- The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society je konceptuální album od britské rockové skupiny The Kinks. Nostalgie, kterou Ray Davies prezentoval na předchozím studiovém albu Something Else by The Kinks, se na této desce proměnila v manifest, jímž truchlí nad vytrácením starých anglických tradic. Jak zpívají v titulní písni, Kinks chrání to staré dobré čepované pivo, jahodový jam a panenství Anglie. Celé album je sérií obrázků a příběhů o malebném Albionu, jaký ve skutečnosti nikdy nebyl. Je to příjemná, klidná deska, evokující malé město a vtahující posluchače do pomalých rytmů, které vyvolávají dojem sladkobolného zamlženého snu. Pod povrchem je po celou dobu cítit jakoby lítost nad těmito nenávratně ztracenými idylickými časy. Díky velice střídmé kompozici a instrumentaci písní tato deska zní spíše jako sólový projekt Raye Daviese, než jako LP Kinks. Z klidného proudu téměř identických písní se vymyká pouze „Wicked Annabella“ od Davea Daviese. Ač celá koncepce alba může působit až příliš uvolněně, každá skladba má po hudební i textové stránce mnoho vrstev a přináší řadu inovací. Tato deska zároveň přispěla ke zrodu nových generací vyznavačů britského kytarového popu. (cs)
- The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society ist das sechste Studioalbum der britischen Rockgruppe The Kinks. Es wurde am 22. November 1968 veröffentlicht. Alle darauf enthaltenen Kompositionen stammen von Ray Davies. Die Aufnahme für die Rückseite des Albumcovers entstand in Hampstead Heath, einem Park im Norden von London. (de)
- The Kinks are the Village Green Preservation Society es el sexto álbum de pop/rock lanzado por la banda inglesa The Kinks el 22 de noviembre de 1968. (es)
- The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society est le sixième album studio du groupe britannique The Kinks sorti en 1968. (fr)
- The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society is the sixth studio album by the English rock band the Kinks. Released on 22 November 1968, Village Green is regarded by commentators as an early concept album. A modest seller on release, it was the band's first studio album which failed to chart in either the United Kingdom or United States, but was lauded by contemporary critics for its songwriting. It was embraced by America's new underground rock press, completing the Kinks' transformation from mid-1960s pop hitmakers to critically favoured cult band. Bandleader Ray Davies loosely conceptualised the album as a collection of character studies, an idea he based on Dylan Thomas's 1954 radio drama Under Milk Wood. Centring on themes of nostalgia, memory and preservation, the album reflects Davies's concerns about the increasing modernisation and encroaching influence of America and Europe on English society. Musically an example of pop or rock music, the album incorporates a range of stylistic influences, including music hall, blues, psychedelia and calypso. It was the first album which Davies produced on his own and was the last to feature the original Kinks line-up, as bassist Pete Quaife departed the band in March 1969. It also marked the final collaboration between the Kinks and session keyboardist Nicky Hopkins, whose playing features heavily on piano, harpsichord and Mellotron. Other than "Village Green", which was recorded in November 1966 and re-recorded in February 1967, sessions for the album began in March 1968 at Pye Studios in London. In addition to the non-album singles "Wonderboy" and "Days", the sessions resulted in numerous tracks, some of which went unreleased for years. The album's planned September 1968 release was delayed by two months in the UK after Davies's last-minute decision to rearrange and augment the track listing, though release of the earlier twelve-track edition went ahead in several European countries. The album had no accompanying lead single in the UK, though "Starstruck" was issued in the US and Europe. Despite its initial commercial shortcomings, it has influenced numerous musical acts, especially American indie artists from the late 1980s and 1990s and Britpop groups like Blur and Oasis. Driven in part by this influence, the album experienced a critical and commercial resurgence in the 1990s, and it has been reissued several times, including an expanded edition in 2018. The album has since become the Kinks' best-selling album in the UK, where it was certified silver in 2008 and gold in 2018. It has been included in several critics' and listeners' polls for the best albums of all time, including those published by Rolling Stone magazine and in the book All Time Top 1000 Albums. (en)
