- Das Denkmal für die Opfer des Kommunismus (engl.: Victims of Communism Memorial) ist ein politisches Denkmal in Washington, D.C., USA, in unmittelbarer Nähe des Kapitols, das an die Opfer sozialistischer und kommunistischer Regimes erinnern soll. Es enthält eine drei Meter hohe Bronzereplik der Göttin der Demokratie, die von Studenten während der Proteste am Platz des himmlischen Friedens 1989 in Peking errichtet wurde. Die feierliche Einweihung des Denkmals fand am 12. Juni 2007 durch den damaligen US-amerikanischen Präsidenten George W. Bush statt. (de)
- El Monumento a las Víctimas del Comunismo en Washington, D.C. es un monumento que se encuentra en Washington D. C., situado en la intersección de la avenida de New Jersey con la avenida de Massachusetts y la calle G, en el Cuadrante Noroeste, a dos cuadras de la estación de Union Station con vistas al Capitolio de los Estados Unidos. El monumento está dedicado "a los más de cien millones de víctimas del comunismo". Las Fundación “Victims of Communism Memorial” dice que el propósito del monumento es asegurar "que la historia de la tiranía comunista será conocida por las futuras generaciones." El Monumento a las Víctimas del Comunismo fue dedicado por el Presidente George W. Bush el 12 de junio de 2007, en el aniversario de los veinte años del discurso de presidente Ronald Reagan "tear down this wall" (“derribad ese muro”) delante del muro de Berlín. (es)
- Le mémorial des victimes du communisme (en anglais : Victims of Communism Memorial) est un mémorial situé à Washington, honorant les victimes des régimes communistes. Il se trouve à proximité du Capitole des États-Unis et d'Union Station. Il se compose d'une statue qui est une copie de la Déesse de la Démocratie. Cette dernière est une sculpture réalisée par des étudiants de l'Académie centrale des beaux-arts de Chine pendant les manifestations de la place Tian'anmen en 1989. Le président des États-Unis George W. Bush l'a inauguré le 12 juin 2007 pour le 20e anniversaire du discours Tear down this wall! de Ronald Reagan devant le mur de Berlin.
* Portail du communisme
* Portail sur la mort
* Portail de Washington, D.C.
* Portail de la sculpture (fr)
- The Victims of Communism Memorial is a memorial in Washington, D.C. located at the intersection of Massachusetts and New Jersey Avenues and G Street, NW, two blocks from Union Station and within view of the U.S. Capitol. The memorial is dedicated "to the more than one hundred million victims of communism". The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation says the purpose of the memorial is to ensure "that the history of communist tyranny will be taught to future generations." The Memorial was opened by President George W. Bush on June 12, 2007. It was dedicated on the 20th anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's "tear down this wall" speech in front of the Berlin Wall. The Memorial features a ten-foot (3 m) bronze replica from photographs, of the Goddess of Democracy, erected by students during the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. The monument's design and the statue are works of sculptor Thomas Marsh. He led a project in 1994, to re-create the Goddess of Democracy in Chinatown, San Francisco. The inscription reads: (front) "To the more than one hundred million victims of communism and to those who love liberty", and (rear) "To the freedom and independence of all captive nations and peoples" (en)
