Al-Radd 'ala Ashab al-Hawa (Arabic: الرد على أصحاب الهوى, lit. 'Refutation of those holding heretical views'), better known as al-Sawad al-A'zam 'ala Madhhab al-Imam al-A'zam Abi Hanifa (Arabic: السواد الأعظم على مذهب الإمام الأعظم أبى حنيفة, The vast majority of people who follow the teaching of the greatest Imam Abu Hanifa), is a book written by al-Hakim al-Samarqandi, and is considered as the oldest theological work in accordance with the Maturidite school, after Kitab al-Tawhid (The Book of Monotheism) by Abu Mansur al-Maturidi.