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Abu al-Hasan Ali ibn Sahl Rabban al-Tabari (Persian: علی ابن سهل ربن طبری) (c. 838 – c. 870 CE; also given as 810–855 or 808–864 also 783–858), was a Persian Muslim scholar, physician and psychologist, who produced one of the first encyclopedia of medicine titled Firdous al-Hikmah ("Paradise of wisdom"). Ali ibn Sahl spoke Syriac and Greek, the two sources of the medical tradition of Antiquity which had been lost by medieval Europe, and transcribed in meticulous calligraphy. His famous student Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi has darkened his fame. He wrote the first encyclopedic work on medicine. He lived for over 70 years and interacted with important figures of the time, such as Muslim caliphs, governors, and eminent scholars. Because of his family's religious history, as well as his relig

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  • هو العالم المسلم أبو الحسن علي بن سهل ربَّن الطبري. ولد في مرو من أعمال طبرستان سنة 780م 164 هـ أو سنة 770م ـ 153 هـ وهو ينحدر من أسرة فارسية مسيحية حسب كل من وابن خلكان؛ لكنه اعتنق الإسلام على يد المعتصم. ويقول محقق كتاب «فردوس الحكمة»: إن المتوكل هو الذي دعاه إلى الإسلام فلباه واعتنقه، فلقبه بلقب مولى أمير المؤمنين، ولشرف فضله جعله من ندمائه. أما لقب ربَّن فيعني الأستاذ الجليل حسب الذي يقول:>إن اللقب السرياني، ربان، كان مستعملاً عند المسيحيين مطابقاً للفظ أستاذ عندنا. كان والده سهل عالماً بارعاً في الطب والهندسة، والتنجيم، والرياضيات، والفلسفة ويقال أنه أول من ترجم إلى العربية كتاب المجسطي لبطليموس. وقد تلقى أبو الحسن دراسته الأولى على والده الذي علمه الطب والهندسة، والفلسفة، إلى جانب اللغتين العربية والسريانية. وبعد وفاة والده تعمق في دراسة الطب وأصبح طبيباً مشهوراً. وقد مارس الطب في مدينة الري، ثم ذهب إلى العراق واستقر بمدينة "سر من رأى (سامراء)، حيث صار كاتباً للخلفاء المعتصم والواثق والمتوكل. (ar)
  • Abū l-Hasan ʿAlī ibn Sahl Rabban at-Tabarī (arabisch ابو الحسن علي بن سهل ربن الطبري, DMG Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAlī ibn Sahl Rabban aṭ-Ṭabarī) war ein christlicher persischer Arzt und Gelehrter aus Tabaristan, der zum Islam konvertierte und 855 eine erste arabischsprachige medizinische Enzyklopädie sowie eine Widerlegung des Christentums schrieb. Seine Lebensdaten (* um 805 in Merw; † um 870) sind unsicher. (de)
  • Abu al-Hasan Ali ibn Sahl Rabban al-Tabari (Persian: علی ابن سهل ربن طبری) (c. 838 – c. 870 CE; also given as 810–855 or 808–864 also 783–858), was a Persian Muslim scholar, physician and psychologist, who produced one of the first encyclopedia of medicine titled Firdous al-Hikmah ("Paradise of wisdom"). Ali ibn Sahl spoke Syriac and Greek, the two sources of the medical tradition of Antiquity which had been lost by medieval Europe, and transcribed in meticulous calligraphy. His famous student Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi has darkened his fame. He wrote the first encyclopedic work on medicine. He lived for over 70 years and interacted with important figures of the time, such as Muslim caliphs, governors, and eminent scholars. Because of his family's religious history, as well as his religious work, al-Tabarī was one of the most controversial scholars. He first discovered that the pulmonary tuberculosis was contagious. Outside the rational sciences, as a convert from Christianity to Islam he was also involved in interreligious polemics, writing two works critical of his former religion, Al-Radd ´alā l-Nasārā (The Refutation of the Christians) and Kitāb al-dīn wa-l-dawla (The Book of Religion and Empire), both of which having been published by Brill in 2016 in a single book, The Polemical Works of ʿAlī al-Ṭabarī. (en)
