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ここにある画像は秀逸な画像への候補画像です。 今日の一枚とは異なりますのでご注意ください。









  • 解像度 - 200万ピクセル以下の写真画像は、特別な理由が無い限り却下されます。1,600 x 1,200 ピクセル(1.92メガピクセル)は200万ピクセルには届いていない事にご注意ください。
  • スキャン画像 - 公式な方針ではありませんが、Help:スキャニングページで各種様々な画像を準備するための有用なアドバイスが提供されています。
  • フォーカス - 通常、重要な被写体は全て焦点が合っていなければいけません。
  • 前景と背景 - 前景や背景に主題ではない物が写り込むと、それは“余計なもの”になり得ます。前景にある物が主題の重要な部分を隠していないか、背景にあるものが構図を損ねていないか(例:後ろの街灯が人物の頭の上から生えているように見える、等)を確認しましょう。
  • 全体品質 - 推薦される画像には高い技術品質が要求されます。
  • デジタル補正 - 見る人を欺いてはいけません。写真画像のキズ・ホコリ等を修正する、良い編集、故意に人を騙す目的でない限り、デジタル補正は一般的に歓迎されます。例を挙げると、色合い/露出補正、シャープ/ボカシ、遠近感歪み補正、トリミング(切り取り)等がこれにあたります。背景に写り込んだ余計な物を取り除く等のさらに大がかりな修正は、{{Retouched picture}}テンプレートを画像ページへ貼付け、修正した旨を記述しましょう。記述漏れや記述ミスがある等、主題を不正確に見せる編集は決して受け入れられません。
  • 価値 - 『全ての画像の中でも特に際立ち、最も価値のある画像』が我々の大きな目標です。秀逸な画像はそれぞれの分野の中でも別格でなけらばならず、故に次の点に留意して下さい。
    • たいていの夕日は美しく見えますが、そういう画像のほとんどは他の夕日画像と大差ありません。
    • 夜景は美しいですが、普通は日中に撮影された写真の方がより詳細を見せてくれます。
    • 必ずしも『美しさに価値がある』わけではありません。


  • 露出とはシャッタースピードと絞りとの組み合わせの事を言い、適切なトーンカーブが見せる陰影〜ハイライトが有用なディティールを描写します。これをラティチュード(露光寛容度)と言い、このラティチュードの陰影〜ハイライトの領域内において、画像を暗め、中庸、明るめに作る事が出来ますが、デジタルカメラ及びデジタル画像はこのラティチュードの範囲がフィルムに比べて狭いです。ディティールの欠損した影部分は必ずしも「悪い」わけではなく、実際にその様な効果が望ましい場合(部分)もあります。ただしディティールの欠損したハイライト部分が大きく面積を占めるのは良くありません。
  • 構図とは画像画面内での各要素の配置の事を言います。“三分割法”は構図作成には良い方法で、美術学校でも教えられています。まず、画像に水平線と垂直線をそれぞれ2本引き、画像を水平・垂直方向とも3分割します。主題を中央に配置するとたいていは画面に面白味を欠き、水平線と垂直線が交差する4つの交点の内どれか1つに主題を置いた方が良い画面になるでしょう。地平線は画面を半分に切ってしまうので、通常は地平線を中央に配置するべきではありません。上寄り、若しくは下寄りに配置させる方が良いでしょう。主たる考え方としては空間を上手に使い、躍動感・臨場感のある画面を作るという事です。
  • 動感表現 - ここでは被写体の「動き」を表現する手法を紹介します。動きのある被写体は止まって見えるか、もしくはブレて写りますが、これらはどちらの方が良いとは必ずしも言えず、どのような表現意図を持っているかによります。「動感」は主題と共に写り込んでいる他の背景等との関係で表現されます。例えばレーシングカーの撮影。車と背景とが共に止まって見えては、見る側にスピード感は伝わってきません。 なので撮影手法によって車は画面内で止まっているように写り、かつ背景をブレさせることでスピード感が表現され、このような手法を「パンニング(流し撮り)」と呼びます。一方で、背景と共に止まって撮られた高く跳躍したバスケットボール選手は、これは決定的瞬間の「不自然」なポーズになり、これも良い写真になり得るでしょう。
  • 被写界深度(DOF)とは主題の前側から後ろ側までのフォーカスエリアの事を言います。被写界深度は全ての画像で明解な意図のもと選択され、深い、または浅い被写界深度は、画像に品質を与えもし、また損なわせもします。浅い被写界深度は、主題を他の被写体から切り離し、見せたい被写体に注目を集めることが出来ます。深い被写界深度は空間を強調させる事が出来ます。広角(短焦点)レンズは深い被写界深度、逆に望遠(長焦点)レンズは浅い被写界深度が得られる傾向があります。また絞りを絞り込むと被写界深度は深く、解放すると浅い被写界深度が得られます。

グラフィック要素では形状、ボリューム、色、テクスチャー、遠近感、バランス、比率 等を見ます。

  • 形状とは主題に対する輪郭線、及び形状を言います。
  • ボリュームとは主題の立体感に対する品質を言います。立体感は横からのライティングで表現出来、反対に正面からのライティングは被写体を平坦に見せる傾向があり、不向きとされています。自然光の中でベストな光を得るには、早朝か、もしくは夕方の日の光が良いでしょう。
  • は大変重要で、強すぎる色合いは好ましくありません。
  • テクスチャーとは主題の表面材質の描写性に於ける品質を言います。表面材質は横からのライティングにより強調され、手に触れて伝わるかのような質感を与えます。
  • 遠近感とは、画像の画面内若しくは外にある消失点で繋がる放射状の直線、これに沿った形で現れる「角度」により表現されます。
  • バランスでは画像の画面内での重心が左右均衡か、若しくは片方に寄る等適切な配置が成されているかを見ます。
  • 比率では画面の大きさに対する被写体の大きさを見ます。一般的に、小さな被写体は小さく写真に表現してしまう傾向にありますが、相応しい撮影手法により小さな被写体を実寸とは逆に大きく見せる事が可能です。例えば、小さな花を大きな山よりも大きく見る事が出来ます。この手法を指して「倒置法」と呼びます。
  • 『象徴性か妥当性か』 ー 『秀逸な画像』ではしばしばこのようなテーマで意見論争が起こる傾向にあります。技術的・品質的には出来の悪い写真でも極めて撮影困難な被写体を捉えた写真は、凡庸な被写体を写した品質的に良い写真よりも評価されます。もちろん撮影困難な被写体を写し、かつ品質も良い写真は極めて価値の高い写真と言えます。





ステップ1:画像名(接頭Image:を含む)を下のテキストボックス内の文字列の後にコピー&ペースト、正しく Commons:Featured picture candidates/Image:推薦画像名.jpg と記入されているかを確認し、続いて『作品を推薦』ボタンをクリックします。


ステップ3:ステップ2で作成したページへのリンクをFeatured picture candidates/candidate listへ手動で挿入します。ページ編集をクリックし、候補リスト最上部に以下の書式で推薦画像へのリンクを加えます。

{{Commons:Featured picture candidates/Image:推薦画像名.jpg}}




  • {{支持}}または{{Support}} ( Support Support),
  • {{反対}}または{{Oppose}} ( Oppose Oppose),
  • {{中立}}または{{Neutral}} ( Neutral Neutral),
  • {{コメント}}または{{Comment}} ( Comment Comment),
  • 情報:{{Info}} ( Info),
  • 質問:{{Question}} ( Question).


