- ساوث لانركشاير هي، في المملكة المتحدة، تقع في اسكتلندا، بلغ عدد سكانها 314,000 نسمة، عاصمتها هميلتون. (ar)
- Jižní Lanarkshire (Siorrachd Lannraig ve Skotské gaelštině) je jedna ze třicetidvou správních oblastí Skotska. Kraj sousedí s městem Glasgow, do jehož aglomerace patří. (cs)
- South Lanarkshire (en gaèlic escocès: Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas) és un dels 32 consells unitaris (en anglès: council area) en què està dividida administrativament Escòcia. Limita amb els consells unitaris de Dumfries i Galloway, East Ayrshire, East Renfrewshire, Glasgow, North Lanarkshire, West Lothian i Scottish Borders. La capital administrativa és . En vorejar pel costat sud-est la ciutat de Glasgow, la més poblada d'Escòcia, alberga en el seu territori part del seu entorn metropolità. El consell unitari va ser format el 1996 per la unió dels districtes de Clydesdale, , East Kilbride i altres àrees del districte de Glasgow, pertanyents a l'antiga regió de Strathclyde. (ca)
- South Lanarkshire (gälisch Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas) ist eine von 32 Council Areas in Schottland. Sie umfasst den südlichen Teil der traditionellen Grafschaft Lanarkshire und grenzt an Scottish Borders, East Renfrewshire, Dumfries and Galloway, East Ayrshire, North Ayrshire, Glasgow und North Lanarkshire. (de)
- Suda Lanakshire (angle South Lanarkshire, skote Sooth Lanrikshire, skotgaele Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas) estas unu el 32 municiparoj de Skotlando. La administra unuo kreiĝis en 1996. Laŭ takso de 2010 ĝi havis 314 000 loĝantojn. Ĉefurbo estas la loĝloko Hamilton. Kiel indikas la nomo, la teritorio estas la suda parto de la historia regiono Lanarkshire - la norda kaj suda partoj ekde sia kreiĝo administre intense kunlaboras kaj dividas komunajn taskojn. (eo)
- South Lanarkshire (en gaélico escocés: Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas) es un concejo de Escocia (Reino Unido). Limita con los concejos de Dumfries and Galloway, East Ayrshire, East Renfrewshire, Glasgow, North Lanarkshire, West Lothian y Scottish Borders. La capital administrativa es Hamilton. Al bordear por el lado sureste la ciudad de Glasgow, la más poblada de Escocia, alberga en su territorio parte de su entorno metropolitano. El concejo fue formado en 1996 por la unión de los distritos de , Hamilton, East Kilbride y otras áreas del distrito de Glasgow, pertenecientes a la antigua región de Strathclyde. (es)
- Hegoaldeko Lanarkshire (ingelesez: South Lannarkshire, Eskoziako gaeleraz: Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas, eskozieraz: Sooth Lanrickshire) Eskoziako 32 eremu administratiboetako bat da. 2012ko erroldaren arabera 314.360 biztanle ditu. Hiriburua Hamilton da. Herri handienak East Kilbride, Hamilton, Rutherglen eta Cambuslang izan arren, izena Lanark herri historikoak ematen dio eskualdeari. (eu)
- Le South Lanarkshire (Siorrachd Lannraig en gaélique écossais) est une des 32 divisions administratives (council area) de l'Écosse. Elle coïncide avec la partie sud de l'ancien comté de Lanarkshire. (fr)
- Ceantair chomhairle na hAlban de chuid na hAlban is ea Comhairle Shiorrachd Lannraig a Deas. (ga)
- South Lanarkshire (bahasa Scots: Sooth Lanrikshire; bahasa Gaelik Skotlandia: Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas) adalah satu dari 32 di Skotlandia. Wilayah ini berbatasan dengan di sebelah tenggara. Beberapa Glasgow Raya terletak di sini. Wilayah ini juga berbatasan dengan Dumfries and Galloway, East Ayrshire, , North Lanarkshire, Scottish Borders, dan . South Lanarkshire meliputi sebagian bekas wilayah . (in)
- South Lanarkshire (Scots: Sooth Lanrikshire; Scottish Gaelic: Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas) is one of 32 unitary authorities of Scotland. It borders the south-east of the City of Glasgow and contains some of Greater Glasgow's suburban towns, also containing many rural towns and villages. It also shares borders with Dumfries and Galloway, East Ayrshire, East Renfrewshire, North Lanarkshire, the Scottish Borders and West Lothian. It includes most of the historic county of Lanarkshire. (en)
- サウス・ラナークシャー(英語: South Lanarkshire、スコットランド・ゲール語: Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas)は、スコットランドの行政区画の1つである。 グラスゴーの南東に接する。 総面積1772平方キロメートル。総人口は319,020人 (2019年; スコットランド5位)、人口密度は180人/km2である。 中心都市はハミルトン。 (ja)
- Il Lanarkshire Meridionale (gaelico scozzese Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas) è un'area amministrativa della Scozia. (it)