- 공산주의 희생자 기념비(영어: Victims of Communism Memorial)는 미국 워싱턴 D.C.에 위치한 공산주의 시대의 희생자들을 기념하는 조각 작품이다. 유니언역에서 2블럭 정도 떨어져 있으며 미국 국회의사당이 보이는 매사추세츠가와 뉴저지가의 교차로에 위치한다. (ko)
- O Memorial das Vítimas do Comunismo (em inglês: Victims of Communism Memorial) é um monumento localizado na cidade de Washington, nas imediações do edifício do Capitólio. O objectivo deste memorial encontra-se expresso na sua respectiva inscrição: "Para os mais de cem milhões de vítimas do comunismo e para os que amam a liberdade." O Memorial das Vítimas do Comunismo foi inaugurado pelo Presidente George W. Bush, no 20.º aniversário do discurso de Ronald Reagan, junto ao Muro de Berlim. (pt)
- 共产主义受害者纪念雕像(英語:Victims of Communism Memorial)位於美國華盛頓哥倫比亞特區,座落於麻薩諸塞大道及新澤西大道附近的G街西北角。2005年11月,美國國家首都規劃委員會批准該紀念碑的設計,該設計乃仿製自1989年中國八九民運中,由學生建造的民主女神像(原作在軍隊鎮壓平民時用坦克輾過倒塌),標明是為了「紀念超過一億名共產主義之下的受害者們」,「不容列寧、史達林、毛澤東、波爾布特、胡志明、金日成、門格斯圖和卡斯楚的暴行淡出歷史背景之中」。该纪念碑于2007年6月12日落成,美国总统小布希在落成典礼上发表讲话。當日同時也是已故總統罗纳德·里根在柏林圍牆前發表《拆掉這堵牆》(Tear down this wall)講話20週年。 (zh)
- Па́мятник же́ртвам коммуни́зма (англ. Victims of Communism Memorial) — мемориал в Вашингтоне (США) на пересечении Массачусетс-авеню и G-стрит в двух кварталах от железнодорожного вокзала и на расстоянии видимости от Капитолия. Мемориал призван, по замыслу его создателей, …увековечить память более ста миллионов жертв коммунизма, славу тех, кто успешно противостоял коммунистической тирании, рассказать нынешним и будущим поколениям о преступлениях коммунизма против человечества, и отблагодарить тех, кто помог выиграть Холодную войну. (ru)
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- dbr:President_of_the_United_States
- dbr:Ronald_Reagan
- dbr:San_Francisco_State_University
- dbr:Memorial
- dbr:National_Capital_Planning_Commission
- dbr:Memorial_of_the_Victims_of_Communism_and_of_the_Resistance
- dbc:Anti-communism_in_the_United_States
- dbr:Berlin_Wall
- dbr:Bill_Clinton
- dbr:Lithuania
- dbr:United_States_Capitol
- dbr:United_States_House_of_Representatives
- dbr:United_States_Senate
- dbr:United_States_dollar
- dbr:Victims_of_Communism_Memorial_Foundation
- dbr:Vietnamese_people
- dbr:List_of_public_art_in_Washington,_D.C.,_Ward_6
- dbc:Monuments_and_memorials_in_Washington,_D.C.
- dbc:Outdoor_sculptures_in_Washington,_D.C.
- dbc:Political_repression
- dbr:Communist_Party_of_the_Russian_Federation
- dbr:Communist_state
- dbr:Mass_killings_under_Communist_regimes
- dbr:Massachusetts_Avenue_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:Nijolė_Sadūnaitė
- dbr:Northwest,_Washington,_D.C.
- dbr:Claiborne_Pell
- dbr:Cold_War
- dbr:Gennady_Zyuganov
- dbr:George_W._Bush
- dbr:Goddess_of_Democracy
- dbr:Great_Leap_Forward
- dbr:Great_Purge
- dbr:Ministry_of_Foreign_Affairs_of_the_People's_Republic_of_China
- dbr:The_Washington_Post
- dbr:Andrei_Tsygankov
- dbr:Anti-communism
- dbr:Chinese_people
- dbr:Statue
- dbr:Communist_terrorism
- dbr:Zbigniew_Brzezinski
- dbr:Tom_Lantos
- dbr:Washington,_D.C.
- dbr:Criticisms_of_Communist_party_rule
- dbr:Dana_Rohrabacher
- dbr:Lee_Edwards
- dbr:Grover_Norquist
- dbr:Gulag
- dbr:Harry_Wu
- dbr:Terrorism
- dbr:The_American_Spectator
- dbc:2007_sculptures
- dbc:Bronze_sculptures_in_Washington,_D.C.
- dbr:China
- dbr:Chinatown,_San_Francisco
- dbc:Sculptures_of_women_in_Washington,_D.C.
- dbc:Statues_in_Washington,_D.C.
- dbr:Jesse_Helms
- dbc:Memorials_to_victims_of_communism
- dbr:Expansionist
- dbr:Red_Terror
- dbr:World_Socialist_Website
- dbr:Tiananmen_Square_protests_of_1989
- dbr:Tear_down_this_wall
- dbr:Union_Station_(Washington,_D.C.)