あなたが何故その画像を好むか、または好まないか、特に( Supportや( Opposeの投票をする際は簡単な理由を加えましょう。また署名(~~~~)も忘れずに。匿名投票は受け付けられません。



時も経ればやがて『秀逸な画像』の基準も変わります。かつては“充分に価値に値する”と決定されたであろう画像も、その価値は普遍ではありません。ここでは「もはや『秀逸な画像』に値しない」と考えられる画像をリストアップします。リストされた画像へは、{{Keep}}  Keep 及び {{維持}}  Keep (=『秀逸な画像』に値する)、または{{Delist}}  Delist 及び {{除外}}  Oppose (=『秀逸な画像』に値しない)を投票します。



  • 画像の作者、投稿者等の出所情報。
  • その画像の“過去の秀逸な画像への推薦”ページへのリンク(画像ページの「リンク節」に表示されています)。
  • あなたが除外と考える理由とあなたの署名。

次に、Commons:Featured picture candidates/removalを編集し、下記の書式で作成した除外候補のページのリンクを手動で最上段に挿入します。

{{Commons:Featured picture candidates/removal/Image:除外画像名.jpg}}




  1. 投票期間を終えた後、結果は推薦日時から数えて10日後(下記タイムテーブル参照)に決定します。投票期間は推薦日時から数えて9日と23時間59分です。10日、またはそれを超えた投票はカウントされません。
  2. 匿名寄稿者による推薦を歓迎します。
  3. 匿名寄稿者による議論への参加を歓迎します。
  4. 匿名寄稿者による投票はカウントされません。
  5. 推薦者票は投票へはカウントされません。支持は明示的かつ言明される必要があります。
  6. 推薦者は自身の推薦をいつでも取り下げる事が出来ます。推薦を取り下げるには "I withdraw my nomination" (推薦を取り下げます)と書くか、テンプレート {{withdraw|~~~~}} を加えます。
  7. ウィキメディア・コモンズのプロジェクトの目的は、全てのウィキメディアプロジェクト(将来的なプロジェクト含む)に於いて自由に利用可能な画像を集積するセントラル・データベースを提供することである、ということを忘れないでください。セントラル・データベースは単純にウィキメディアの保管庫と言うわけではなく、また『秀逸な画像』等のプロジェクトに応じた判断をされるべきではありません。
  8. 推薦日から数えて5日間支持を受けられなかった画像(推薦者票含まず)は候補リストから外されます。(下記タイムテーブル参照)
  9. テンプレート{{FPX}}が貼られた画像は、テンプレート{{FPX}}の適用後は推薦者以外の支持票が無い限り、48時間後に候補リストから外されます。




  1. 適切なライセンス情報が添付されている。
  2. 最低5票以上の支持票を得ている。
  3. 支持:反対比率が2:1 (賛成が3分の2の過半数)以上である。
  4. 2つの同様な画像での異なったバージョンは同時に『秀逸な画像』へは認定されず、より支持票の多かった一枚を認定します。

除外ルールでは、投票期間、及びリストから外される期間は秀逸ルールと同じ期間を取ります。除外候補提出後5日間で提出者以外の  Delist  Oppose)票が得られなかった候補は、5日間ルールが適用され、候補リストから外されます。

常連ユーザーが推薦・投票の完了方法に従って、推薦投票を閉じることがあります。終了方法に関してはCommons:Featured picture candidates/What to do after voting is finishedを参照。










purge this page's cache

Voting period ends on 20 Oct 2024 at 18:54:20 (UTC)
Visit the nomination page to add or modify image notes.

Riders during Gotland Grand National 2023

Voting period ends on 20 Oct 2024 at 17:22:16 (UTC)
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Front view of the palace in Korczew, Poland.

Voting period ends on 20 Oct 2024 at 15:41:53 (UTC)
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Göttweig Abbey

100 Ruble "History of Monetary Circulation of Russia" commemorative coin (2009)


Voting period ends on 20 Oct 2024 at 12:04:51 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 20 Oct 2024 at 11:41:57 (UTC)
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Fishermen fishing with a big net in River Padma, district of Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Voting period ends on 20 Oct 2024 at 08:24:19 (UTC)
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Gardoš Tower in Belgrade

Voting period ends on 20 Oct 2024 at 05:46:46 (UTC)
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Colosseum in Rome, Italy at blue hour
  • Gallery: Commons:Featured pictures/Places/Architecture/Exteriors#Italy
  •  Info created, uploaded and nominated by me --A. Öztas 05:46, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Support -- A. Öztas 05:46, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Support Very beautiful and well done. The problem is that your photo directly competes with this very similar FP which has been taken by Diliff in 2007. It’s not one of his very best photos, but still a very strong competitor with high sharpness of details. Of course there are misc. differences – your photo is more of a night view, while Diliff’s one is a blue-hour shot; Diliff’s version shows misc. persons while your one is free of them; etc. In the end I think the point of view is different enough and better in your shot – the central way leading to the entrance is a clear advantage. So we can keep Diliff’s FP as FP because of the beautiful blue hour atmosphere and the details sharpness, and feature your new photo because of the somewhat better perspective and the better lighting of the arches. – Aristeas (talk) 09:33, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
In fact there were a few people around the Colosseum, when I was there to take some night shots. Unfortunately some of them were launching flying LED toys into the air, which caused unwanted light trails… To manage this and still capture the scene cleanly, I opted for a 15-minute long exposure. This helped me minimize the distracting elements while enhancing the lighting of the arches and overall atmosphere. Meanwhile, a police car drove past twice, but due to the long exposure time, it's not to be seen here. --A. Öztas 12:02, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Shortly after I arrived, another photographer from Canada was also packing up his things and we got chatting briefly. It was his last day in Rome and he wanted to take some nice night shots of the Colosseum. Unfortunately, his remaining battery barely lasted more than 10 minutes - I was sorry about that, but I couldn't help his Nikon. In the end, he was just annoyed with himself. To be honest, I thought there would be a lot more going on at a sight like this - especially with regard to photography - but maybe it was also due to the time of day (or night). --A. Öztas 12:02, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
That's too bad about the battery! It's frustrating, He is a commons photographer? I'm also from Canada, maybe I know him Wilfredor (talk) 17:49, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 20 Oct 2024 at 05:28:06 (UTC)
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Close wing moisture sucking of Papilio clytia (Linnaeus, 1758) - Common Mime (Male) From Dissimilis

Voting period ends on 19 Oct 2024 at 17:25:37 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 19 Oct 2024 at 16:07:27 (UTC)
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Portal, Town Hall (1 Markt), Quedlinburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany

Voting period ends on 19 Oct 2024 at 12:32:34 (UTC)
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Atsgara Valley, Caucasus Mountains.