- 사우스래너크셔(영어: South Lanarkshire, 스코트어: Sooth Lanrikshire, 스코틀랜드 게일어: Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas)는 스코틀랜드의 의회 구역으로 행정 중심지는 해밀턴이며 면적은 1,772km2, 인구는 314,000명(2010년 기준), 인구 밀도는 176명/km2이다. 글래스고 남동쪽에 위치하며 덤프리스 갤러웨이, 이스트에어셔, 이스트렌프루셔, 노스래너크셔, 스코티시보더스, 웨스트로디언과 접한다. 사우스래너크셔에는 데이비드 리빙스턴이 태어난 블랜타이어 (스코틀랜드)와 로버트 오웬이 공장을 운영한 가 있다. (ko)
- South Lanarkshire (Schots-Gaelisch: Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas) is een raadsgebied (council area) in het zuiden van Schotland met een oppervlakte van 1772 km². De hoofdplaats is Hamilton en het raadsgebied heeft 319.020 inwoners (2017). Het noordwestelijke deel van South Lanarkshire behoort tot het stedelijke gebied van Glasgow. Het raadsgebied behoort tot de lieutenancy area en het historische graafschap . (nl)
- South Lanarkshire (gael. Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas) – jednostka administracyjna w południowej Szkocji, w granicach historycznego hrabstwa Lanarkshire. Obejmuje dolinę rzeki Clyde wraz z okolicami, zajmując obszar 1772 km². Liczy 313 830 mieszkańców (2011). Ludność skoncentrowana jest w północnej części hrabstwa, obejmującej południowe obrzeża aglomeracji Glasgow, na południu przeważają obszary wiejskie. (pl)
- South Lanarkshire är en av Skottlands kommuner. South Lanarkshire gränsar till Scottish Borders, East Renfrewshire, Dumfries and Galloway, East Ayrshire, North Ayrshire, Glasgow och North Lanarkshire. Centralort är Hamilton. (sv)
- A Área de Conselho (ou Council Area) de South Lanarkshire (em gaélico escocês, Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas), é uma das 32 novas subdivisões administrativas da Escócia, criada em 1996. Faz fronteira com Scottish Borders a leste, Dumfries and Galloway a sul, East Ayrshire a oeste, East Renfrewshire e Glasgow a noroeste e North Lanarkshire e West Lothian a norte. A atual área de South Lanarkshire, formada em 1996 com a abolição dos antigos distritos escoceses, corresponde as áreas dos antigos distritos de Clydesdale, Hamilton, East Kilbride e Glasgow. (pt)
- Півде́нний Ла́наркшир (англ. South Lanarkshire) — область у складі Шотландії. Розташована в центрі країни. Адміністративний центр — Гамільтон. (uk)
- 南拉纳克郡(英語:South Lanarkshire),是英国苏格兰的32个一级行政区之一。地处最大城市格拉斯哥东南郊,人口众多,靠近格拉斯哥的地区镇落密集。面积1,772平方公里,人口302,216。行政中心在汉米尔顿(Hamilton)。 最大镇落是东基尔布莱德(East Kilbride),苏格兰的第五大居民点,仅次于格拉斯哥、爱丁堡、阿伯丁和邓迪,是大格拉斯哥范围内的重要聚居点之一。 (zh)
- Саут-Ланаркшир (англ. South Lanarkshire, гэльск. Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas) — один из 32 округов Шотландии. Граничит с округами Ист-Эршир, Норт-Эршир, Глазго, Дамфрис-энд-Галловей, Норт-Ланаркшир, Уэст-Лотиан, Ист-Ренфрушир и Скоттиш-Бордерс. (ru)
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- Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas (gd)
- Sooth Lanrikshire (sco)
- Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas (gd)
- Sooth Lanrikshire (sco)
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- Largest town (en)
- Largest urban area (en)
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- Arms_slanarkshire.jpg (en)
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- Labour minority (en)
- *David Mundell
*Lisa Cameron
*Angela Crawley
*Margaret Ferrier (en)
- *Màiri McAllan
*Collette Stevenson
*Christina McKelvie
*Clare Haughey
*Stephanie Callaghan (en)
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- (en)
- Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas (en)
- Sooth Lanrikshire (en)
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- ساوث لانركشاير هي، في المملكة المتحدة، تقع في اسكتلندا، بلغ عدد سكانها 314,000 نسمة، عاصمتها هميلتون. (ar)
- Jižní Lanarkshire (Siorrachd Lannraig ve Skotské gaelštině) je jedna ze třicetidvou správních oblastí Skotska. Kraj sousedí s městem Glasgow, do jehož aglomerace patří. (cs)
- South Lanarkshire (gälisch Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas) ist eine von 32 Council Areas in Schottland. Sie umfasst den südlichen Teil der traditionellen Grafschaft Lanarkshire und grenzt an Scottish Borders, East Renfrewshire, Dumfries and Galloway, East Ayrshire, North Ayrshire, Glasgow und North Lanarkshire. (de)
- Suda Lanakshire (angle South Lanarkshire, skote Sooth Lanrikshire, skotgaele Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas) estas unu el 32 municiparoj de Skotlando. La administra unuo kreiĝis en 1996. Laŭ takso de 2010 ĝi havis 314 000 loĝantojn. Ĉefurbo estas la loĝloko Hamilton. Kiel indikas la nomo, la teritorio estas la suda parto de la historia regiono Lanarkshire - la norda kaj suda partoj ekde sia kreiĝo administre intense kunlaboras kaj dividas komunajn taskojn. (eo)