- The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society indicato anche come Village Green Preservation Society è il sesto album in studio del gruppo rock inglese The Kinks, pubblicato nel novembre 1968. È stato l'ultimo album del quartetto originale (il bassista Pete Quaife lascerà il gruppo nei primi mesi del 1969). È un concept album ambientato in un villaggio inglese tradizionale. È considerato quasi un album solista di Ray Davies, dove esprime la sua nostalgia per le vecchie tradizioni rurali inglesi. È composto da canzoni scritte e registrate nel corso dei due anni precedenti. Anche se le vendite dell'album furono all'epoca deludenti, oggi il disco viene ampiamente considerato una delle opere più influenti ed importanti dei Kinks. Nel 2003, l'album è stato inserito alla posizione numero 255 nella lista dei 500 migliori album di sempre redatta dalla rivista Rolling Stone. (it)
- 《The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society》는 1968년 11월 22일에 발매된 킹크스의 음반이다. (ko)
- 『ヴィレッジ・グリーン・プリザヴェイション・ソサエティ』(英語: The Kinks are the Village Green Preservation Society)は、1968年にリリースされたキンクスのアルバム。 バンドのリーダーでありソングライターであるレイ・デイヴィスは、イギリスの田舎生活と古き良き時代に対する敬意を表したコンセプト・アルバムとして本作を創り上げた。レイは、ヒット・シングル志向からより個人的でノスタルジックな方向へと作風を変え、レコーディングに2年を費やした。1968年の夏から始められたレコーディング・セッションは、当初レイのソロ・アルバムおよび「ヴィレッジ・グリーン」のステージ・ショーへの使用を考えられていたため、キンクスの持つイメージやスタイルとは大きく異なる物であった。 発表時はサイケデリックブーム真っ只中とあって、ある意味では正反対の方向を志向した本作は、商業的に苦戦することとなる。 1968年の夏に、バンドは20曲入りの2枚組アルバムとして本作をリリースしようとしたが、パイ・レコードに拒絶された。レイは、リリースの直前までアルバムに手を入れ続け、収録曲を変更するため12曲入りの初期リリース・ヴァージョンの生産を停止させた。現在、12曲入りのアルバムはコレクターズ・アイテムとなっている。 『ローリング・ストーン誌が選ぶオールタイム・ベストアルバム500』に於いて、258位にランクイン。 (ja)
- The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society is een album van de Britse rockband The Kinks uit 1968. (nl)
- The Village Green Preservation Society är ett konceptalbum av The Kinks utgivet i november 1968 på Pye Records. Albumet ger en nostalgisk tillbakablick på det som en gång var i England. Till tonen är albumet mycket lugnt och sansat. Det inspelade materialet sträckte sig tillbaka till 1966. Samtidigt som man spelade in det här albumet spelades även singeln "Days" in. Detta blev det sista albumet som Pete Quaife, gruppens originalbasist, medverkade på. Skivan blev ett kommersiellt nederlag när den lanserades, både i hemlandet Storbritannien och USA och tog sig inte in på någon försäljningslista. Musiken kontrasterade starkt med det då psykedeliska musiklandskapet. Skivan har senare blivit mer uppmärksammad och av kritiker setts som ett av The Kinks bästa album. Det placerades bland annat på #255 på tidskriften Rolling Stones lista The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time. (sv)
- The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society (рус. The Kinks — общество по защите цветущей деревни) — шестой студийный альбом английской рок-группы The Kinks, выпущенный 22 ноября 1968 года на лейбле в Великобритании и на лейбле Reprise Records в США. Этот альбом стал для группы последним, выпущенным ей в первоначальном составе — бас-гитарист покинул группу в начале 1969 года. Коллекция виньеток из английской жизни, альбом The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society был составлен из песен, написанных за два года. Этот альбом считается одной из наиболее влиятельных работ The Kinks, однако сразу он успеха в чартах не получил. Первоначальные продажи составили всего 100,000 копий. В 2003 году альбом занял 258 место в списке «500 величайших альбомов всех времён» по версии журнала Rolling Stone и он был описан Uncut в 2014 году как «блестящий концептуальный альбом». В списке «1000 лучших альбомов всех времён» Колина Ларкина альбом стоит на 141 месте. (ru)
- The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society é o sexto álbum de estúdio do grupo inglês de rock The Kinks, lançado em novembro de 1968. Ele foi o último álbum do quarteto original, como o baixista Pete Quaife deixou o grupo no início de 1969. Uma coleção de vinhetas temáticas da cidade inglesa e da vida aldeia, The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society foi montado a partir de canções escritas e gravadas ao longo dos últimos dois anos.O editor Stephen Thomas Erlewine descreveu o Green Village como um álbum conceitual "lamentando o falecimento de antigas tradições inglesas ". Embora considerada uma das obras mais influentes e importantes por parte dos Kinks, ele só vendeu cerca de 100.000 cópias. Em 2003, o álbum foi classificado no número 255 na lista da Revista Rolling Stone dos Anexo:Lista dos 500 melhores álbuns de sempre da revista Rolling Stone. (pt)
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- The Kinks stand facing the camera while enclosed in hazy orange-brown concentric circles (en)
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- TheKinksVillageGreenPreservationSociety.jpg (en)
- The recording's flute opening was achieved by holding down the keys on the Mellotron and allowing each tape loop to spool all the way through. Author Steve Alleman considers the song's Mellotron contribution one of the few times in the Kinks' discography where they approach psychedelia. (en)