Voting period ends on 19 Oct 2024 at 11:13:33
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Church of light
  •  Info This picture is clearly a manipulation – it's 2 pictures merged together: daylight (or very long-exposure moonlight) shot of the church and night shot of the sky). See the different noise levels of the foreground VS the sky. And there are artifacts from the background removal (check the blue outlines around the church tower). The foreground also suffers a lot from chromatic aberration, but in the areas, where the new sky was attached, the aberation artifacts were erased. Also, the real church has a cross on the top of the tower, which is missing in this picture. There also used to be a lamp on the left, which was also retouched – you can still see the leftover of the lamp around the pixel coordinates [1486,3044] and you can clearly see artifacts created by using the spot healing brush / clone tool going from that place up left. I can't beleive that the Wiki community is OK with that and can't believe this could become a FP and a finalist in Picture of the Year. (Original nomination)
  •  Delist I have stated the reasons in the Info section. I would like to see the original RAWs or out-of-camera JPGs to prove whether (and how) this was manipulated.--RealPhotoManiac (talk) 11:13, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Keep Why is this request coming from a 20-minute-old account? (in addition to what's been mentioned by Cart below) --SHB2000 (talk) 12:17, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Comment I was asked about this file, so here goes: Of course that photo is a combination of two photos, but I think not in a sinister way. It's simply an HDR, something that astro-photographers do all the time to get the best possible images. (Example from the same photographer where he describes the process of such photos.) If we are to ban all photos that are not just one photo as in raw, we should get rid of all stacked, HDR and panoramas too. Selecting different settings for the same scene at the same time is not against the rules. --Cart (talk) 12:19, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    1) All images created by combining 2 or more photos or should be properly categorised ho highlight this, right? There are rules for that ( and this picture clearly violates them.
    2) HDR should be just a series of pictures stacked together, but shot in the same time and place. I would be OK if this was the case. However, it looks like night sky was combined with a daylight foreground. I am not convinced that Moon or any other light source would create such hard shadows. Compared to other daylight shots (e.g, the light looks very similar. Compared to ther night shots (, the light is very different. In reality, there are spotlights around the church and nothing to cast light on the mountains around.
    4) I believe that the encyclopedical value of FPs should come from the fact that they show the reality, which is not the case here. RealPhotoManiac (talk) 13:05, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Comment I recommend confirming the date of the photo with the Northern Lights at that time. I think there should be no problem combining photos from the same place regardless of the time or day. Having this information in the image description would be much appreciated but many users do not know how to do this or do not find it necessary. --Wilfredor (talk) 13:51, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Comment Having been twice to Vík í Mýrdal in Iceland and seen that church on a hill on top of the city I am not sure wether this is a single photo or the combination of multiple photos. With long exposure at night, any small light source gets exponentially increased and pictures can look like as if they were taken in day time even though they were taken at night. I can't exclude that the illumination of this picture takes it's source from city light + moon light + aurora light. For example on this picture that I took at 22:01 in Switzerland when it was completely dark to the human eye, the mountain on the photo has harsh light and shadows that only come from the moon and nothing else (but to the human eye the light and shadows were not that harsh, only to the camera because of long exposure)! And the effect is even bigger on white surfaces such as with the snow or the church painting. Conclusion : yes it is possible to have harsh light and shadows on photos taken in complete darkness with long exposure and I can't exclude that this picture is just 1 picture and not a combination of multiple pictures -- Giles Laurent (talk) 15:57, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    But the chromatic aberrations on each side of the white part of the tower are a bit strange because they are not regular and may seem like there was some editing in that area. So it is not impossible either that it's a combination of pictures. But it might just be poor editing to try to remove the chromatic aberration so it's still possible that it's just one single picture -- Giles Laurent (talk) 16:12, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    The chromatic aberration is usually most intense towards the corners. Least intense in the center. The objects affected by CA usually have a blue outline on one side and a red outline on the other. So, around the church tower, it is not aberration, but rather leftovers of the original (probably) blue sky that was there before the aurora sky was added. Otherwise, the aberration would be visible also in other parts of the church and not just the tower. And how would you explain different noise levels between the sky and the foreground? And check the transition between the sky and the foreground on the very right. There are clearly visible leftovers from using the selection tool and the eraser. And the little black rock is there twice - on the right side of the rock, behind the one added as part of image 1, you can see the one that was part of the image 2, because the images were not aligned 1:1 when merged together. Also, the real church has a cross on the very top of the tower, which is completely missing in the picture, probably because it would be too hard to paint out the original background in such a complex shape. RealPhotoManiac (talk) 17:11, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I had an occasion were I had chromatic aberrations on the middle-top of a picture so it can happen even with good equipment but you're right that normally one side is red and the other is blue and that in this case it's two blue sides on the church tower. The difference of noise level is also present when comparing the illuminated parts and the not illuminated parts of this picture that I did but you're right that in the case of the church picture the difference seems a bit too big. Also it's very strange that the cross of the church was removed. Finally in light of this I have no doubt anymore that the church picture is unfortunately not real. The position of the northern light also felt too perfect to be true (even if sometimes people can get very lucky) -- Giles Laurent (talk) 11:08, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Unfortunately all these hypotheses can be classified with the presentation of the RAW, something that I proposed some time ago is that each FPC should have its respective RAW to support the editions. Wilfredor (talk) 17:12, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I fully support what you have written. It is common that all serious photo competitions require the participants to be able to provide the original RAW files. Wikipedia does not require this so I am sure there are many more secretly manipulated pictures around here. I would be OK with this picture, if it would be properly categorised as manipulated (as all the panoramas and other merged shots should be) and if the manipulation would be done properly (no visible transitions, no artifacts, no ghosts and no alternation of the objects in the scene – like e.g. the cross on the tower, which is missing). RealPhotoManiac (talk) 17:27, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Comment As an original supporter of the nomination, I'm leaning towards a Neutral Delist vote. On the one hand, the indications are in favor of delisting, but on the other hand, the arguments of Cart, Giles, and Wilfredor need to be considered. Because of the recent cases of undeclared manipulation that have come to light, I am more sensitive these days than I was 2 ½ years ago when I supported the image in good faith. If retouching goes beyond the norm, it must be disclosed on the file page. -- Radomianin (talk) 22:04, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I have just found out that not only the cross on the top of the tower is missing, but also a lamp was painted out. Here is a Google Street View for comparison. Everyone can clearly see that the lamp used to be in the picture, but was retouched. You can still see the leftover around pixel coordinates [1486,3044] and you can clearly see artifacts created by using the spot healing brush / clone tool going from that place up left. With all due respect to the image author, I believe he is indeed a good photographer, but a very poor photo editor. If someone could please turn on image notes on this page, I can highlight all the issues directly in the picture. RealPhotoManiac (talk) 06:06, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Abstain for now, but tending to {{Delist}} because the orientation of the shadows / light seems different on the church versus on the mountains behind. Church : light comes from the right, while mountains : light comes from the left. Or is it an illusion / perspective effect? However, I find SHB2000's question legitimate, and think it deserves an answer. -- Basile Morin (talk) 01:04, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  • If you were the reincarnation of a banned user, you could have fun making us doubt for hours, days, months or years... -- Basile Morin (talk) 11:48, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I am not here to make fun of you, believe me. If you have that feeling, I am very sorry for that. Please notice that I am not attacking anybody. I am here to raise awareness that cheating with photos is unfortunately a big topic here on Wikipedia and that the community here needs to focus on it a bit more. Pictures by this author are an easy example, but in the nearby future, AI generated / edited pictures will bring more difficult challenges, where it will be very hard to distinguish original vs fake images... RealPhotoManiac (talk) 12:57, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
New account, you want to teach us something on Commons, but you've also like completely lost your background / history / identity before entering here. Obviously you're an experienced user with knowledge on the process, the site, the image note gadget, etc. and for whatever reason do not want to reveal these elements of your profile. Pardon me, but that's rather odd, unless you're the real Zorro? :-) -- Basile Morin (talk) 14:23, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
And here is my another contribution. I have checked other photos made by the same author, AstroAnthony. He received a honorary mention in Commons:Wiki Science Competition 2019/Winners/Ireland for this picture: File:The stars and man.jpg. The picture is again a fake. The background can be found in another upload here: File:Milky way nebula.jpg. The foreground is copy-pasted from another photo. Put the images one over another as layers and you will see it. What's the point of awarding a photomanipulation? All heavily manipulated images should be properly categorized and described. RealPhotoManiac (talk) 10:43, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
After seeing this comment I went to see for other uploads of the uploader and I found this picture were there is absolutely no doubt that it is fake with three layers. There is a big difference in detail and focus between the man and the rock on which he is standing. The light on the man is completely different and doesn't match the light of the rock. Also, the man seems badly placed. Finally, we can see that the rocks were cut from their original picture...
So with all the hints on the other images as well it seems many night shots of this user are not true...
The position of the aurora on the church also seemed a bit too perfect to be true (but I was hoping that the photographer was just lucky) -- Giles Laurent (talk) 11:03, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Looks like the uploader of this photo also made a new account according to this comment and comparing with this other account name and pictures and multiple of his shots were awarded at WSC 2023 Ireland but I haven't checked yet if the shots awarded are real or not -- Giles Laurent (talk) 11:19, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I have checked some of his other photos. This and this are also suspicious – a man on the rock is inserted. See the different levels of sharpness and contrast. The second photo also won an award outside Wikipedia. Is there any place on Wiki where we could discuss this topic further? I guess this page should stay focused on the church picture... RealPhotoManiac (talk) 14:16, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
 Delist Thanks for the helpful comments -- Basile Morin (talk) 11:48, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Delist The arguments above have convinced me. This isn't just normal HDR, the transitions between land and sky are too abrupt for this to be the result of one frame. Cmao20 (talk) 12:10, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Delist I don’t see a problem if this photo is composed from two or more different exposures taken at the same date in the same place; this is a common approach in astrophotography – normally one or more frames of the sky are combined with a shot for the foreground which benefits from very different exposure times, ISO and/or aperture settings. Of course it would be much better if that was explained in the description page. It‘s also possible that the combined shots were taken at different dates or times of the day; this certainly would require to be documented; but that’s not sure. But what is sure (and what convinces me to vote for delisting) is that there are some obvious defects, like the missing cross and the coarse contours, which indicate that the montage has been done in a rather careless way. This is indeed a clear argument against the FP status, independent from the other questions. So many thanks to RealPhotoManiac for bringing this to our attention, and also many thanks to other participants, especially to Giles Laurent for the solid information. – Aristeas (talk) 13:27, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Delist For example the missing cross is too obvious problem. --Thi (talk) 14:02, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Delist Many thanks to all involved for the wide range of information that now provides a conclusive overview to make a reliable decision. -- Radomianin (talk) 14:04, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Delist It now became very clear to me, thanks RealPhotoManiac for the new arguments. --Wilfredor (talk) 15:00, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Delist as per all above explanation. Yann (talk) 16:44, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 19 Oct 2024 at 07:35:08 (UTC)
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Theyyam is a ritual art form of Kerala

All by Shagil Kannur -- Shagil Kannur (talk) 07:35, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 18 Oct 2024 at 21:50:18 (UTC)
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People fishing on a breakwater in Bouznika on the Atlantic coast.

Voting period ends on 18 Oct 2024 at 21:18:46 (UTC)
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Statue of a saint, located above the facade of the St. Anthony Cathedral of Breda

Voting period ends on 18 Oct 2024 at 20:49:24 (UTC)
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Thank you for nominating this image. Unfortunately, it does not fall within the Guidelines and is unlikely to succeed for the following reason: Poor quality. ArionStar is blocked for a year, and banned from FPC to avoid this kind of nomination. Yann (talk) 16:34, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply] Anyone other than the nominator who disagrees may override this template by changing {{FPX}} to {{FPX contested}} and adding a vote in support. Voting will then continue in the usual way. If not contested within 24 hours, this nomination may be closed.