- Hegoaldeko Lanarkshire (ingelesez: South Lannarkshire, Eskoziako gaeleraz: Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas, eskozieraz: Sooth Lanrickshire) Eskoziako 32 eremu administratiboetako bat da. 2012ko erroldaren arabera 314.360 biztanle ditu. Hiriburua Hamilton da. Herri handienak East Kilbride, Hamilton, Rutherglen eta Cambuslang izan arren, izena Lanark herri historikoak ematen dio eskualdeari. (eu)
- Le South Lanarkshire (Siorrachd Lannraig en gaélique écossais) est une des 32 divisions administratives (council area) de l'Écosse. Elle coïncide avec la partie sud de l'ancien comté de Lanarkshire. (fr)
- Ceantair chomhairle na hAlban de chuid na hAlban is ea Comhairle Shiorrachd Lannraig a Deas. (ga)
- South Lanarkshire (bahasa Scots: Sooth Lanrikshire; bahasa Gaelik Skotlandia: Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas) adalah satu dari 32 di Skotlandia. Wilayah ini berbatasan dengan di sebelah tenggara. Beberapa Glasgow Raya terletak di sini. Wilayah ini juga berbatasan dengan Dumfries and Galloway, East Ayrshire, , North Lanarkshire, Scottish Borders, dan . South Lanarkshire meliputi sebagian bekas wilayah . (in)
- South Lanarkshire (Scots: Sooth Lanrikshire; Scottish Gaelic: Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas) is one of 32 unitary authorities of Scotland. It borders the south-east of the City of Glasgow and contains some of Greater Glasgow's suburban towns, also containing many rural towns and villages. It also shares borders with Dumfries and Galloway, East Ayrshire, East Renfrewshire, North Lanarkshire, the Scottish Borders and West Lothian. It includes most of the historic county of Lanarkshire. (en)
- サウス・ラナークシャー(英語: South Lanarkshire、スコットランド・ゲール語: Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas)は、スコットランドの行政区画の1つである。 グラスゴーの南東に接する。 総面積1772平方キロメートル。総人口は319,020人 (2019年; スコットランド5位)、人口密度は180人/km2である。 中心都市はハミルトン。 (ja)
- Il Lanarkshire Meridionale (gaelico scozzese Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas) è un'area amministrativa della Scozia. (it)
- 사우스래너크셔(영어: South Lanarkshire, 스코트어: Sooth Lanrikshire, 스코틀랜드 게일어: Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas)는 스코틀랜드의 의회 구역으로 행정 중심지는 해밀턴이며 면적은 1,772km2, 인구는 314,000명(2010년 기준), 인구 밀도는 176명/km2이다. 글래스고 남동쪽에 위치하며 덤프리스 갤러웨이, 이스트에어셔, 이스트렌프루셔, 노스래너크셔, 스코티시보더스, 웨스트로디언과 접한다. 사우스래너크셔에는 데이비드 리빙스턴이 태어난 블랜타이어 (스코틀랜드)와 로버트 오웬이 공장을 운영한 가 있다. (ko)
- South Lanarkshire (Schots-Gaelisch: Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas) is een raadsgebied (council area) in het zuiden van Schotland met een oppervlakte van 1772 km². De hoofdplaats is Hamilton en het raadsgebied heeft 319.020 inwoners (2017). Het noordwestelijke deel van South Lanarkshire behoort tot het stedelijke gebied van Glasgow. Het raadsgebied behoort tot de lieutenancy area en het historische graafschap . (nl)
- South Lanarkshire (gael. Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas) – jednostka administracyjna w południowej Szkocji, w granicach historycznego hrabstwa Lanarkshire. Obejmuje dolinę rzeki Clyde wraz z okolicami, zajmując obszar 1772 km². Liczy 313 830 mieszkańców (2011). Ludność skoncentrowana jest w północnej części hrabstwa, obejmującej południowe obrzeża aglomeracji Glasgow, na południu przeważają obszary wiejskie. (pl)
- South Lanarkshire är en av Skottlands kommuner. South Lanarkshire gränsar till Scottish Borders, East Renfrewshire, Dumfries and Galloway, East Ayrshire, North Ayrshire, Glasgow och North Lanarkshire. Centralort är Hamilton. (sv)
- A Área de Conselho (ou Council Area) de South Lanarkshire (em gaélico escocês, Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas), é uma das 32 novas subdivisões administrativas da Escócia, criada em 1996. Faz fronteira com Scottish Borders a leste, Dumfries and Galloway a sul, East Ayrshire a oeste, East Renfrewshire e Glasgow a noroeste e North Lanarkshire e West Lothian a norte. A atual área de South Lanarkshire, formada em 1996 com a abolição dos antigos distritos escoceses, corresponde as áreas dos antigos distritos de Clydesdale, Hamilton, East Kilbride e Glasgow. (pt)
- Півде́нний Ла́наркшир (англ. South Lanarkshire) — область у складі Шотландії. Розташована в центрі країни. Адміністративний центр — Гамільтон. (uk)