  • Abou al-Hassan Ali Ibn Sahl Rabban al-Tabari (en Persan: علی ابن سهل ربان طبری) né à Amol (c. 838 -c. 870 apr. J.-C.) était un Hakim Musulman, un érudit islamique (Ouléma), un médecin et un précurseur de la sociologie et de la psychologie issu de la communauté Juive persanne et de la communauté zoroastrienne qui a rédigé la première Encyclopédie de médecine. Il a été un pionnier de la Pédiatrie et de l’étude du développement de l'enfant. Sa stature, a cependant, été éclipsée par son élève le plus célèbre, Abu Bakr Mohammad Ibn Zakariya al-Razi ( "Rhazes"). Ali est un descendant d'une famille juive bien connue de Merv au Tabaristan (d'où al-Tabari- "originaire du Tabaristan") mais il s’est converti à l’Islam sous le règne du calife abbasside Al-Mu'tasim (833-842) qui l’a pris au service de la cour, fonctions qu’il a conservés sous Al-Mutawakkil (847-861 ). Son père était un astrologue célèbre. Ali ibn Sahl parlait le Syriaque et le Grec, les deux sources de la tradition médicale de l’Antiquité qui avait été perdues par l’Europe médiévale, et transcrites en calligraphie minutieuse. (fr)
  • Abū al-Ḥasan ʿAlī ibn Sahl Rabbān Ṭabarī Āmulī (in arabo: علی ابن سهل ربان طبری آملی‎; 838 – 870) è stato un medico persiano che, precedentemente alla sua conversione all'islam, era stato nestoriano o di fede zoroastriana anche se non manca chi ha ipotizzato una sua provenienza israelitica, visto il titolo "Rabban" del padre, sebbene Max Meyerhof abbia ipotizzato che quel titolo fosse di provenienza siriaca. Non è affatto escluso che però la sua fede d'origine fosse quella cristiana, vista la veemenza con cui scrisse un libro apologetico sulla fede islamica e di accesa polemica nei confronti del cristianesimo (il Kitāb al-Radd ʿalā al-Naṣārā): atteggiamento questo tipico dei cristiani convertiti, estraneo invece ai convertiti israeliti o zoroastriani. Scrisse una delle prime enciclopedie riguardante la medicina. Fu un pioniere della pediatria, in particolare della fase dello sviluppo puberale. La sua fama venne oscurata dal suo allievo Muḥammad ibn Zakariyyā al-Rāzī. (it)
  • Абу́-ль-Ха́сан Али́ ибн Сахль Рабба́н ат-Табари́ (перс. علی ابن سهل ربان طبری‎; ок. 838, Мерв, Табаристан — 870) — врач, создатель первой энциклопедии по медицине, психолог, пионер педиатрии. Учитель знаменитого врача Абу Бакра ар-Рази. (ru)
  • 506138 (xsd:integer)
  • 15014 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
  • 1123667962 (xsd:integer)
  • Samarra, Abbasid Caliphate (en)
  • Medicine, philosophy, calligraphy and astronomy (en)
  • Abu al-Hasan Ali ibn Sahl Rabban al-Tabari (en)
  • Al-Tabari (en)
  • Ali ibn Sahl Rabban (en)
  • The produced one of the first encyclopedia of medicine entitled Firdous al-Hikmah [Paradise of wisdom]. He first discovered that the pulmonary tuberculosis was contagious. (en)
  • Abū l-Hasan ʿAlī ibn Sahl Rabban at-Tabarī (arabisch ابو الحسن علي بن سهل ربن الطبري, DMG Abū l-Ḥasan ʿAlī ibn Sahl Rabban aṭ-Ṭabarī) war ein christlicher persischer Arzt und Gelehrter aus Tabaristan, der zum Islam konvertierte und 855 eine erste arabischsprachige medizinische Enzyklopädie sowie eine Widerlegung des Christentums schrieb. Seine Lebensdaten (* um 805 in Merw; † um 870) sind unsicher. (de)
