- Mansura o al-Mansura (sindhi: منصوره; àrab: منصورة, Manṣūra) fou una ciutat del Sind, de situació incerta, probablement a prop de o Bahmanabad, uns 78 km al nord-est de la moderna Hyderabad, a l'actual Pakistan. Fou fundada el 738 per , fill del conqueridor de la regió, Muhàmmad ibn al-Qàssim, en els primera anys del domini àrab i fou la capital dels governadors califals i del segle IX en endavant la capital dels emirs hibàrides o habbàrides del Sind, descendents dels quraixites, però que reconeixien el califa abbàssida i, a la segona meitat del segle x, també els buwàyhides, segons narra al-Muqaddassí). La ciutat també és esmentada durant les conquestes de Mahmud de Gazni, el 1025. Després, a la regió es va imposar la dinastia dels sumres, que van fixar la capital a . Segons els geògrafs àrabs, estava rodejada d'un braç de l'Indus i semblava una illa. La terra era fèrtil i tenia gran activitat comercial i agrícola. La ciutat és encara citada el 1226, en la incursió dels khwarizms al Sind, sota Jalal-ad-Din Manguberti. En 1321 Abu-l-Fidà explica que totes les viles anomenades al-Mansura, incloent la del Sind, estaven en ruïnes. Ibn Battuta no l'esmenta, la qual cosa indicaria que a la seva època ja estava en ruïnes. La causa de la decadència no és coneguda. (ca)
- Η Μανσούρα ήταν η πρώτη πρωτεύουσα των μουσουλμάνων της Σινδικής, από το έτος 711 μ.Χ. μέχρι το 1006. Η πόλη ιδρύθηκε για να αποτελέσει βάση κεντρικής στρατιωτικής φρουράς, από τις δυνάμεις των Ομεϋαδών στη Σινδική, και κατά τη διάρκεια της Αρχής των Αββασιδών μεταμορφώθηκε σε μια σφύζουσα από ζωή μητρόπολη, ξεπερνώντας τον πλούτο της Μουλτάν στο Βορρά και της Ντεμπάλ στο Νότο. Η πόλη χτίστηκε στις όχθες του Ινδού ποταμού, γύρω από γόνιμες εκτάσεις κατάλληλες για γεωργικές δραστηριότητες, με σπίτια φτιαγμένα από άργιλο, ψημένα τούβλα και γύψο. Η Μανσούρα εξήγαγε βότανα, μπαχαρικά, υφαντά, ελεφαντόδοντο, μέταλλα και καθρέφτες στη Βαγδάτη, κέντρο τότε της μουσουλμανικής ισχύος. (el)
- Mansura (Arabic: المنصورة, romanized: al-manṣūra, lit. 'the triumphant [city]'), referred to as Brahmanabad (Urdu: برہمن آباد pronounced [ˈbəɾɦəmnɑːˈbɑːd̪]; Sindhi: برهمڻ آباد, romanized: barhamaṇabād) in later centuries, was the historic capital of the Muslim Caliphate in Sindh, during the eighth century under the Umayyad Caliphate and then Abbasid Caliphate from the year 750 AD to 1006 AD. The city was founded as a central garrison by the Umayyad Forces in Sindh, the city transformed into a very vibrant metropolis during the Abbasid Era surpassing the wealth of Multan in the north and Debal in the south. Mansura was the first capital established by the Muslims in the Indian subcontinent after Muhammad bin Qasim seized the Brahmanabad territory. Mansura was built on the shores of the Indus River, it was surrounded by fertile farmland, Ibn Hauqal mentioned the wealthy local merchants who wore Baghdad Costume and were of Sindhi-Arab origins, houses were made of clay, baked bricks and plaster. Mansura exported herbs and spices, textiles, ivory, metals and mirrors to Baghdad. There were some renowned educational institutions in the city, Mansura produced the first translation of the Quran in the Sindhi language, it was used widely throughout the Indus region. The city was the hometown of famous historical figures such as Abu Mashar Sindhi is described by many historians and chroniclers as a pioneer in the compilation of Hadith; Abu Raja Sindhi lived in Baghdad and engaged in scientific and literary pursuits they translated a large number of ancient books of South Asia on mathematics, astronomy, astrology, medicine, literature and ethics into Arabic.According to geologists an earthquake struck both Debal and Mansura in the year 893.AD, the city was later ruled by the Soomro Emirs. Mansura was sacked by the forces of Mahmud of Ghazni because the inhabitants feared his reputation and refused to open the gates. The city never recovered and its Soomro Emirs were deposed. The city now lies 18 kilometres (11 mi) south-east of Shahdadpur and 75 kilometres (47 mi) north-east of Hyderabad. (en)
- Mansura o al-Mansura (sindhi: منصوره; àrab: منصورة, Manṣūra) fou una ciutat del Sind, de situació incerta, probablement a prop de o Bahmanabad, uns 78 km al nord-est de la moderna Hyderabad, a l'actual Pakistan. La ciutat també és esmentada durant les conquestes de Mahmud de Gazni, el 1025. Després, a la regió es va imposar la dinastia dels sumres, que van fixar la capital a . (ca)
- Η Μανσούρα ήταν η πρώτη πρωτεύουσα των μουσουλμάνων της Σινδικής, από το έτος 711 μ.Χ. μέχρι το 1006. Η πόλη ιδρύθηκε για να αποτελέσει βάση κεντρικής στρατιωτικής φρουράς, από τις δυνάμεις των Ομεϋαδών στη Σινδική, και κατά τη διάρκεια της Αρχής των Αββασιδών μεταμορφώθηκε σε μια σφύζουσα από ζωή μητρόπολη, ξεπερνώντας τον πλούτο της Μουλτάν στο Βορρά και της Ντεμπάλ στο Νότο. (el)
- Mansura (Arabic: المنصورة, romanized: al-manṣūra, lit. 'the triumphant [city]'), referred to as Brahmanabad (Urdu: برہمن آباد pronounced [ˈbəɾɦəmnɑːˈbɑːd̪]; Sindhi: برهمڻ آباد, romanized: barhamaṇabād) in later centuries, was the historic capital of the Muslim Caliphate in Sindh, during the eighth century under the Umayyad Caliphate and then Abbasid Caliphate from the year 750 AD to 1006 AD. The city was founded as a central garrison by the Umayyad Forces in Sindh, the city transformed into a very vibrant metropolis during the Abbasid Era surpassing the wealth of Multan in the north and Debal in the south. Mansura was the first capital established by the Muslims in the Indian subcontinent after Muhammad bin Qasim seized the Brahmanabad territory. Mansura was built on the shores of the Indu (en)