- 南拉纳克郡(英語:South Lanarkshire),是英国苏格兰的32个一级行政区之一。地处最大城市格拉斯哥东南郊,人口众多,靠近格拉斯哥的地区镇落密集。面积1,772平方公里,人口302,216。行政中心在汉米尔顿(Hamilton)。 最大镇落是东基尔布莱德(East Kilbride),苏格兰的第五大居民点,仅次于格拉斯哥、爱丁堡、阿伯丁和邓迪,是大格拉斯哥范围内的重要聚居点之一。 (zh)
- Саут-Ланаркшир (англ. South Lanarkshire, гэльск. Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas) — один из 32 округов Шотландии. Граничит с округами Ист-Эршир, Норт-Эршир, Глазго, Дамфрис-энд-Галловей, Норт-Ланаркшир, Уэст-Лотиан, Ист-Ренфрушир и Скоттиш-Бордерс. (ru)
- South Lanarkshire (en gaèlic escocès: Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas) és un dels 32 consells unitaris (en anglès: council area) en què està dividida administrativament Escòcia. Limita amb els consells unitaris de Dumfries i Galloway, East Ayrshire, East Renfrewshire, Glasgow, North Lanarkshire, West Lothian i Scottish Borders. La capital administrativa és . En vorejar pel costat sud-est la ciutat de Glasgow, la més poblada d'Escòcia, alberga en el seu territori part del seu entorn metropolità. (ca)
- South Lanarkshire (en gaélico escocés: Siorrachd Lannraig a Deas) es un concejo de Escocia (Reino Unido). Limita con los concejos de Dumfries and Galloway, East Ayrshire, East Renfrewshire, Glasgow, North Lanarkshire, West Lothian y Scottish Borders. La capital administrativa es Hamilton. Al bordear por el lado sureste la ciudad de Glasgow, la más poblada de Escocia, alberga en su territorio parte de su entorno metropolitano. (es)
- South Lanarkshire (en)
- ساوث لانركشاير (ar)
- South Lanarkshire (ca)
- Jižní Lanarkshire (cs)
- South Lanarkshire (de)
- Suda Lanarkshire (eo)
- South Lanarkshire (es)
- Hegoaldeko Lanarkshire (eu)
- Comhairle Shiorrachd Lannraig a Deas (ga)
- South Lanarkshire (in)
- South Lanarkshire (fr)
- Lanarkshire Meridionale (it)
- サウス・ラナークシャー (ja)
- 사우스래너크셔 (ko)
- South Lanarkshire (nl)
- South Lanarkshire (pt)
- South Lanarkshire (pl)
- Саут-Ланаркшир (ru)
- South Lanarkshire (sv)
- Південний Ланаркшир (uk)
- 南拉纳克郡 (zh)
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is dbo:authority
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- dbr:Caldermill
- dbr:Carluke
- dbr:Carnwath
- dbr:Carstairs
- dbr:Carstairs_Junction
- dbr:Quarter,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Roberton,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Rosebank,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Sandford,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Biggar,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Birniehill
- dbr:Black_Hill_(South_Lanarkshire)
- dbr:Blackwood,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Blantyre,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Boghead
- dbr:Bothwell
- dbr:Braidwood,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Pettinain
- dbr:Rigside
- dbr:Uddingston
- dbr:Coulter,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Crawford,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Crawfordjohn
- dbr:Crossford,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Cleghorn,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Coalburn
- dbr:Elsrickle
- dbr:Elvanfoot
- dbr:Glassford
- dbr:Thorntonhall
- dbr:Lesmahagow
- dbr:Lindsayfield
- dbr:Stonehouse,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Strathaven
- dbr:Auldhouse,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Bankend,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Tillietudlem
- dbr:Walston,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Wiston,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Abington,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Dalserf
- dbr:Drumclog
- dbr:Drumsagard_Village
- dbr:Dunsyre
- dbr:Earnock
- dbr:Ferniegair
- dbr:Forth,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Owenstown
- dbr:Halfway,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Hamilton,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Hamilton_West,_Hamilton,_Scotland
- dbr:Tarbrax
- dbr:Thankerton
- dbr:Ashgill
- dbr:Auchengray
- dbr:Auchenheath
- dbr:Auchinraith
- dbr:Auchlochan
- dbr:Chapelton,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Kilncadzow
- dbr:Lanark
- dbr:Larkhall
- dbr:Law,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Leadhills
- dbr:Symington,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Dolphinton
- dbr:Douglas,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Kirkfieldbank
- dbr:Kirkmuirhill
- dbr:Nerston
- dbr:Netherburn
- dbr:New_Lanark
- dbr:Newbigging,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Quothquan
- dbr:Ravenstruther