  • Абу́-ль-Ха́сан Али́ ибн Сахль Рабба́н ат-Табари́ (перс. علی ابن سهل ربان طبری‎; ок. 838, Мерв, Табаристан — 870) — врач, создатель первой энциклопедии по медицине, психолог, пионер педиатрии. Учитель знаменитого врача Абу Бакра ар-Рази. (ru)
  • هو العالم المسلم أبو الحسن علي بن سهل ربَّن الطبري. ولد في مرو من أعمال طبرستان سنة 780م 164 هـ أو سنة 770م ـ 153 هـ وهو ينحدر من أسرة فارسية مسيحية حسب كل من وابن خلكان؛ لكنه اعتنق الإسلام على يد المعتصم. ويقول محقق كتاب «فردوس الحكمة»: إن المتوكل هو الذي دعاه إلى الإسلام فلباه واعتنقه، فلقبه بلقب مولى أمير المؤمنين، ولشرف فضله جعله من ندمائه. أما لقب ربَّن فيعني الأستاذ الجليل حسب الذي يقول:>إن اللقب السرياني، ربان، كان مستعملاً عند المسيحيين مطابقاً للفظ أستاذ عندنا. (ar)
  • Abu al-Hasan Ali ibn Sahl Rabban al-Tabari (Persian: علی ابن سهل ربن طبری) (c. 838 – c. 870 CE; also given as 810–855 or 808–864 also 783–858), was a Persian Muslim scholar, physician and psychologist, who produced one of the first encyclopedia of medicine titled Firdous al-Hikmah ("Paradise of wisdom"). Ali ibn Sahl spoke Syriac and Greek, the two sources of the medical tradition of Antiquity which had been lost by medieval Europe, and transcribed in meticulous calligraphy. His famous student Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi has darkened his fame. He wrote the first encyclopedic work on medicine. He lived for over 70 years and interacted with important figures of the time, such as Muslim caliphs, governors, and eminent scholars. Because of his family's religious history, as well as his relig (en)
  • Abū al-Ḥasan ʿAlī ibn Sahl Rabbān Ṭabarī Āmulī (in arabo: علی ابن سهل ربان طبری آملی‎; 838 – 870) è stato un medico persiano che, precedentemente alla sua conversione all'islam, era stato nestoriano o di fede zoroastriana anche se non manca chi ha ipotizzato una sua provenienza israelitica, visto il titolo "Rabban" del padre, sebbene Max Meyerhof abbia ipotizzato che quel titolo fosse di provenienza siriaca. Non è affatto escluso che però la sua fede d'origine fosse quella cristiana, vista la veemenza con cui scrisse un libro apologetico sulla fede islamica e di accesa polemica nei confronti del cristianesimo (il Kitāb al-Radd ʿalā al-Naṣārā): atteggiamento questo tipico dei cristiani convertiti, estraneo invece ai convertiti israeliti o zoroastriani. Scrisse una delle prime enciclopedie r (it)
  • Abou al-Hassan Ali Ibn Sahl Rabban al-Tabari (en Persan: علی ابن سهل ربان طبری) né à Amol (c. 838 -c. 870 apr. J.-C.) était un Hakim Musulman, un érudit islamique (Ouléma), un médecin et un précurseur de la sociologie et de la psychologie issu de la communauté Juive persanne et de la communauté zoroastrienne qui a rédigé la première Encyclopédie de médecine. Il a été un pionnier de la Pédiatrie et de l’étude du développement de l'enfant. Sa stature, a cependant, été éclipsée par son élève le plus célèbre, Abu Bakr Mohammad Ibn Zakariya al-Razi ( "Rhazes"). (fr)
  • ابن ربن الطبري (ar)
  • ʿAlī ibn Sahl Rabban at-Tabarī (de)
  • Ali ibn Sahl Rabban al-Tabari (en)
  • Ali Ibn Sahl Rabban al-Tabari (fr)
  • Ali ibn Rabban al-Tabari (it)
  • Али ат-Табари (ru)
  • Abu al-Hasan Ali ibn Sahl Rabban al-Tabari (en)
  • Al-Tabari (en)
  • Ali ibn Sahl Rabban (en)
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