- الحَجّام (في الأوردية تعني الحلاق وليس كما هي في أصلهاالعربي التي تعني محترف الحِجامة)، مجتمع مسلم يوجد في شمال الهند وباكستان في مقاطعتي السند والبنجاب. ويُعرفون باسم خليفة أو سليماني في ولاية أوتار براديش. وأحوالهم الاقتصادية في شمال الهند سيئة. أغلبهم سنيون مع وجود أقلية صغيرة شيعية في منطقة اوده الهندية. (ar)
- The Hijama, also known as cupping are an ethnic group in India known for practicing cupping therapy. The word Hijama has been derived from the Arabic word Al Hajm, means "sucking", referring to this therapy. A practitioner was called a Hijama in Arab countries, and the name was used in India as well. Communities of Arab campaigned in Persia, Egypt to propagate the message of Islam during the Caliphate power of some companions of Muhammad. Then the Persians ran to conquer India. In this way, Hijama came from Arab to Persia, and then to India. In India, they practiced their occupation and included multi practices with Hijama like pulling of teeth, hairdressing, sheep shearing, treating of abscesses, etc. Because of different multi practices besides Hijama, they were named Hijama as they were already called in their original countries. They are now an ethnic group found in North India and Pakistan. In Pakistan, they are established in Sindh and Punjab provinces. They are deemed underdeveloped communities in India, but in North India. They are also found in the provinces of Sindh and Punjab in Pakistan. They are also known as the Khalifa in Uttar Pradesh as the Salmani. Satat of West Bengal known as khalifa a (en)
- 哈賈姆,是印度北部和巴基斯坦一個穆斯林社團,他們的名稱意思是理髮師,傳統職業也是理髮師。 (zh)