- dbr:Woolfords
- dbr:Yieldshields
is dbo:country
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is dbo:mouthMountain
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- dbr:Calderglen_Country_Park
- dbr:Calderglen_High_School
- dbr:Caldermill
- dbr:Calderside_Academy
- dbr:Caledonian_Railway
- dbr:CamGlen_Radio
- dbr:Cambuslang
- dbr:Cambuslang_RFC
- dbr:Cambuslang_Rangers_F.C.
- dbr:Cambuslang_railway_station
- dbr:Cameronians_(Scottish_Rifles)
- dbr:Carluke
- dbr:Carluke_Rovers_F.C.
- dbr:Carluke_railway_station
- dbr:Carmyle
- dbr:Carnwath
- dbr:Carrick,_Cumnock_and_Doon_Valley_(Scottish_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Carstairs
- dbr:Carstairs_Castle
- dbr:Carstairs_House
- dbr:Carstairs_Junction
- dbr:Carstairs_railway_station
- dbr:Cartland_Bridge
- dbr:Cartland_Craigs
- dbr:Bellwin_scheme
- dbr:Quarter,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Quarter_railway_station
- dbr:Robert_Sprot
- dbr:Robert_Walker_(footballer,_born_1982)
- dbr:Roberton,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Archdiocese_of_Glasgow
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Motherwell
- dbr:Rosebank,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Rough_Justice_(British_TV_programme)
- dbr:Sam_Stevens_(footballer)
- dbr:Same-sex_marriage_in_Scotland
- dbr:Sanderson_High_School,_East_Kilbride
- dbr:Sandford,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Sara_Vickers
- dbr:Scots_Mining_Company_House
- dbr:Scott_McLean_(footballer,_born_1976)
- dbr:Scott_Stewart_(footballer)
- dbr:Scottish_Borders
- dbr:Scottish_Fire_and_Rescue_Service
- dbr:Scottish_National_Party
- dbr:Scottish_Prison_Service
- dbr:Scottish_Westminster_constituencies_from_2005
- dbr:Enoch_Humphries
- dbr:List_of_World_Heritage_Sites_in_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_castles_in_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_civil_parishes_in_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_community_council_areas_in_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_country_houses_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:List_of_gardens_in_Scotland
- dbr:Muirkirk_Enterprise_Group
- dbr:The_Murray,_East_Kilbride
- dbr:Scouting_in_Scotland
- dbr:Tannochside
- dbr:Open-pit_coal_mining_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Prior_of_Blantyre
- dbr:2007_Scottish_local_elections
- dbr:2007_South_Lanarkshire_Council_election
- dbr:2007_United_Kingdom_local_elections
- dbr:2012_Scottish_local_elections
- dbr:2012_South_Lanarkshire_Council_election
- dbr:2012_United_Kingdom_local_elections
- dbr:2023_Periodic_Review_of_Westminster_constituencies
- dbr:Barncluith
- dbr:Battle_of_Bothwell_Bridge
- dbr:Battle_of_Drumclog
- dbr:Beattock
- dbr:Beattock_Summit
- dbr:Big_Brother_(British_series_5)
- dbr:Biggar,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Biggar_(Scotland)_railway_station
- dbr:Biggar_High_School
- dbr:Biggar_RFC
- dbr:Biggar_Water
- dbr:Bill_Raisbeck
- dbr:Birniehill
- dbr:Black_Hill_(South_Lanarkshire)
- dbr:Black_Law_Wind_Farm
- dbr:Blackwood,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Blackwood_railway_station_(Strathclyde)
- dbr:Blantyre,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Blantyre_railway_station
- dbr:Boghead
- dbr:Bogside,_North_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Bothwell
- dbr:Bothwell_Castle
- dbr:Bothwell_railway_station
- dbr:Bothwell_services
- dbr:Boyd_Tunnock
- dbr:Braidwood,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Braidwood_railway_station
- dbr:Brian_Dempsie
- dbr:David_Butler_(screenwriter)
- dbr:David_Dale_Owen
- dbr:David_Ferguson_(footballer,_born_1996)
- dbr:David_R._Ross
- dbr:David_Turnbull_(footballer)
- dbr:David_Wilson_(criminologist)
- dbr:David_Wotherspoon_(footballer,_born_1849)
- dbr:Davie_Cooper
- dbr:Dean_Lockhart
- dbr:Demography_of_Scotland
- dbr:Hudderstone
- dbr:Hugh_Gaffney
- dbr:Hyndford_Quarry
- dbr:List_of_British_royal_residences
- dbr:List_of_Donald_mountains
- dbr:List_of_Graham_mountains
- dbr:List_of_Great_Britain_and_UK_Parliament_constituencies_in_Scotland_from_1707
- dbr:List_of_ITV_regions
- dbr:List_of_Scottish_Parliament_constituencies_and_electoral_regions_(2011–present)
- dbr:List_of_United_Kingdom_Parliament_constituencies_(2005–2010)
