- حامد مير (المولود في 23 يوليو، 1966) هو صحفي باكستاني ومحرر. اشتهر باجرائه لقاءً صحفيا مع أسامة بن لادن في العام 1997. وهو أيضا مذيع اخبار وخبير مكافحة إرهاب ومحلل أمني يشارك بانتظام في المؤتمرات الدولية. كما أنه معروف بمقالاته باللغات الأردية والهندية والبنغالية والإنجليزية، ويستضيف برنامج حواري سياسي تلفزيوني شعبي. منعه النظام العسكري للجنرال برويز مشرف من الظهور على التلفزيون في عام 2007. منع مرة أخرى من حكومة زرداري التي يقودها حزب الشعب الباكستاني في يونيو 2008. (ar)
- Hamid Mir (* 23. Juli 1966 in Lahore) ist ein pakistanischer Journalist, Nachrichtensprecher und Autor. In Lahore zu einer journalistischen Familie geboren, arbeitete Mir zunächst als Journalist mit pakistanischen Zeitungen und moderierte die politische Talkshow Capital Talk auf Geo News. (de)
- Hamid Mir (Urdu: حامد میر; born 23 July 1966) is a Pakistani journalist, columnist and writer. Born in Lahore to a journalistic family, Mir initially worked as a journalist with Pakistani newspapers. He has hosted the political talk show Capital Talk on Geo News intermittently since 2002. He writes columns for Urdu as well as English newspapers, both national and international. He has been a contributor to the Global Opinions section of The Washington Post since June 2021. He is well-known for his stance against the dominance of the Establishment in Pakistan. Hamid Mir has survived two assassination attempts, has been banned from television three times, and has lost his job twice due to his stand for press freedom and human rights. Mir is the only journalist in the world to have interviewed Osama bin Laden after the September 11 attacks. During his career, Mir has also interviewed various world leaders which includes former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon, US Secretary of State John Kerry, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Prime Minister of United Kingdom Tony Blair, US Secretary of State Colin Powell, Nelson Mandela, President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Yasser Arafat, Indian leader L.K. Advani, President of Afghanistan Hamid Karzai, and Shimon Peres. A few of the notable Pakistani political figures which Hamid Mir has interviewed include Benazir Bhutto, Pervez Musharraf, Asif Ali Zardari, Nawaz Sharif, Imran Khan, Mir Zafaruallah Khan Jamali, and President Arif Alvi. Mir has also interviewed actors such as Shah Rukh Khan and Aamir Khan. He was awarded with the civil award Hilal-i-Imtiaz for his work for Pakistan. In 2016, he was awarded the "Most Resilient Journalist Award" in The Hague by Free Press Unlimited. In 2017, he was awarded the lifetime achievement award by former Prime Minister Zafarullah Khan Jamali, at Government College University Lahore, for his work as a news anchor. Hamid Mir is the only journalist in South Asia to cover wars and conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Bosnia and Sri Lanka. For his war and conflict reporting, he was awarded SAARC Lifetime Achievement Award in 2010 in New Delhi. Hamid Mir is regular participant in international seminars and conferences on security, human rights and press freedom. He has delivered lectures at Harvard University, Yale University, University of Oxford, London School of Economics and University of California, Berkley. (en)
- Hamid Mir (Lahore, Punjab, Pakistán, 23 de julio de 1966) es un periodista, editor, locutor de noticias y experto en terrorismo pakistaní. (es)
- Hamid Mir (Lahore, 23 luglio 1966) è un giornalista pakistano conosciuto in occidente per le sue numerose interviste a personaggi iconici contemporanei come Osama bin Laden. Pubblica articoli in lingua urdu e in lingua inglese rivolti sia ad un pubblico pakistano che internazionale. (it)
- Hamid Mir är en pakistansk journalist, nyhetsankare, terrorismexpert och säkerhetsanalytiker. Han har avskedats två gånger, som ung reporter och som chefredaktör för , för artiklar om korruption bland pakistanska ledare. Han hjälpte grunda i Islamabad 1997, och har intervjuat Osama bin Laden. Sedan 2002 är han värd för på . Han har mottagit flera internationella priser, men också mött trakasseri av poliser, blivit förbjuden av president Pervez Musharraf att vara i TV under fyra månader och har skyllt för att sympatisera talibaner. Dock planterade talibaner en bomb i hans bil, efter att han försvarat Malala Yousafzai. Den 19 april 2014 sköts han flera gånger av personer på motorcyklar vid Karachis utkant. (sv)
- حامد مير (المولود في 23 يوليو، 1966) هو صحفي باكستاني ومحرر. اشتهر باجرائه لقاءً صحفيا مع أسامة بن لادن في العام 1997. وهو أيضا مذيع اخبار وخبير مكافحة إرهاب ومحلل أمني يشارك بانتظام في المؤتمرات الدولية. كما أنه معروف بمقالاته باللغات الأردية والهندية والبنغالية والإنجليزية، ويستضيف برنامج حواري سياسي تلفزيوني شعبي. منعه النظام العسكري للجنرال برويز مشرف من الظهور على التلفزيون في عام 2007. منع مرة أخرى من حكومة زرداري التي يقودها حزب الشعب الباكستاني في يونيو 2008. (ar)
- Hamid Mir (* 23. Juli 1966 in Lahore) ist ein pakistanischer Journalist, Nachrichtensprecher und Autor. In Lahore zu einer journalistischen Familie geboren, arbeitete Mir zunächst als Journalist mit pakistanischen Zeitungen und moderierte die politische Talkshow Capital Talk auf Geo News. (de)
- Hamid Mir (Lahore, Punjab, Pakistán, 23 de julio de 1966) es un periodista, editor, locutor de noticias y experto en terrorismo pakistaní. (es)
- Hamid Mir (Lahore, 23 luglio 1966) è un giornalista pakistano conosciuto in occidente per le sue numerose interviste a personaggi iconici contemporanei come Osama bin Laden. Pubblica articoli in lingua urdu e in lingua inglese rivolti sia ad un pubblico pakistano che internazionale. (it)
- Hamid Mir är en pakistansk journalist, nyhetsankare, terrorismexpert och säkerhetsanalytiker. Han har avskedats två gånger, som ung reporter och som chefredaktör för , för artiklar om korruption bland pakistanska ledare. Han hjälpte grunda i Islamabad 1997, och har intervjuat Osama bin Laden. Sedan 2002 är han värd för på . Han har mottagit flera internationella priser, men också mött trakasseri av poliser, blivit förbjuden av president Pervez Musharraf att vara i TV under fyra månader och har skyllt för att sympatisera talibaner. Dock planterade talibaner en bomb i hans bil, efter att han försvarat Malala Yousafzai. Den 19 april 2014 sköts han flera gånger av personer på motorcyklar vid Karachis utkant. (sv)
- Hamid Mir (Urdu: حامد میر; born 23 July 1966) is a Pakistani journalist, columnist and writer. Born in Lahore to a journalistic family, Mir initially worked as a journalist with Pakistani newspapers. He has hosted the political talk show Capital Talk on Geo News intermittently since 2002. He writes columns for Urdu as well as English newspapers, both national and international. He has been a contributor to the Global Opinions section of The Washington Post since June 2021. He is well-known for his stance against the dominance of the Establishment in Pakistan. Hamid Mir has survived two assassination attempts, has been banned from television three times, and has lost his job twice due to his stand for press freedom and human rights. (en)