Voting period ends on 18 Oct 2024 at 17:40:44 (UTC)
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Dukes' Courtyard, Milan
  •  Comment It’s good that you dissent, Basile, because you introduce a new point of view and arguments. Only by sharing different points of view we get an informative debate. Your suggested crop is a very interesting alternative. – Aristeas (talk) 09:20, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  • Thanks, Aristeas. I also think divergent opinions allow us to move forward, within the framework of a respectful exchange. Fortunately I am not the only one nor always a dissenter here :-) -- Basile Morin (talk) 09:56, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I feel the photographer gives us the context that the sitting person is posing, and I find that to be important context. UnpetitproleX (Talk) 12:06, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Why? There is perhaps someone brushing their teeth behind this photographer, and it doesn't seem inadequate to me to keep it invisible outside the frame. The photographer at the right might have a nice subject, while this view is like showing a "parasitic" element. I mean it really makes "tourist shot", whereas it could be a more careful, more elegant and more subtle composition. This woman posing could also be watching her children playing, or waiting for grandma, or listening to music. Anything possible. And this imaginary part would be more creative in my opinion, for the viewer. -- Basile Morin (talk) 12:16, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
The composition was born together with the two people (presumably mother and daughter from Milan) depicted in the image who are certainly an added value. A flaw that stands out is the proximity of the mother to the right edge, so I enlarged the image as much as possible, as well as making the image slightly more focused. I recognize that Basile Morin's suggestion is equally interesting, so with eight days left until the end of the FP candidature, I believe there is time to think about the alternative one. IMHO both images are good, but feel free to say yours. I would like to thank everyone for the suggestions received. Terragio67 (talk) 16:56, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Alternative image, Dukes' Courtyard - Milan


Voting period ends on 18 Oct 2024 at 17:23:49 (UTC)
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Bumblebee collecting pollen
Thank you for nominating this image. Unfortunately, it does not fall within the Guidelines and is unlikely to succeed for the following reason: quality problem -- Basile Morin (talk) 01:56, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply] Anyone other than the nominator who disagrees may override this template by changing {{FPX}} to {{FPX contested}} and adding a vote in support. Voting will then continue in the usual way. If not contested within 24 hours, this nomination may be closed.

Voting period ends on 18 Oct 2024 at 13:40:22 (UTC)
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Summit cross of the Schneespitze in the Stubai Alps and view into the Pflersch valley. In the background the Zillertal Alps

Morning view of the pond at Oizumi Ryokuchi Park - Set


Voting period ends on 18 Oct 2024 at 07:04:48 (UTC)
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  •  Neutral I like the effort of going at different times, I like the reflection and seeing the difference in color between the hours, but the shot itself seems ordinary, it lacks some element that makes it special. Sorry, it's a well-made shot. --Wilfredor (talk) 18:55, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Support Yes, it’s a pity about pylon and power line. But from this perspective the pylon fits very well between the trees, so it does not really bother me. – Aristeas (talk) 18:58, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Oppose Nice reflections, but all the composition seems to be based on highlighting this rather ugly electric pylon, from my point of view. So it is a central distracting element. I find no charm in these hanging power lines, sorry -- Basile Morin (talk) 01:55, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 17 Oct 2024 at 22:08:41 (UTC)
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Saharna Monastery, Saharna, Moldova
  • To be more precise: after South Sudan I visited Uganda, Ethiopia, Tanzania (including Zanzibar), Kenia, Oman, Kuwait and Bahrain (not mentioning 4-5 countries in Europe) :). I just came back from Turkey, next target is Baja California. Brazil still has to wait :( Poco a poco (talk) 09:45, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 17 Oct 2024 at 22:03:07 (UTC)
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Retrochoir of the cathedral of Segovia, Spain
  • I believe taht what you call CA is light diffraction created when the ray of light crosses the window, similar to the effect you expect when a ray of light goes through a prism. I have reduced the colours though a bit. I also reworked a bit the overexposure of the window in the top center, dehazed the center a bit and applied some sharpening overall. Poco a poco (talk) 20:17, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
It's better now, I think it might have been some color refraction, you were there so I'll take your word for it. --Wilfredor (talk) 12:28, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 17 Oct 2024 at 21:14:56 (UTC)
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Albert Edelfelt: The Luxembourg Gardens, Paris



Voting period ends on 17 Oct 2024 at 20:46:17 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 17 Oct 2024 at 19:36:21 (UTC)
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Insulator and barbed wire as part of the electric fence at Auschwitz-Birkenau

Voting period ends on 17 Oct 2024 at 17:51:24 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 17 Oct 2024 at 14:13:13 (UTC)
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The Ziegeleisee in the Ziegeleipark in Böckingen, Heilbronn, Germany, view from east in spring

Salzburg Altstadt Panorama 20240728 P


Voting period ends on 17 Oct 2024 at 09:48:24 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 17 Oct 2024 at 09:39:54 (UTC)
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The Lascar (left) and the Aguas Calientes (right) volcanoes, located in the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes Mountains in Chile

Voting period ends on 17 Oct 2024 at 09:26:02 (UTC)
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OTY 2O'Z UY with a freight train between Tangimush and Pulhokim, Uzbekistan
  •  Comment Yeah, I know what you mean. I continue to support, but I do think an oppose is entirely reasonable in this case, Kabelleger has definitely presented sharper ones. Cmao20 (talk) 21:13, 9 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 17 Oct 2024 at 08:48:21 (UTC)
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Portrait of Albert Einstein and other scientists, 1931. Left to Right: Walter Sydney Adams, Albert Abraham Michelson, Walther Mayer, Albert Einstein, Max Farrand, Robert Andrews Millikan

Voting period ends on 17 Oct 2024 at 07:54:08 (UTC)
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St. Mark's Church, Belgrade

Voting period ends on 16 Oct 2024 at 21:49:13 (UTC)
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A JCB excavator in Ladakh, India

Voting period ends on 16 Oct 2024 at 21:23:31 (UTC)
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Decoration of the upper facade of the minaret of the Mosque of Mansourah in Tlemcen

Voting period ends on 16 Oct 2024 at 20:59:24 (UTC)
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Evening view of the pond at Oizumi Ryokuchi Park.

Voting period ends on 16 Oct 2024 at 16:48:33 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 16 Oct 2024 at 14:55:13 (UTC)
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Hippopotamus fight in the Serengeti National Park

Voting period ends on 16 Oct 2024 at 13:39:28 (UTC)
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Close wing moisture sucking of Eurema brigitta (Stoll, 1780) - Small Grass Yellow

Voting period ends on 16 Oct 2024 at 10:51:43 (UTC)
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Town hall of Mont-de-Marsan, Landes, France

Voting period ends on 16 Oct 2024 at 10:48:38 (UTC)
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Basílica dos Congregados in Braga, Braga District, Portugal

Voting period ends on 16 Oct 2024 at 10:12:20 (UTC)
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Square image with fractal elements full of circle shapes
 Info Ah yes, it turns to purple colors on pixel level. This is because the color comes from a color gradient, that cycles with every iteration (deeper into the fractal) --PantheraLeo1359531 😺 (talk) 10:43, 7 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 16 Oct 2024 at 04:41:43 (UTC)
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Hood ornament “Spirit of Ecstasy” (“Emily”) of a Rolls-Royce Phantom II in Dülmen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
  • I have changed things. The background has improved in my opinion, even though I didn't find it annoying before. I also removed the visible part of the front headlight from the picture, but I didn't find this disturbing either. --XRay 💬 08:08, 7 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Support Thank you for that. The headlight at bottom right was merely personal taste; I would not oppose if you as the photographer prefer to keep it. The brush marks on the other hand were IMO a major issue and the photograph looks much improved in the latest version. Very happy to support now. BigDom (talk) 16:16, 7 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 16 Oct 2024 at 04:38:05 (UTC)
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Position lights (with image of St. Christopher) of a Rolls-Royce Phantom II in Dülmen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Voting period ends on 16 Oct 2024 at 01:34:30 (UTC)
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Praying bhikkhus inside Wat Sensoukharam in Luang Prabang Laos
  • It is a 1.3 s shot taken with a tripod, so possibly the people slightly moved during this relatively long time lapse. In my opinion it is still decent noise level, unless you pixel peep -- Basile Morin (talk) 01:09, 8 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 15 Oct 2024 at 21:26:50 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 15 Oct 2024 at 21:19:00 (UTC)
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  • It doesn't look like an underwater shot, the head of the sea lion is above the water. An interesting view but the quality is pretty low. And yes, there is lack of information, there isn't even a single category Poco a poco (talk) 15:00, 7 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Oppose - Agree with Cmao20. Taken from above, not under water, but we need more information. We should be able to get the species -- there are only six of them, after all. There is one species in Russia -- Steller -- but I don't know how to tell the difference between it and e.g. California from this photo. The color/clarity of the water make me think it's an aquarium shot, but that could just be my ignorance. Regardless, it could use some denoising (though at 12,800 ISO, a lot of detail may be lost). Happy to support if these issues are fixed. — Rhododendrites talk14:46, 8 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  • I agree with your remarks, I was hasty with the nomination. Colleagues, please suggest a template for withdrawing a nomination. JukoFF (talk) 19:06, 9 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 15 Oct 2024 at 17:04:57 (UTC)
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San Michele Tower - Cervia