- dbr:List_of_World_Heritage_Sites_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:List_of_freshwater_islands_in_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Hamilton,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Rutherglen,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_motorway_service_areas_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:List_of_onshore_wind_farms_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Patrick_Doyle
- dbr:Paul_Wright_(footballer)
- dbr:Peacock_Cross_railway_station
- dbr:Pentland_Hills
- dbr:Pettinain
- dbr:Results_of_the_2016_United_Kingdom_European_Union_membership_referendum
- dbr:Results_of_the_2019_European_Parliament_election_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Rhys_Clark_(snooker_player)
- dbr:Rigside
- dbr:River_Cart
- dbr:River_Clyde
- dbr:River_Nethan
- dbr:Robbie_Buchanan_(footballer)
- dbr:Culter_Hills
- dbr:Cuningar_Loop
- dbr:Uddingston
- dbr:Uddingston_East_railway_station
- dbr:Uddingston_Grammar_School
- dbr:Uddingston_RFC
- dbr:Uddingston_West_railway_station
- dbr:Uddingston_and_Bellshill_(Scottish_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Uddingston_railway_station
- dbr:Udston_Hospital
- dbr:University_Hospital_Hairmyres
- dbr:University_Hospital_Monklands
- dbr:Vicki_Feaver
- dbr:David_Hamilton_of_Cadzow
- dbr:David_Livingstone_Birthplace_Museum
- dbr:Donnie_Burns
- dbr:Douglas_Water
- dbr:Dumfriesshire,_Clydesdale_and_Tweeddale_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Dun_Law
- dbr:Duncan_Glen
- dbr:Duncanrig_Secondary_School
- dbr:Duneaton_Water
- dbr:Dungavel
- dbr:EP+6
- dbr:Earncraig_Hill
- dbr:Earnock_High_School
- dbr:East_Kilbride,_Strathaven_and_Lesmahagow_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:East_Kilbride_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:East_Kilbride_(district)
- dbr:East_Kilbride_Central_North_(ward)
- dbr:East_Kilbride_Central_South_(ward)
- dbr:East_Kilbride_East_(ward)
- dbr:East_Kilbride_News
- dbr:East_Kilbride_South_(ward)
- dbr:East_Kilbride_West_(ward)
- dbr:East_Mains,_East_Kilbride
- dbr:Index_of_United_Kingdom–related_articles
- dbr:International_Territorial_Level
- dbr:Inventory_of_Historic_Battlefields_in_Scotland
- dbr:James_Shepherd_(biochemist)
- dbr:Libberton
- dbr:List_of_horse_racing_venues
- dbr:List_of_hospitals_in_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_hot_air_balloon_festivals
- dbr:List_of_hotels_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:List_of_industrial_heritage_sites
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Avondale,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Biggar,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Blantyre,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Bothwell,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Cambuslang,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Carluke,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Carmichael,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Carmunnock,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Carnwath,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Carstairs,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Covington,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Crawford,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Crawfordjohn,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Culter,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Dalserf,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Dolphinton,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Douglas,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Dunsyre,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_East_Kilbride,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Glassford,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Lanark,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Lesmahagow_Parish,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Libberton,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Pettinain
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Stonehouse,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Symington,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Walston,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Wandel_And_Lamington,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Wiston_And_Roberton,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_lochs_of_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_long-distance_footpaths_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:List_of_miscarriage_of_justice_cases
- dbr:List_of_motorways_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:List_of_museums_in_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_numbered_roads_in_the_British_Isles