- dbr:Political_prisoner
- dbr:Totalitarianism
- dbr:Lev_E._Dobriansky
- dbr:Museum_of_Soviet_occupation_(disambiguation)
- dbr:Nguyen_Chi_Thien
- dbr:Criticisms_of_communism
- dbr:File:Goddess_of_Democracy_DC_side.jpg
- dbr:File:President_Bush_dedicates_the_Victims_of_Communism_Memorial.jpg
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- Goddess of Democracy replica (en)
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- Location within Washington, D.C. (en)
- United States Washington, D.C.#USA (en)
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- Victims of Communism Memorial (en)
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- Das Denkmal für die Opfer des Kommunismus (engl.: Victims of Communism Memorial) ist ein politisches Denkmal in Washington, D.C., USA, in unmittelbarer Nähe des Kapitols, das an die Opfer sozialistischer und kommunistischer Regimes erinnern soll. Es enthält eine drei Meter hohe Bronzereplik der Göttin der Demokratie, die von Studenten während der Proteste am Platz des himmlischen Friedens 1989 in Peking errichtet wurde. Die feierliche Einweihung des Denkmals fand am 12. Juni 2007 durch den damaligen US-amerikanischen Präsidenten George W. Bush statt. (de)
- 공산주의 희생자 기념비(영어: Victims of Communism Memorial)는 미국 워싱턴 D.C.에 위치한 공산주의 시대의 희생자들을 기념하는 조각 작품이다. 유니언역에서 2블럭 정도 떨어져 있으며 미국 국회의사당이 보이는 매사추세츠가와 뉴저지가의 교차로에 위치한다. (ko)
- O Memorial das Vítimas do Comunismo (em inglês: Victims of Communism Memorial) é um monumento localizado na cidade de Washington, nas imediações do edifício do Capitólio. O objectivo deste memorial encontra-se expresso na sua respectiva inscrição: "Para os mais de cem milhões de vítimas do comunismo e para os que amam a liberdade." O Memorial das Vítimas do Comunismo foi inaugurado pelo Presidente George W. Bush, no 20.º aniversário do discurso de Ronald Reagan, junto ao Muro de Berlim. (pt)
- 共产主义受害者纪念雕像(英語:Victims of Communism Memorial)位於美國華盛頓哥倫比亞特區,座落於麻薩諸塞大道及新澤西大道附近的G街西北角。2005年11月,美國國家首都規劃委員會批准該紀念碑的設計,該設計乃仿製自1989年中國八九民運中,由學生建造的民主女神像(原作在軍隊鎮壓平民時用坦克輾過倒塌),標明是為了「紀念超過一億名共產主義之下的受害者們」,「不容列寧、史達林、毛澤東、波爾布特、胡志明、金日成、門格斯圖和卡斯楚的暴行淡出歷史背景之中」。该纪念碑于2007年6月12日落成,美国总统小布希在落成典礼上发表讲话。當日同時也是已故總統罗纳德·里根在柏林圍牆前發表《拆掉這堵牆》(Tear down this wall)講話20週年。 (zh)
- Па́мятник же́ртвам коммуни́зма (англ. Victims of Communism Memorial) — мемориал в Вашингтоне (США) на пересечении Массачусетс-авеню и G-стрит в двух кварталах от железнодорожного вокзала и на расстоянии видимости от Капитолия. Мемориал призван, по замыслу его создателей, …увековечить память более ста миллионов жертв коммунизма, славу тех, кто успешно противостоял коммунистической тирании, рассказать нынешним и будущим поколениям о преступлениях коммунизма против человечества, и отблагодарить тех, кто помог выиграть Холодную войну. (ru)
- El Monumento a las Víctimas del Comunismo en Washington, D.C. es un monumento que se encuentra en Washington D. C., situado en la intersección de la avenida de New Jersey con la avenida de Massachusetts y la calle G, en el Cuadrante Noroeste, a dos cuadras de la estación de Union Station con vistas al Capitolio de los Estados Unidos. El monumento está dedicado "a los más de cien millones de víctimas del comunismo". Las Fundación “Victims of Communism Memorial” dice que el propósito del monumento es asegurar "que la historia de la tiranía comunista será conocida por las futuras generaciones." (es)
- Le mémorial des victimes du communisme (en anglais : Victims of Communism Memorial) est un mémorial situé à Washington, honorant les victimes des régimes communistes. Il se trouve à proximité du Capitole des États-Unis et d'Union Station. Il se compose d'une statue qui est une copie de la Déesse de la Démocratie. Cette dernière est une sculpture réalisée par des étudiants de l'Académie centrale des beaux-arts de Chine pendant les manifestations de la place Tian'anmen en 1989.
* Portail du communisme
* Portail sur la mort
* Portail de Washington, D.C.
* Portail de la sculpture (fr)
- The Victims of Communism Memorial is a memorial in Washington, D.C. located at the intersection of Massachusetts and New Jersey Avenues and G Street, NW, two blocks from Union Station and within view of the U.S. Capitol. The memorial is dedicated "to the more than one hundred million victims of communism". The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation says the purpose of the memorial is to ensure "that the history of communist tyranny will be taught to future generations." The Memorial was opened by President George W. Bush on June 12, 2007. It was dedicated on the 20th anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's "tear down this wall" speech in front of the Berlin Wall. (en)
- Denkmal für die Opfer des Kommunismus (Washington, D.C.) (de)
- Monumento a las Víctimas del Comunismo (Washington D. C.) (es)
- Mémorial des victimes du communisme (fr)
- 공산주의 희생자 기념비 (워싱턴 D.C.) (ko)
- Memorial das Vítimas do Comunismo (pt)
- Мемориал жертвам коммунизма (Вашингтон) (ru)
- Victims of Communism Memorial (en)
- 共产主义受害者纪念雕像 (华盛顿) (zh)
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- Victims of Communism Memorial (en)
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