- In addition to heavy reverb on its drums, percussion and tack piano, the song being recorded in Pye's bigger studio provided it with a noticeably larger sound than the rest of the record. (en)
- Unlike the rest of the album, the mix of "Picture Book" is comparatively bottom-heavy by emphasising Avory's drumming and Quaife's bass playing. (en)
- "Animal Farm" by the Kinks.mp3 (en)
- "Phenomenal Cat" by the Kinks.mp3 (en)
- "Picture Book" by the Kinks.mp3 (en)
- Left: Ray and Dave Davies's childhood neighbourhood Fortis Green in North London . Right: Waterlow Park in the nearby suburb of Highgate, which Ray regularly visited . (en)
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- (en)
- Pop (en)
- rock (en)
- baroque pop (en)
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- Fortis Green in 1973.jpg (en)
- Waterlow Park 20171022 122023 .jpg (en)
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- 0001-10-09 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- Mac (en)
- Talmy (en)
- The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society (en)
- AnimalFarm (en)
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- I think the Kinks should go to America – there's been a good reaction to our latest album [Village Green] and singles over there.... In many ways the Americans seem more sympathetic – especially on the West Coast. The people there seem more interested in things like the Village Green Preservation Society and Tudor houses and cricket – more so, even, than in [England]. They're not as bogged down and restricted as English people. (en)
- Everybody's trying to change the world; I've tried and I'll probably try again, but I don't think you can change Britain that much, because we're the way we are. So I'm just going to try and hang on to a lot of the nice things. (en)
- Pete [Quaife] and I were trying to get the excitement of our performances on record and that's just the way it came out. On songs like "Big Sky," I'd think of a bass part and give it to him and he'd change it around – play off the melody, like Paul McCartney was starting to do at the time, because they both started as guitar players – and it would create something completely different and also really new-sounding. (en)
- For me [Village Green] represents the only real album made by the Kinks. It is probably the only album made by us in which we all contributed something. (en)
- I hope England doesn't change. I'm writing a song now called "You Ain't What You Used to Be" which expresses what I feel. I hope we don't get swallowed up by America and Europe. I'm really proud of being British... I don't care if a bloke votes Labour or Conservative as long as he appreciates what we've got here. We have so much that is great, compared with other countries, and people just don't realise it. I want to keep writing very English songs. (en)
- *February1967
*March–October1968 (en)
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- dbr:AllMusic
- dbr:Sputnikmusic
- Rolling Stone (en)
- The Times (en)
- American Songwriter (en)
- Blender (en)
- MusicHound Rock (en)
- Pitchfork (en)
- The Encyclopedia of Popular Music (en)
- The New Rolling Stone Album Guide (en)
- Tiny Mix Tapes (en)
- Uncut (en)
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- – Ray Davies, November1968 (en)
- – Dave Davies, 2014 (en)
- – Pete Quaife, 2006 (en)
- – Ray Davies, April1966 (en)
- – Ray Davies, May1969 (en)
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- Retrospective professional ratings (en)
- The beginning of the first verse of "Animal Farm" (en)
- The Kinks are the Village Green Preservation Society (en)
- The beginning of "Phenomenal Cat" (en)
- Excerpt from the chorus of "Picture Book" (en)
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- The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society ist das sechste Studioalbum der britischen Rockgruppe The Kinks. Es wurde am 22. November 1968 veröffentlicht. Alle darauf enthaltenen Kompositionen stammen von Ray Davies. Die Aufnahme für die Rückseite des Albumcovers entstand in Hampstead Heath, einem Park im Norden von London. (de)
- The Kinks are the Village Green Preservation Society es el sexto álbum de pop/rock lanzado por la banda inglesa The Kinks el 22 de noviembre de 1968. (es)
- The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society est le sixième album studio du groupe britannique The Kinks sorti en 1968. (fr)
- 《The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society》는 1968년 11월 22일에 발매된 킹크스의 음반이다. (ko)
- The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society is een album van de Britse rockband The Kinks uit 1968. (nl)