- dbr:List_of_oldest_buildings_in_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_pipe_bands
- dbr:List_of_places_in_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_power_stations_in_Scotland
- dbr:List_of_prisons_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:List_of_public_art_in_Dumfries_and_Galloway
- dbr:List_of_public_art_in_East_Ayrshire
- dbr:List_of_public_art_in_the_Scottish_Borders
- dbr:List_of_railway_bridges_and_viaducts_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Sir_John_Carmichael
- dbr:Wind_power_in_Scotland
- dbr:Public_and_bank_holidays_in_Scotland
- dbr:Public_holidays_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:1126
- dbr:1903_International_Cross_Country_Championships
- dbr:1995_Glasgow_City_Council_election
- dbr:1995_Scottish_local_elections
- dbr:1995_United_Kingdom_local_elections
- dbr:Collette_Stevenson
- dbr:Corra_Castle
- dbr:Corse_Hill
- dbr:Coulter,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Coulter_railway_station
- dbr:Craignethan_Castle
- dbr:Crawford,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Crawford_railway_station_(Scotland)
- dbr:Crawfordjohn
- dbr:Croftfoot_railway_station
- dbr:Cross_of_Sacrifice
- dbr:Crossford,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Mauldslie_Bridge
- dbr:Mauldslie_Castle
- dbr:Mauldslie_Castle_West_Lodge
- dbr:Mauldslie_Woods
- dbr:Meikle_Earnock_Halt_railway_station
- dbr:Rutherglen
- dbr:Rutherglen_(Scottish_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Rutherglen_Glencairn_F.C.
- dbr:Rutherglen_High_School
- dbr:Rutherglen_Maternity_Hospital
- dbr:Rutherglen_railway_station
- dbr:Ryan_McWilliams
- dbr:Ryeland_railway_station
- dbr:STV_(TV_channel)
- dbr:Sainsbury's
- dbr:Erythranthe_peregrina
- dbr:Geography_of_Glasgow
- dbr:Lousie_Wood_Law
- dbr:Lowther_Hill
- dbr:Lowther_Hills
- dbr:Scottish_Club_Youth_Competitions
- dbr:Scottish_Fire_and_Rescue_Service_National_Training_Centre
- dbr:1786_in_Great_Britain
- dbr:1786_in_Scotland
- dbr:1995_in_Scotland
- dbr:City_status_in_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Clan_Hamilton
- dbr:Claud_Hamilton_of_Shawfield
- dbr:Claudia_Beamish
- dbr:Cleghorn,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Cleghorn_Glen
- dbr:Cleghorn_railway_station
- dbr:Clyde's_Bridge
- dbr:Clyde_Walkway
- dbr:Clyde_Wind_Farm
- dbr:Clydesdale_(Scottish_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Coalburn
- dbr:Coalburn_railway_station
- dbr:Coatbridge_and_Chryston_(Scottish_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Cobbinshaw_railway_station
- dbr:Cochrane_(surname)
- dbr:Alexander_Irving,_Lord_Newton
- dbr:Elections_in_Scotland
- dbr:Elsrickle
- dbr:Elvanfoot
- dbr:Elvanfoot_railway_station
- dbr:Fraser_Kerr
- dbr:Frazer_Wright
- dbr:Frederick_Robertson_Aikman
- dbr:Frederick_Thomas_Pilkington
- dbr:Galloway_and_West_Dumfries_(Scottish_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Garrion_Bridge
- dbr:Gathersnow_Hill
is dbp:authority
of | |
is dbp:based
of | |
is dbp:birthPlace
of | |
is dbp:borough
of | |
is dbp:burialPlace
of | |
is dbp:councilArea
of | |
is dbp:county
of |
- dbr:Calderside_Academy
- dbr:Bothwell_services
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Hamilton,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Rutherglen,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Uddingston_Grammar_School
- dbr:Duncanrig_Secondary_School
- dbr:East_Kilbride,_Strathaven_and_Lesmahagow_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:East_Kilbride_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Avondale,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Biggar,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Blantyre,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Bothwell,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Cambuslang,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Carluke,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Carmichael,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Carmunnock,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Carnwath,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Carstairs,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Covington,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Crawford,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Crawfordjohn,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Culter,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Dalserf,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Dolphinton,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Douglas,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Dunsyre,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_East_Kilbride,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Glassford,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Lanark,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Lesmahagow_Parish,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Libberton,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Pettinain