Voting period ends on 15 Oct 2024 at 14:19:41 (UTC)
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The Resurrection Monastery (Voskresensky Monastery) or New Jerusalem Monastery (Novoiyerusalimsky Monastery). Istra

Voting period ends on 14 Oct 2024 at 23:08:49 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 14 Oct 2024 at 12:14:00 (UTC)
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Burimun gate and pine under blue sky at Beomeosa temple in Busan, South Korea
  • Totally agree, and I have this view on my computer. But there are things I like also in this large composition: the stone wall, the stone buried in the ground on the left, and above all the single tree, alone in the sky, that completely breaks the symmetry. Thank you very much for your review -- Basile Morin (talk) 23:28, 5 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 14 Oct 2024 at 07:50:36 (UTC)
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Sculptural group "The Taming of the Horse" by Peter Clodt, one of the four compositions on the Anichkov Bridge in St. Petersburg
  • Ah, I see a new version has been uploaded yesterday. Which makes my comment obsolete and inaccurate. It's always better to warn participants about changes happening in the background, when their constructive criticism is relevant / taken into account, so that we can follow. But I also have the impression that the clouds are posterized. Not convinced enough by the exceptional nature of the photo cropped at the bottom, sorry -- Basile Morin (talk) 04:12, 6 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 13 Oct 2024 at 14:29:12 (UTC)
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Schlossberg Castle in Kaysersberg (Haut-Rhin, France).

Alternate version (exposure)


Schlossberg Castle in Kaysersberg (Haut-Rhin, France).

Voting period ends on 13 Oct 2024 at 13:50:14 (UTC)
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Old town i Forteczna Góra in Kłodzko

Voting period ends on 13 Oct 2024 at 13:32:57 (UTC)
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Havaianas flip-flops

Voting period ends on 13 Oct 2024 at 08:59:44 (UTC)
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Telč, Czech Republic

Voting period ends on 13 Oct 2024 at 03:09:40 (UTC)
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Maqam Ibrahim (Station of Abraham) in Grand Mosque of Mecca
This alternative needs explicit approval of the nominator

Edited from original


Maqam Ibrahim (Station of Abraham) in Grand Mosque of Mecca

Voting period ends on 12 Oct 2024 at 13:09:26 (UTC)
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View of w:Taiz with w:Al-Qahira Castle on the left

Voting period is over. Please don't add any new votes.Voting period ends on 11 Oct 2024 at 14:49:27 (UTC)
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A Kashmiri Lady on Shikara

Voting period ends on 11 Oct 2024 at 20:30:52 (UTC)
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Diagram of a cross-section of the earth's crust by Alexander von Humboldt. The diagram also represents the flora and fauna of different areas
 Support Amazing historical scientific visualization of the Great Alexander von Humboldt from 1850. Ventolinmono (talk) 22:57, 2 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
 Support I quote @User:Yann for the alternative file, an excellent infographic. --LucaLindholm (talk) 13:10, 3 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period is over. Please don't add any new votes.Voting period ends on 11 Oct 2024 at 10:55:26 (UTC)
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This is the Cave painting of The Grand dieu du Sefar in Sefar in Tassili n'Ajjer in Algeria. I think it can be considered FP because i tried by editing it to show more the lines as in this maquette
  • Gallery: Commons:Featured pictures/Places/Other
  •  Info Grand dieu du Sefar is the most famous cave painting in Sefar in Tassili n'Ajjer in ALgeria. In fact this cave painting is located in Algeria, Djanet in the park Tassili n'Ajjer in a precise place named Sefar. This is one of more than thousannds of cave paintin discovered by Henri Lhote and his team and they was guided by Djebrine Machar a Touareg guide who was known for a great expertise in the great Sahara's cave paintings.
  •  Abstain as author --IssamBarhoumi (talk) 10:08, 4 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

All by me IssamBarhoumi -- IssamBarhoumi (talk) 10:55, 2 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Confirmed results:
Result: 8 support, 1 oppose, 0 neutral → featured. /Yann (talk) 20:01, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
This image will be added to the FP gallery: Places/Other

Voting period is over. Please don't add any new votes.Voting period ends on 10 Oct 2024 at 22:20:11

Unconfirmed results: (info)
Result: 0 delist, 0 keep, 0 neutral => not delisted. /FPCBot (talk) 05:02, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply] 



Voting period ends on 20 Oct 2024 at 18:54:20 (UTC)
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Riders during Gotland Grand National 2023

Voting period ends on 20 Oct 2024 at 17:22:16 (UTC)
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Front view of the palace in Korczew, Poland.

Voting period ends on 20 Oct 2024 at 15:41:53 (UTC)
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Göttweig Abbey

100 Ruble "History of Monetary Circulation of Russia" commemorative coin (2009)


Voting period ends on 20 Oct 2024 at 12:04:51 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 20 Oct 2024 at 11:41:57 (UTC)
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Fishermen fishing with a big net in River Padma, district of Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Voting period ends on 20 Oct 2024 at 08:24:19 (UTC)
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Gardoš Tower in Belgrade

Voting period ends on 20 Oct 2024 at 05:46:46 (UTC)
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Colosseum in Rome, Italy at blue hour
  • Gallery: Commons:Featured pictures/Places/Architecture/Exteriors#Italy
  •  Info created, uploaded and nominated by me --A. Öztas 05:46, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Support -- A. Öztas 05:46, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Support Very beautiful and well done. The problem is that your photo directly competes with this very similar FP which has been taken by Diliff in 2007. It’s not one of his very best photos, but still a very strong competitor with high sharpness of details. Of course there are misc. differences – your photo is more of a night view, while Diliff’s one is a blue-hour shot; Diliff’s version shows misc. persons while your one is free of them; etc. In the end I think the point of view is different enough and better in your shot – the central way leading to the entrance is a clear advantage. So we can keep Diliff’s FP as FP because of the beautiful blue hour atmosphere and the details sharpness, and feature your new photo because of the somewhat better perspective and the better lighting of the arches. – Aristeas (talk) 09:33, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
In fact there were a few people around the Colosseum, when I was there to take some night shots. Unfortunately some of them were launching flying LED toys into the air, which caused unwanted light trails… To manage this and still capture the scene cleanly, I opted for a 15-minute long exposure. This helped me minimize the distracting elements while enhancing the lighting of the arches and overall atmosphere. Meanwhile, a police car drove past twice, but due to the long exposure time, it's not to be seen here. --A. Öztas 12:02, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Shortly after I arrived, another photographer from Canada was also packing up his things and we got chatting briefly. It was his last day in Rome and he wanted to take some nice night shots of the Colosseum. Unfortunately, his remaining battery barely lasted more than 10 minutes - I was sorry about that, but I couldn't help his Nikon. In the end, he was just annoyed with himself. To be honest, I thought there would be a lot more going on at a sight like this - especially with regard to photography - but maybe it was also due to the time of day (or night). --A. Öztas 12:02, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
That's too bad about the battery! It's frustrating, He is a commons photographer? I'm also from Canada, maybe I know him Wilfredor (talk) 17:49, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 20 Oct 2024 at 05:28:06 (UTC)
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Close wing moisture sucking of Papilio clytia (Linnaeus, 1758) - Common Mime (Male) From Dissimilis

Voting period ends on 19 Oct 2024 at 17:25:37 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 19 Oct 2024 at 16:07:27 (UTC)
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Portal, Town Hall (1 Markt), Quedlinburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany

Voting period ends on 19 Oct 2024 at 12:32:34 (UTC)
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Atsgara Valley, Caucasus Mountains.