- The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society je konceptuální album od britské rockové skupiny The Kinks. Nostalgie, kterou Ray Davies prezentoval na předchozím studiovém albu Something Else by The Kinks, se na této desce proměnila v manifest, jímž truchlí nad vytrácením starých anglických tradic. Jak zpívají v titulní písni, Kinks chrání to staré dobré čepované pivo, jahodový jam a panenství Anglie. Celé album je sérií obrázků a příběhů o malebném Albionu, jaký ve skutečnosti nikdy nebyl. Je to příjemná, klidná deska, evokující malé město a vtahující posluchače do pomalých rytmů, které vyvolávají dojem sladkobolného zamlženého snu. Pod povrchem je po celou dobu cítit jakoby lítost nad těmito nenávratně ztracenými idylickými časy. Díky velice střídmé kompozici a instrumentaci písní (cs)
- The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society is the sixth studio album by the English rock band the Kinks. Released on 22 November 1968, Village Green is regarded by commentators as an early concept album. A modest seller on release, it was the band's first studio album which failed to chart in either the United Kingdom or United States, but was lauded by contemporary critics for its songwriting. It was embraced by America's new underground rock press, completing the Kinks' transformation from mid-1960s pop hitmakers to critically favoured cult band. (en)
- The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society indicato anche come Village Green Preservation Society è il sesto album in studio del gruppo rock inglese The Kinks, pubblicato nel novembre 1968. È stato l'ultimo album del quartetto originale (il bassista Pete Quaife lascerà il gruppo nei primi mesi del 1969). È un concept album ambientato in un villaggio inglese tradizionale. È considerato quasi un album solista di Ray Davies, dove esprime la sua nostalgia per le vecchie tradizioni rurali inglesi. È composto da canzoni scritte e registrate nel corso dei due anni precedenti. (it)
- 『ヴィレッジ・グリーン・プリザヴェイション・ソサエティ』(英語: The Kinks are the Village Green Preservation Society)は、1968年にリリースされたキンクスのアルバム。 バンドのリーダーでありソングライターであるレイ・デイヴィスは、イギリスの田舎生活と古き良き時代に対する敬意を表したコンセプト・アルバムとして本作を創り上げた。レイは、ヒット・シングル志向からより個人的でノスタルジックな方向へと作風を変え、レコーディングに2年を費やした。1968年の夏から始められたレコーディング・セッションは、当初レイのソロ・アルバムおよび「ヴィレッジ・グリーン」のステージ・ショーへの使用を考えられていたため、キンクスの持つイメージやスタイルとは大きく異なる物であった。 発表時はサイケデリックブーム真っ只中とあって、ある意味では正反対の方向を志向した本作は、商業的に苦戦することとなる。 1968年の夏に、バンドは20曲入りの2枚組アルバムとして本作をリリースしようとしたが、パイ・レコードに拒絶された。レイは、リリースの直前までアルバムに手を入れ続け、収録曲を変更するため12曲入りの初期リリース・ヴァージョンの生産を停止させた。現在、12曲入りのアルバムはコレクターズ・アイテムとなっている。 (ja)
- The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society (рус. The Kinks — общество по защите цветущей деревни) — шестой студийный альбом английской рок-группы The Kinks, выпущенный 22 ноября 1968 года на лейбле в Великобритании и на лейбле Reprise Records в США. Этот альбом стал для группы последним, выпущенным ей в первоначальном составе — бас-гитарист покинул группу в начале 1969 года. Коллекция виньеток из английской жизни, альбом The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society был составлен из песен, написанных за два года. (ru)
- The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society é o sexto álbum de estúdio do grupo inglês de rock The Kinks, lançado em novembro de 1968. Ele foi o último álbum do quarteto original, como o baixista Pete Quaife deixou o grupo no início de 1969. Uma coleção de vinhetas temáticas da cidade inglesa e da vida aldeia, The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society foi montado a partir de canções escritas e gravadas ao longo dos últimos dois anos.O editor Stephen Thomas Erlewine descreveu o Green Village como um álbum conceitual "lamentando o falecimento de antigas tradições inglesas ". Embora considerada uma das obras mais influentes e importantes por parte dos Kinks, ele só vendeu cerca de 100.000 cópias. Em 2003, o álbum foi classificado no número 255 na lista da Revista Rolling S (pt)
- The Village Green Preservation Society är ett konceptalbum av The Kinks utgivet i november 1968 på Pye Records. Albumet ger en nostalgisk tillbakablick på det som en gång var i England. Till tonen är albumet mycket lugnt och sansat. Det inspelade materialet sträckte sig tillbaka till 1966. Samtidigt som man spelade in det här albumet spelades även singeln "Days" in. Detta blev det sista albumet som Pete Quaife, gruppens originalbasist, medverkade på. (sv)
- The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society (cs)
- The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society (de)
- The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society (es)
- The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society (it)
- The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society (fr)
- ヴィレッジ・グリーン・プリザヴェイション・ソサエティ (ja)
- The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society (ko)
- The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society (nl)
- The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society (pt)
- The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society (en)
- The Kinks Are the Village Green Preservation Society (ru)
- The Village Green Preservation Society (sv)
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