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Stonehouse,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Symington,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Walston,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Wandel_And_Lamington,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:List_of_listed_buildings_in_Wiston_And_Roberton,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Rutherglen_High_School
- dbr:Stonelaw_High_School
- dbr:Strathaven_Academy
- dbr:Cathkin_High_School
- dbr:Lanark_and_Hamilton_East_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Abington_services
- dbr:Rutherglen_and_Hamilton_West_(UK_Parliament_constituency)
- dbr:Hamilton_Grammar_School
- dbr:Hamilton_services
- dbr:Lanark_Grammar_School
- dbr:Claremont_High_School,_East_Kilbride
is dbp:data
of | |
is dbp:deathDate
of | |
is dbp:deathPlace
of | |
is dbp:district
of | |
is dbp:divname
of | |
is dbp:ground
of | |
is dbp:localAuthority
of | |
is dbp:localCouncil
of | |
is dbp:locale
of | |
is dbp:location
of | |
is dbp:mouthLocation
of | |
is dbp:origin
of | |
is dbp:p
of | |
is dbp:place
of | |
is dbp:region
of | |
is dbp:replace
of | |
is dbp:serviceArea
of | |
is dbp:state
of | |
is dbp:state/province
of | |
is dbp:streetaddress
of | |
is dbp:subdivisionName
of | |
is dbp:unitaryScotland
of |
- dbr:Caldermill
- dbr:Carluke
- dbr:Carnwath
- dbr:Carstairs
- dbr:Carstairs_Junction
- dbr:Quarter,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Roberton,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Rosebank,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Sandford,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Biggar,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Birniehill
- dbr:Black_Hill_(South_Lanarkshire)
- dbr:Blackwood,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Blantyre,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Boghead
- dbr:Bothwell
- dbr:Braidwood,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Pettinain
- dbr:Rigside
- dbr:Uddingston
- dbr:Coulter,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Crawford,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Crawfordjohn
- dbr:Crossford,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Cleghorn,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Coalburn
- dbr:Elsrickle
- dbr:Elvanfoot
- dbr:Glassford
- dbr:Thorntonhall
- dbr:Lesmahagow
- dbr:Lindsayfield
- dbr:Stonehouse,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Strathaven
- dbr:Auldhouse,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Bankend,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Tillietudlem
- dbr:Walston,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Wiston,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Abington,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Dalserf
- dbr:Drumclog
- dbr:Drumsagard_Village
- dbr:Dunsyre
- dbr:Earnock
- dbr:Ferniegair
- dbr:Forth,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Owenstown
- dbr:Halfway,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Hamilton,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Hamilton_West,_Hamilton,_Scotland
- dbr:Tarbrax
- dbr:Thankerton
- dbr:Ashgill
- dbr:Auchengray
- dbr:Auchenheath
- dbr:Auchinraith
- dbr:Auchlochan
- dbr:Chapelton,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Kilncadzow
- dbr:Lanark
- dbr:Larkhall
- dbr:Law,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Leadhills
- dbr:Symington,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Dolphinton
- dbr:Douglas,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Kirkfieldbank
- dbr:Kirkmuirhill
- dbr:Nerston
- dbr:Netherburn
- dbr:New_Lanark
- dbr:Newbigging,_South_Lanarkshire
- dbr:Quothquan
- dbr:Ravenstruther
- dbr:Woolfords
- dbr:Yieldshields
is rdfs:seeAlso
of | |
is owl:differentFrom
of | |
is foaf:primaryTopic
of | |