Voting period ends on 19 Oct 2024 at 11:13:33
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Church of light
  •  Info This picture is clearly a manipulation – it's 2 pictures merged together: daylight (or very long-exposure moonlight) shot of the church and night shot of the sky). See the different noise levels of the foreground VS the sky. And there are artifacts from the background removal (check the blue outlines around the church tower). The foreground also suffers a lot from chromatic aberration, but in the areas, where the new sky was attached, the aberation artifacts were erased. Also, the real church has a cross on the top of the tower, which is missing in this picture. There also used to be a lamp on the left, which was also retouched – you can still see the leftover of the lamp around the pixel coordinates [1486,3044] and you can clearly see artifacts created by using the spot healing brush / clone tool going from that place up left. I can't beleive that the Wiki community is OK with that and can't believe this could become a FP and a finalist in Picture of the Year. (Original nomination)
  •  Delist I have stated the reasons in the Info section. I would like to see the original RAWs or out-of-camera JPGs to prove whether (and how) this was manipulated.--RealPhotoManiac (talk) 11:13, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Keep Why is this request coming from a 20-minute-old account? (in addition to what's been mentioned by Cart below) --SHB2000 (talk) 12:17, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Comment I was asked about this file, so here goes: Of course that photo is a combination of two photos, but I think not in a sinister way. It's simply an HDR, something that astro-photographers do all the time to get the best possible images. (Example from the same photographer where he describes the process of such photos.) If we are to ban all photos that are not just one photo as in raw, we should get rid of all stacked, HDR and panoramas too. Selecting different settings for the same scene at the same time is not against the rules. --Cart (talk) 12:19, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    1) All images created by combining 2 or more photos or should be properly categorised ho highlight this, right? There are rules for that ( and this picture clearly violates them.
    2) HDR should be just a series of pictures stacked together, but shot in the same time and place. I would be OK if this was the case. However, it looks like night sky was combined with a daylight foreground. I am not convinced that Moon or any other light source would create such hard shadows. Compared to other daylight shots (e.g, the light looks very similar. Compared to ther night shots (, the light is very different. In reality, there are spotlights around the church and nothing to cast light on the mountains around.
    4) I believe that the encyclopedical value of FPs should come from the fact that they show the reality, which is not the case here. RealPhotoManiac (talk) 13:05, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Comment I recommend confirming the date of the photo with the Northern Lights at that time. I think there should be no problem combining photos from the same place regardless of the time or day. Having this information in the image description would be much appreciated but many users do not know how to do this or do not find it necessary. --Wilfredor (talk) 13:51, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Comment Having been twice to Vík í Mýrdal in Iceland and seen that church on a hill on top of the city I am not sure wether this is a single photo or the combination of multiple photos. With long exposure at night, any small light source gets exponentially increased and pictures can look like as if they were taken in day time even though they were taken at night. I can't exclude that the illumination of this picture takes it's source from city light + moon light + aurora light. For example on this picture that I took at 22:01 in Switzerland when it was completely dark to the human eye, the mountain on the photo has harsh light and shadows that only come from the moon and nothing else (but to the human eye the light and shadows were not that harsh, only to the camera because of long exposure)! And the effect is even bigger on white surfaces such as with the snow or the church painting. Conclusion : yes it is possible to have harsh light and shadows on photos taken in complete darkness with long exposure and I can't exclude that this picture is just 1 picture and not a combination of multiple pictures -- Giles Laurent (talk) 15:57, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    But the chromatic aberrations on each side of the white part of the tower are a bit strange because they are not regular and may seem like there was some editing in that area. So it is not impossible either that it's a combination of pictures. But it might just be poor editing to try to remove the chromatic aberration so it's still possible that it's just one single picture -- Giles Laurent (talk) 16:12, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    The chromatic aberration is usually most intense towards the corners. Least intense in the center. The objects affected by CA usually have a blue outline on one side and a red outline on the other. So, around the church tower, it is not aberration, but rather leftovers of the original (probably) blue sky that was there before the aurora sky was added. Otherwise, the aberration would be visible also in other parts of the church and not just the tower. And how would you explain different noise levels between the sky and the foreground? And check the transition between the sky and the foreground on the very right. There are clearly visible leftovers from using the selection tool and the eraser. And the little black rock is there twice - on the right side of the rock, behind the one added as part of image 1, you can see the one that was part of the image 2, because the images were not aligned 1:1 when merged together. Also, the real church has a cross on the very top of the tower, which is completely missing in the picture, probably because it would be too hard to paint out the original background in such a complex shape. RealPhotoManiac (talk) 17:11, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I had an occasion were I had chromatic aberrations on the middle-top of a picture so it can happen even with good equipment but you're right that normally one side is red and the other is blue and that in this case it's two blue sides on the church tower. The difference of noise level is also present when comparing the illuminated parts and the not illuminated parts of this picture that I did but you're right that in the case of the church picture the difference seems a bit too big. Also it's very strange that the cross of the church was removed. Finally in light of this I have no doubt anymore that the church picture is unfortunately not real. The position of the northern light also felt too perfect to be true (even if sometimes people can get very lucky) -- Giles Laurent (talk) 11:08, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    Unfortunately all these hypotheses can be classified with the presentation of the RAW, something that I proposed some time ago is that each FPC should have its respective RAW to support the editions. Wilfredor (talk) 17:12, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I fully support what you have written. It is common that all serious photo competitions require the participants to be able to provide the original RAW files. Wikipedia does not require this so I am sure there are many more secretly manipulated pictures around here. I would be OK with this picture, if it would be properly categorised as manipulated (as all the panoramas and other merged shots should be) and if the manipulation would be done properly (no visible transitions, no artifacts, no ghosts and no alternation of the objects in the scene – like e.g. the cross on the tower, which is missing). RealPhotoManiac (talk) 17:27, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Comment As an original supporter of the nomination, I'm leaning towards a Neutral Delist vote. On the one hand, the indications are in favor of delisting, but on the other hand, the arguments of Cart, Giles, and Wilfredor need to be considered. Because of the recent cases of undeclared manipulation that have come to light, I am more sensitive these days than I was 2 ½ years ago when I supported the image in good faith. If retouching goes beyond the norm, it must be disclosed on the file page. -- Radomianin (talk) 22:04, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I have just found out that not only the cross on the top of the tower is missing, but also a lamp was painted out. Here is a Google Street View for comparison. Everyone can clearly see that the lamp used to be in the picture, but was retouched. You can still see the leftover around pixel coordinates [1486,3044] and you can clearly see artifacts created by using the spot healing brush / clone tool going from that place up left. With all due respect to the image author, I believe he is indeed a good photographer, but a very poor photo editor. If someone could please turn on image notes on this page, I can highlight all the issues directly in the picture. RealPhotoManiac (talk) 06:06, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Abstain for now, but tending to {{Delist}} because the orientation of the shadows / light seems different on the church versus on the mountains behind. Church : light comes from the right, while mountains : light comes from the left. Or is it an illusion / perspective effect? However, I find SHB2000's question legitimate, and think it deserves an answer. -- Basile Morin (talk) 01:04, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  • If you were the reincarnation of a banned user, you could have fun making us doubt for hours, days, months or years... -- Basile Morin (talk) 11:48, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
    I am not here to make fun of you, believe me. If you have that feeling, I am very sorry for that. Please notice that I am not attacking anybody. I am here to raise awareness that cheating with photos is unfortunately a big topic here on Wikipedia and that the community here needs to focus on it a bit more. Pictures by this author are an easy example, but in the nearby future, AI generated / edited pictures will bring more difficult challenges, where it will be very hard to distinguish original vs fake images... RealPhotoManiac (talk) 12:57, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
New account, you want to teach us something on Commons, but you've also like completely lost your background / history / identity before entering here. Obviously you're an experienced user with knowledge on the process, the site, the image note gadget, etc. and for whatever reason do not want to reveal these elements of your profile. Pardon me, but that's rather odd, unless you're the real Zorro? :-) -- Basile Morin (talk) 14:23, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
And here is my another contribution. I have checked other photos made by the same author, AstroAnthony. He received a honorary mention in Commons:Wiki Science Competition 2019/Winners/Ireland for this picture: File:The stars and man.jpg. The picture is again a fake. The background can be found in another upload here: File:Milky way nebula.jpg. The foreground is copy-pasted from another photo. Put the images one over another as layers and you will see it. What's the point of awarding a photomanipulation? All heavily manipulated images should be properly categorized and described. RealPhotoManiac (talk) 10:43, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
After seeing this comment I went to see for other uploads of the uploader and I found this picture were there is absolutely no doubt that it is fake with three layers. There is a big difference in detail and focus between the man and the rock on which he is standing. The light on the man is completely different and doesn't match the light of the rock. Also, the man seems badly placed. Finally, we can see that the rocks were cut from their original picture...
So with all the hints on the other images as well it seems many night shots of this user are not true...
The position of the aurora on the church also seemed a bit too perfect to be true (but I was hoping that the photographer was just lucky) -- Giles Laurent (talk) 11:03, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Looks like the uploader of this photo also made a new account according to this comment and comparing with this other account name and pictures and multiple of his shots were awarded at WSC 2023 Ireland but I haven't checked yet if the shots awarded are real or not -- Giles Laurent (talk) 11:19, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I have checked some of his other photos. This and this are also suspicious – a man on the rock is inserted. See the different levels of sharpness and contrast. The second photo also won an award outside Wikipedia. Is there any place on Wiki where we could discuss this topic further? I guess this page should stay focused on the church picture... RealPhotoManiac (talk) 14:16, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
 Delist Thanks for the helpful comments -- Basile Morin (talk) 11:48, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Delist The arguments above have convinced me. This isn't just normal HDR, the transitions between land and sky are too abrupt for this to be the result of one frame. Cmao20 (talk) 12:10, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Delist I don’t see a problem if this photo is composed from two or more different exposures taken at the same date in the same place; this is a common approach in astrophotography – normally one or more frames of the sky are combined with a shot for the foreground which benefits from very different exposure times, ISO and/or aperture settings. Of course it would be much better if that was explained in the description page. It‘s also possible that the combined shots were taken at different dates or times of the day; this certainly would require to be documented; but that’s not sure. But what is sure (and what convinces me to vote for delisting) is that there are some obvious defects, like the missing cross and the coarse contours, which indicate that the montage has been done in a rather careless way. This is indeed a clear argument against the FP status, independent from the other questions. So many thanks to RealPhotoManiac for bringing this to our attention, and also many thanks to other participants, especially to Giles Laurent for the solid information. – Aristeas (talk) 13:27, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Delist For example the missing cross is too obvious problem. --Thi (talk) 14:02, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Delist Many thanks to all involved for the wide range of information that now provides a conclusive overview to make a reliable decision. -- Radomianin (talk) 14:04, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Delist It now became very clear to me, thanks RealPhotoManiac for the new arguments. --Wilfredor (talk) 15:00, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Delist as per all above explanation. Yann (talk) 16:44, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 19 Oct 2024 at 07:35:08 (UTC)
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Theyyam is a ritual art form of Kerala

