- The First Protectorate Parliament was summoned by the Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell under the terms of the Instrument of Government. It sat for one term from 3 September 1654 until 22 January 1655 with William Lenthall as the Speaker of the House. During the first nine months of the Protectorate, Cromwell with the aid of the Council of State, drew up a list of 84 bills to present to Parliament for ratification. But the members of Parliament had their own and their constituents' interests to promote and in the end not enough of them would agree to work with Cromwell, or to sign a declaration of their acceptance of the Instrument of Government, to make the constitutional arrangements in the Instrument of Government work. Cromwell dissolved the Parliament as soon as it was allowed under the terms of the Instrument of Government, having failed to get any of the 84 bills passed. (en)
- 第一議会または第一回護国卿議会(だいいちぎかい/だいいっかいごこくきょうぎかい、英:First Protectorate Parliament)は、清教徒革命期のイングランド共和国で開催された議会(1654年9月3日 - 1655年1月22日)。護国卿オリバー・クロムウェルと共同で政治に取り組む目的で招集されたが、両者の深刻な対立で政治が停滞する逆の展開を辿ったため、半年も経たずに解散された。 (ja)