- The Low Memorial Library (nicknamed Low) is a building at the center of Columbia University's Morningside Heights campus in Manhattan, New York City, United States. The building, located near 116th Street between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue, was designed by Charles Follen McKim of the firm McKim, Mead & White. The building was constructed between 1895 and 1897 as the university's central library, although it has contained the university's central administrative offices since 1934. Columbia University president Seth Low funded the building with $1 million and named the edifice in memory of his father, Abiel Abbot Low. Low's facade and interior are New York City designated landmarks, and the building is also designated as a National Historic Landmark. Low is arranged in the shape of a Greek cross. Three sets of stairs on the library's south side lead to a colonnade with a frieze describing its founding. The steps contain Daniel Chester French's sculpture Alma Mater, a university symbol. The library is four stories tall, excluding a ground-level basement. The building's raised first floor has an entrance vestibule, as well as an ambulatory around an octagonal rotunda, which leads to offices on the outer walls. The rotunda contains a sky-blue plaster dome and four Vermont-granite columns on each of its four sides. The library's stacks could store one-and-a-half million volumes; the east wing hosted the Avery Architectural Library and the north wing hosted Columbia's law library. The library was built as part of Columbia University's Morningside Heights campus, which was developed in the 1890s according to a master plan by McKim. When Low Library was completed, it was poorly suited for library use, becoming overcrowded from the early 20th century. Low's central location, however, made it a focal point of the university's campus. Following the completion of the much larger Butler Library in 1934, the Low Memorial Library was converted to administrative offices. (en)
- La bibliothèque Low Memorial est située sur le campus de l'université Columbia à Morningside Heights, au nord de Manhattan, à New York. Elle a été construite en 1895 par le président de l'université Seth Low comme bibliothèque centrale de l'université. Financée par 1 million de dollars de son propre argent en raison d'un manque de fonds (un problème récurrent tout au long de l'histoire de l'université), il l'a nommé en mémoire de son père, (en). Elle a abrité les bureaux administratifs centraux de l'université après l'achèvement de la bibliothèque Butler en 1934, et est le point focal et le bâtiment le plus important du campus de l'université de Morningside Heights. Les marches menant à la façade à colonnes de la bibliothèque sont un lieu de rencontre populaire pour les étudiants de Columbia et abritent la sculpture de Daniel Chester French, Alma Mater, un symbole universitaire. La bibliothèque Low a été officiellement nommée comme monument protégé de New York en 1967, avec l'intérieur désigné en 1981 puis un monument historique national vingt ans plus tard. (fr)
- La Low Memorial Library è un edificio della Columbia University, situata nel campus di Morningside Heights a Manhattan, New York. Venne costruita nel 1895 da Seth Low presidente dell'Università come la biblioteca centrale dell'ateneo. A causa della mancanza di fondi Low dovette finanziare personalmente la costruzione con un milione di dollari, decidendo quindi di dedicare la biblioteca alla memoria di suo padre, . Dalla costruzione della , completata nel 1934, ha ospitato gli uffici amministrativi dell'università e rimane l'edificio principale del campus. I gradini che portano alla facciata colonnata della biblioteca sono un luogo di incontro per gli studenti della Columbia, nonché sede della scultura di Daniel Chester French chiamata Alma mater, simbolo dell'università. La Low Memorial Library è ufficialmente un "New York City landmark" dal 1967, mentre l'interno venne aggiunto alla lista nel 1981. L'edificio è ora un National Historic Landmark. (it)
- 勞紀念圖書館(Low Memorial Library)是哥倫比亞大學在1895年興建的一座圖書館,紀念學校主席塞斯·勞(Seth Low),曾是哥倫比亞大學的主圖書館。圖書館的圓頂是哥倫比亞大學的象徵之一。勞紀念圖書館在1967年被列入紐約市地標,在1979年被列入國家史跡名錄。虽然名为“Low Library”,但正如一句玩笑话所述,该建筑“既不low也不是library”,自1934年巴特勒图书馆(Butler Library)建成以来一直用作学校的办公场所。通往圖書館圓柱形立面的步驟是哥倫比亞學生的熱門聚會場所,也是丹尼爾切斯特·法輪奇的雕塑、大學象徵智慧女神的所在地。 (zh)
- 勞紀念圖書館(Low Memorial Library)是哥倫比亞大學在1895年興建的一座圖書館,紀念學校主席塞斯·勞(Seth Low),曾是哥倫比亞大學的主圖書館。圖書館的圓頂是哥倫比亞大學的象徵之一。勞紀念圖書館在1967年被列入紐約市地標,在1979年被列入國家史跡名錄。虽然名为“Low Library”,但正如一句玩笑话所述,该建筑“既不low也不是library”,自1934年巴特勒图书馆(Butler Library)建成以来一直用作学校的办公场所。通往圖書館圓柱形立面的步驟是哥倫比亞學生的熱門聚會場所,也是丹尼爾切斯特·法輪奇的雕塑、大學象徵智慧女神的所在地。 (zh)
- The Low Memorial Library (nicknamed Low) is a building at the center of Columbia University's Morningside Heights campus in Manhattan, New York City, United States. The building, located near 116th Street between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue, was designed by Charles Follen McKim of the firm McKim, Mead & White. The building was constructed between 1895 and 1897 as the university's central library, although it has contained the university's central administrative offices since 1934. Columbia University president Seth Low funded the building with $1 million and named the edifice in memory of his father, Abiel Abbot Low. Low's facade and interior are New York City designated landmarks, and the building is also designated as a National Historic Landmark. (en)
- La bibliothèque Low Memorial est située sur le campus de l'université Columbia à Morningside Heights, au nord de Manhattan, à New York. Elle a été construite en 1895 par le président de l'université Seth Low comme bibliothèque centrale de l'université. Financée par 1 million de dollars de son propre argent en raison d'un manque de fonds (un problème récurrent tout au long de l'histoire de l'université), il l'a nommé en mémoire de son père, (en). Elle a abrité les bureaux administratifs centraux de l'université après l'achèvement de la bibliothèque Butler en 1934, et est le point focal et le bâtiment le plus important du campus de l'université de Morningside Heights. (fr)
- La Low Memorial Library è un edificio della Columbia University, situata nel campus di Morningside Heights a Manhattan, New York. Venne costruita nel 1895 da Seth Low presidente dell'Università come la biblioteca centrale dell'ateneo. A causa della mancanza di fondi Low dovette finanziare personalmente la costruzione con un milione di dollari, decidendo quindi di dedicare la biblioteca alla memoria di suo padre, . Dalla costruzione della , completata nel 1934, ha ospitato gli uffici amministrativi dell'università e rimane l'edificio principale del campus. (it)