Friday, January 20, 2012


Hello there,

I hope January is treating you well so far.
I've started on a design course and it's such a pleasure to keep yourself busy with something you find fun and interesting to do - I really recommend it! 

Another think that I realized is that it's okay to be really busy as long as the activities that surround you are   chosen with awereness. 

Stop for a moment with what you are doing and ask yourself: "Why am I doing this?" 

We might know the answer, but the truth isn't always easy to listen to. 
We tend to find excuses and rational thoughts to defeat emotions. 
Although the best result for me has been to listen to myself and I am now surrounded by activities that I really enjoy to do - all of them! 

Of course it is still important to be realistic - sleep and food is not overrated and it's always a good idea to make some research about your options before you take the big step in another direction.

It is not simple, but it's worth it - go for it!

Have a nice weekend


Coming up soon: Pictures of things I've done at this course so far.  

Saturday, January 14, 2012

I hope you got well into 2012. A fresh start for everybody - we each have our reasons or hopes to think in new ways than previously. Today's post shows examples of this "rethink" concept that is really popular just right now.

We usually associate a specific function with a specific object, but sometimes that notion gets tickled.
The object gets then a new unexpected function!

This bottleholder is an example of that kind of function change - and it challenges our perception of physics aswell!

   I got the bottleholder for Christmas and it is now standing in my kitchen, as a symbol of this new
   inspiration 2012 hopefully will be characterised by.

  Other examples of objects getting new functions are these pieces of jewelry that I've collected during

 - A dice and a scrabble lettered tile as rings, and two black legocubes as earrings!

   Happy 2012! - and may it be a year full of rethought concepts.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hey there,

Today's post is an Ode to Black and White Design.

Casablanca, Charlie Chaplin, Cruella De Vil, we'we seen it before...but sometimes we forget how powerful simplicity can be. "Less is more" is a trendy saying, but why don't we see more of it then?

One of my friends started a blog recently. She draws her own comics, as a hobby, and has now decided to share them online. What's very characeristic of her comics is the minimal choice of colors and speech bubbles that are only present if they really need to be there. Judge for yourself :

I like black and white photography: how intense a portrait can seem without any other colors that in the end might just disturb the eye, rather than adding meaning to the picture.

I like black and white dresscode. Elegance for me is not about adding a bunch of jewelry on yourself and wearing black and white do not equal boring, but its elegance depends on the way we use and style it - like every other color choice.

By that I don't mean that I don't like colors - I do! Although using colors thoughtfully can be more powerful than wanting to include rainbows in everything you create.

I'll end with a quote: " The best color in the whole world, is the one that looks good, on you!" (Coco Chanel)

Now go play with colors! :)


Monday, December 5, 2011


Today's post is a small collection of street art. I took some pictures on my way to school the other day and here is the result:

The first two pictures speak on their own.

I call them:

 "Beauty comes from the inside"


" The Road of Life"

As a general comment to these pictures, I'll quote the French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau:

" I only meditate when I walk. As soon as I stop, I stop thinking, my mind only works with my legs."

Another graffiti that caught my attention was this one. The text in itself means: " The only one" which represents eternal love in contrast to the first 3 letters that look like they're bleeding. The color contrast is also interesting: red and pink. The bloody red color against the fluffy pink.

A Smart car I thought looked cute, because with these colors it looks like a bee. bzzz ...bzzz

Christmas is for everybody! Here's the proof...

Legs on a balcony.

A poster for an art exhibition in town.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

I found two pairs of wonderful Christmas earrings at a christmas market two days ago.
They are made of tiny Christmas balls. I think it could easily become this year's Christmas trend regarding accesorizes. I have already used the red pair at a party yesterday and I plan to wear them on Christmas Eve, if not before that aswell. The purple ones have been chosen to wear on New Year's Eve, where I'm going to wear a dress with purple sleeves.

I looked around online and I found these links. Check them out if these earrings have caught your interest:

Pictures of my Christmas earrings:



Thursday, December 1, 2011

Hi there,

The Christmas countdown has begun! This year I got a Christmas calendar with a package per day (thank you mom!). Here is the content of the first present I opened today: a moleskine city notebook for Stockholm! A very nice handbook that I will bring with me for the Christmas holidays that I'll spend in Sweden this year :)

Happy Christmas countdown to all of you!


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Friday, November 25, 2011


Have you seen the latest Philips commercials?
Their motto is " Express yourself everyday". I like that way of thinking and it inspires me.

It doesn't have to be much, but can simply be a new little thing you create everyday and there are many different ways to express yourself. Here is a list of websites that I find inspiring at the moment:

Enjoy! Have a nice weekend