All by Shagil Kannur -- Shagil Kannur (talk) 07:35, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 18 Oct 2024 at 21:50:18 (UTC)
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People fishing on a breakwater in Bouznika on the Atlantic coast.

Voting period ends on 18 Oct 2024 at 21:18:46 (UTC)
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Statue of a saint, located above the facade of the St. Anthony Cathedral of Breda

Voting period ends on 18 Oct 2024 at 20:49:24 (UTC)
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Thank you for nominating this image. Unfortunately, it does not fall within the Guidelines and is unlikely to succeed for the following reason: Poor quality. ArionStar is blocked for a year, and banned from FPC to avoid this kind of nomination. Yann (talk) 16:34, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply] Anyone other than the nominator who disagrees may override this template by changing {{FPX}} to {{FPX contested}} and adding a vote in support. Voting will then continue in the usual way. If not contested within 24 hours, this nomination may be closed.

Voting period ends on 18 Oct 2024 at 17:40:44 (UTC)
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Dukes' Courtyard, Milan
  •  Comment It’s good that you dissent, Basile, because you introduce a new point of view and arguments. Only by sharing different points of view we get an informative debate. Your suggested crop is a very interesting alternative. – Aristeas (talk) 09:20, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  • Thanks, Aristeas. I also think divergent opinions allow us to move forward, within the framework of a respectful exchange. Fortunately I am not the only one nor always a dissenter here :-) -- Basile Morin (talk) 09:56, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I feel the photographer gives us the context that the sitting person is posing, and I find that to be important context. UnpetitproleX (Talk) 12:06, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Why? There is perhaps someone brushing their teeth behind this photographer, and it doesn't seem inadequate to me to keep it invisible outside the frame. The photographer at the right might have a nice subject, while this view is like showing a "parasitic" element. I mean it really makes "tourist shot", whereas it could be a more careful, more elegant and more subtle composition. This woman posing could also be watching her children playing, or waiting for grandma, or listening to music. Anything possible. And this imaginary part would be more creative in my opinion, for the viewer. -- Basile Morin (talk) 12:16, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
The composition was born together with the two people (presumably mother and daughter from Milan) depicted in the image who are certainly an added value. A flaw that stands out is the proximity of the mother to the right edge, so I enlarged the image as much as possible, as well as making the image slightly more focused. I recognize that Basile Morin's suggestion is equally interesting, so with eight days left until the end of the FP candidature, I believe there is time to think about the alternative one. IMHO both images are good, but feel free to say yours. I would like to thank everyone for the suggestions received. Terragio67 (talk) 16:56, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Alternative image, Dukes' Courtyard - Milan


Voting period ends on 18 Oct 2024 at 17:23:49 (UTC)
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Bumblebee collecting pollen
Thank you for nominating this image. Unfortunately, it does not fall within the Guidelines and is unlikely to succeed for the following reason: quality problem -- Basile Morin (talk) 01:56, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply] Anyone other than the nominator who disagrees may override this template by changing {{FPX}} to {{FPX contested}} and adding a vote in support. Voting will then continue in the usual way. If not contested within 24 hours, this nomination may be closed.

Voting period ends on 18 Oct 2024 at 13:40:22 (UTC)
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Summit cross of the Schneespitze in the Stubai Alps and view into the Pflersch valley. In the background the Zillertal Alps

Morning view of the pond at Oizumi Ryokuchi Park - Set


Voting period ends on 18 Oct 2024 at 07:04:48 (UTC)
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  •  Neutral I like the effort of going at different times, I like the reflection and seeing the difference in color between the hours, but the shot itself seems ordinary, it lacks some element that makes it special. Sorry, it's a well-made shot. --Wilfredor (talk) 18:55, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Support Yes, it’s a pity about pylon and power line. But from this perspective the pylon fits very well between the trees, so it does not really bother me. – Aristeas (talk) 18:58, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Oppose Nice reflections, but all the composition seems to be based on highlighting this rather ugly electric pylon, from my point of view. So it is a central distracting element. I find no charm in these hanging power lines, sorry -- Basile Morin (talk) 01:55, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 17 Oct 2024 at 22:08:41 (UTC)
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Saharna Monastery, Saharna, Moldova
  • To be more precise: after South Sudan I visited Uganda, Ethiopia, Tanzania (including Zanzibar), Kenia, Oman, Kuwait and Bahrain (not mentioning 4-5 countries in Europe) :). I just came back from Turkey, next target is Baja California. Brazil still has to wait :( Poco a poco (talk) 09:45, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 17 Oct 2024 at 22:03:07 (UTC)
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Retrochoir of the cathedral of Segovia, Spain
  • I believe taht what you call CA is light diffraction created when the ray of light crosses the window, similar to the effect you expect when a ray of light goes through a prism. I have reduced the colours though a bit. I also reworked a bit the overexposure of the window in the top center, dehazed the center a bit and applied some sharpening overall. Poco a poco (talk) 20:17, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
It's better now, I think it might have been some color refraction, you were there so I'll take your word for it. --Wilfredor (talk) 12:28, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 17 Oct 2024 at 21:14:56 (UTC)
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Albert Edelfelt: The Luxembourg Gardens, Paris



Voting period ends on 17 Oct 2024 at 20:46:17 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 17 Oct 2024 at 19:36:21 (UTC)
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Insulator and barbed wire as part of the electric fence at Auschwitz-Birkenau

Voting period ends on 17 Oct 2024 at 17:51:24 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 17 Oct 2024 at 14:13:13 (UTC)
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The Ziegeleisee in the Ziegeleipark in Böckingen, Heilbronn, Germany, view from east in spring

Salzburg Altstadt Panorama 20240728 P


Voting period ends on 17 Oct 2024 at 09:48:24 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 17 Oct 2024 at 09:39:54 (UTC)
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The Lascar (left) and the Aguas Calientes (right) volcanoes, located in the Central Volcanic Zone of the Andes Mountains in Chile

Voting period ends on 17 Oct 2024 at 09:26:02 (UTC)
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OTY 2O'Z UY with a freight train between Tangimush and Pulhokim, Uzbekistan
  •  Comment Yeah, I know what you mean. I continue to support, but I do think an oppose is entirely reasonable in this case, Kabelleger has definitely presented sharper ones. Cmao20 (talk) 21:13, 9 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 17 Oct 2024 at 08:48:21 (UTC)
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Portrait of Albert Einstein and other scientists, 1931. Left to Right: Walter Sydney Adams, Albert Abraham Michelson, Walther Mayer, Albert Einstein, Max Farrand, Robert Andrews Millikan

Voting period ends on 17 Oct 2024 at 07:54:08 (UTC)
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St. Mark's Church, Belgrade

Voting period ends on 16 Oct 2024 at 21:49:13 (UTC)
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A JCB excavator in Ladakh, India

Voting period ends on 16 Oct 2024 at 21:23:31 (UTC)
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Decoration of the upper facade of the minaret of the Mosque of Mansourah in Tlemcen

Voting period ends on 16 Oct 2024 at 20:59:24 (UTC)
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Evening view of the pond at Oizumi Ryokuchi Park.

