> London
 USA *--> Washington
 Germany *---> Berlin

NewYork --> CapitalCity::USA

[Ref. #307]

package foo {
    object baz

package bar {
    map A {
        b *-> foo.baz
        c =>

A::c --> foo

[Ref. QA-12934]

object Foo
map Bar {
object Baz

Bar::abc --> Baz : Label one
Foo --> Bar::def : Label two

[Ref. #307]

Program (or project) evaluation and review technique (PERT) with map

You can use map table in order to make Program (or project) evaluation and review technique (PERT) diagram.

@startuml PERT
left to right direction
' Horizontal lines: -->, <--, <-->
' Vertical lines: ->, <-, <->
title PERT: Project Name

map Kick.Off {
map task.1 {
    Start => End
map task.2 {
    Start => End
map task.3 {
    Start => End
map task.4 {
    Start => End
map task.5 {
    Start => End
Kick.Off --> task.1 : Label 1
Kick.Off --> task.2 : Label 2
Kick.Off --> task.3 : Label 3
task.1 --> task.4
task.2 --> task.4
task.3 --> task.4
task.4 --> task.5 : Label 4

[Ref. QA-12337]

Display JSON Data on Class or Object diagram

Simple example

class Class
object Object
json JSON {
   "color": ["Red", "Green"]

[Ref. QA-15481]

For another example, see on JSON page.

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