Voting period ends on 16 Oct 2024 at 16:48:33 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 16 Oct 2024 at 14:55:13 (UTC)
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Hippopotamus fight in the Serengeti National Park

Voting period ends on 16 Oct 2024 at 13:39:28 (UTC)
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Close wing moisture sucking of Eurema brigitta (Stoll, 1780) - Small Grass Yellow

Voting period ends on 16 Oct 2024 at 10:51:43 (UTC)
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Town hall of Mont-de-Marsan, Landes, France

Voting period ends on 16 Oct 2024 at 10:48:38 (UTC)
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Basílica dos Congregados in Braga, Braga District, Portugal

Voting period ends on 16 Oct 2024 at 10:12:20 (UTC)
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Square image with fractal elements full of circle shapes
 Info Ah yes, it turns to purple colors on pixel level. This is because the color comes from a color gradient, that cycles with every iteration (deeper into the fractal) --PantheraLeo1359531 😺 (talk) 10:43, 7 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 16 Oct 2024 at 04:41:43 (UTC)
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Hood ornament “Spirit of Ecstasy” (“Emily”) of a Rolls-Royce Phantom II in Dülmen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
  • I have changed things. The background has improved in my opinion, even though I didn't find it annoying before. I also removed the visible part of the front headlight from the picture, but I didn't find this disturbing either. --XRay 💬 08:08, 7 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Support Thank you for that. The headlight at bottom right was merely personal taste; I would not oppose if you as the photographer prefer to keep it. The brush marks on the other hand were IMO a major issue and the photograph looks much improved in the latest version. Very happy to support now. BigDom (talk) 16:16, 7 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 16 Oct 2024 at 04:38:05 (UTC)
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Position lights (with image of St. Christopher) of a Rolls-Royce Phantom II in Dülmen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Voting period ends on 16 Oct 2024 at 01:34:30 (UTC)
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Praying bhikkhus inside Wat Sensoukharam in Luang Prabang Laos
  • It is a 1.3 s shot taken with a tripod, so possibly the people slightly moved during this relatively long time lapse. In my opinion it is still decent noise level, unless you pixel peep -- Basile Morin (talk) 01:09, 8 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 15 Oct 2024 at 21:26:50 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 15 Oct 2024 at 21:19:00 (UTC)
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  • It doesn't look like an underwater shot, the head of the sea lion is above the water. An interesting view but the quality is pretty low. And yes, there is lack of information, there isn't even a single category Poco a poco (talk) 15:00, 7 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  •  Oppose - Agree with Cmao20. Taken from above, not under water, but we need more information. We should be able to get the species -- there are only six of them, after all. There is one species in Russia -- Steller -- but I don't know how to tell the difference between it and e.g. California from this photo. The color/clarity of the water make me think it's an aquarium shot, but that could just be my ignorance. Regardless, it could use some denoising (though at 12,800 ISO, a lot of detail may be lost). Happy to support if these issues are fixed. — Rhododendrites talk14:46, 8 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  • I agree with your remarks, I was hasty with the nomination. Colleagues, please suggest a template for withdrawing a nomination. JukoFF (talk) 19:06, 9 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 15 Oct 2024 at 17:04:57 (UTC)
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San Michele Tower - Cervia

Voting period ends on 15 Oct 2024 at 14:19:41 (UTC)
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The Resurrection Monastery (Voskresensky Monastery) or New Jerusalem Monastery (Novoiyerusalimsky Monastery). Istra

Voting period ends on 14 Oct 2024 at 23:08:49 (UTC)
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Voting period ends on 14 Oct 2024 at 12:14:00 (UTC)
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Burimun gate and pine under blue sky at Beomeosa temple in Busan, South Korea
  • Totally agree, and I have this view on my computer. But there are things I like also in this large composition: the stone wall, the stone buried in the ground on the left, and above all the single tree, alone in the sky, that completely breaks the symmetry. Thank you very much for your review -- Basile Morin (talk) 23:28, 5 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 14 Oct 2024 at 07:50:36 (UTC)
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Sculptural group "The Taming of the Horse" by Peter Clodt, one of the four compositions on the Anichkov Bridge in St. Petersburg
  • Ah, I see a new version has been uploaded yesterday. Which makes my comment obsolete and inaccurate. It's always better to warn participants about changes happening in the background, when their constructive criticism is relevant / taken into account, so that we can follow. But I also have the impression that the clouds are posterized. Not convinced enough by the exceptional nature of the photo cropped at the bottom, sorry -- Basile Morin (talk) 04:12, 6 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period ends on 13 Oct 2024 at 14:29:12 (UTC)
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Schlossberg Castle in Kaysersberg (Haut-Rhin, France).

Alternate version (exposure)


Schlossberg Castle in Kaysersberg (Haut-Rhin, France).

Voting period ends on 13 Oct 2024 at 13:50:14 (UTC)
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Old town i Forteczna Góra in Kłodzko

Voting period ends on 13 Oct 2024 at 13:32:57 (UTC)
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Havaianas flip-flops

Voting period ends on 13 Oct 2024 at 08:59:44 (UTC)
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Telč, Czech Republic

Voting period ends on 13 Oct 2024 at 03:09:40 (UTC)
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Maqam Ibrahim (Station of Abraham) in Grand Mosque of Mecca
This alternative needs explicit approval of the nominator

Edited from original


Maqam Ibrahim (Station of Abraham) in Grand Mosque of Mecca

Voting period ends on 12 Oct 2024 at 13:09:26 (UTC)
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View of w:Taiz with w:Al-Qahira Castle on the left

Voting period is over. Please don't add any new votes.Voting period ends on 11 Oct 2024 at 14:49:27 (UTC)
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A Kashmiri Lady on Shikara

Voting period ends on 11 Oct 2024 at 20:30:52 (UTC)
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Diagram of a cross-section of the earth's crust by Alexander von Humboldt. The diagram also represents the flora and fauna of different areas
 Support Amazing historical scientific visualization of the Great Alexander von Humboldt from 1850. Ventolinmono (talk) 22:57, 2 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
 Support I quote @User:Yann for the alternative file, an excellent infographic. --LucaLindholm (talk) 13:10, 3 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Voting period is over. Please don't add any new votes.Voting period ends on 11 Oct 2024 at 10:55:26 (UTC)
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This is the Cave painting of The Grand dieu du Sefar in Sefar in Tassili n'Ajjer in Algeria. I think it can be considered FP because i tried by editing it to show more the lines as in this maquette
  • Gallery: Commons:Featured pictures/Places/Other
  •  Info Grand dieu du Sefar is the most famous cave painting in Sefar in Tassili n'Ajjer in ALgeria. In fact this cave painting is located in Algeria, Djanet in the park Tassili n'Ajjer in a precise place named Sefar. This is one of more than thousannds of cave paintin discovered by Henri Lhote and his team and they was guided by Djebrine Machar a Touareg guide who was known for a great expertise in the great Sahara's cave paintings.
  •  Abstain as author --IssamBarhoumi (talk) 10:08, 4 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

All by me IssamBarhoumi -- IssamBarhoumi (talk) 10:55, 2 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Confirmed results:
Result: 8 support, 1 oppose, 0 neutral → featured. /Yann (talk) 20:01, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
This image will be added to the FP gallery: Places/Other

Voting period is over. Please don't add any new votes.Voting period ends on 10 Oct 2024 at 22:20:11

Unconfirmed results: (info)
Result: 0 delist, 0 keep, 0 neutral => not delisted. /FPCBot (talk) 05:02, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply] 

タイムテーブル (推薦から5日後)

Sun 06 Oct → Fri 11 Oct
Mon 07 Oct → Sat 12 Oct
Tue 08 Oct → Sun 13 Oct
Wed 09 Oct → Mon 14 Oct
Thu 10 Oct → Tue 15 Oct
Fri 11 Oct → Wed 16 Oct

タイムテーブル (推薦から10日後)

Tue 01 Oct → Fri 11 Oct
Wed 02 Oct → Sat 12 Oct
Thu 03 Oct → Sun 13 Oct
Fri 04 Oct → Mon 14 Oct
Sat 05 Oct → Tue 15 Oct
Sun 06 Oct → Wed 16 Oct
Mon 07 Oct → Thu 17 Oct
Tue 08 Oct → Fri 18 Oct
Wed 09 Oct → Sat 19 Oct
Thu 10 Oct → Sun 20 Oct
Fri 11 Oct → Mon 21 Oct