- زيد بن أرقم بن زيد بن قيس بن النعمان بن مالك بن الأغر بن ثعلبة بن كعب بن الخزرج بن الحارث بن الخزرج، الأنصاري، الخزرجى، أبو عمرو، ويقال : أبو عامر، ويقال : أبو عمارة، ويقال : أبو أنيسة ، و يقال : أبو حمزة، ويقال : أبو سعد، ويقال : أبو سعيد المدني كان زيد بن أرقم يتيما في حجر عبد الله بن رواحة، نزل الكوفة وابتنى دارا بالكوفة في كندة. غزا مع النبى محمد سبع عشرة غزوة, تقدم للقتال يوم أحد فرده النبي لصغر سنه مع عبد الله بن عمر بن الخطاب والبراء بن عازب، وأبا سعيد الخدري، وجابر بن عبد الله . (ar)
- Zayd ben Arqam ( ? -env. 688) est un compagnon de Mahomet, prophète de l'Islam. Juste après sa conversion à l’islam, il a participé à la bataille du fossé aux côtés de Mahomet (627). Par la suite, il a participé aux autres batailles. À la mort de Mahomet, il n’a pas prêté allégeance à Abû Bakr avant qu'`Alî ne le fasse. Il a rapporté un certain nombre de hadiths. Dans le sahih de Muslim, il est cité comme l’origine du hadith des deux choses importantes. Dans ce hadith, Mahomet aurait donné la définition de l’expression gens de la maison (Ahl al-Bayt). (fr)
- Zaid bin Arqam adalah sahabat Rasulullah dari kalangan Anshar yang telah memeluk Islam ketika masih anak-anak. Ketika terjadi perang Uhud, ia bergabung dengan pasukan muslim yang siap berangkat, tetapi keberadaannya diketahui oleh Rasulullah dan dia memulangkannya, karena ia masih sangat muda. Ia sangat sedih dengan larangan Rasulullah ini. (in)
- Zayd ibn Arqam (Arabic: زيد بن أرقم) was a Sahabi ("Companion") of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. He was from the tribe of Khazraj and a senior Companion from the Ansar "Helpers" in Madina, he attended 17 campaigns with Muhammad and died in 66 Hijri He was the first person in Islam to give his home for the first Salat (ritual prayer) in Islam, which was led by Muhammad. He gave allegiance to Abu Bakr. After the Invasion of Banu Mustaliq 'Abdullāh ibn ‘Ubayy, who was referred to as the head of the "Hypocrites" (munāfiqūn), was furious for the challenge which the Muslims showed towards the hostile plans and intrigues woven behind closed doors, and swore "the most honourable will expel the meanest out of Madinah," and added: "They (the Muslims) have outnumbered and shared us our land. If you fatten your dog, it will eat you." Zayd ibn Arqam narrated this to Muhammad who then asked for 's presence. ibn ‘Ubayy swore oaths denying he had stated something like this and because of this he was let go. But later on the testimony of Zayd ibn Arqam was verified by the revelation of . (en)
- Zayd ibn Arqam (in arabo: زيد بن أرقم; La Mecca, ... – 688) è stato un Sahaba arabo. Chiamato anche Zayd al-Khayr (ossia "Zayd il Migliore" per distinguerlo da altri Zayd), subito dopo la sua conversione, volle partecipare alla Battaglia del Fossato del 627. In seguito prese parte ad altre battaglie ma non volle prestare giuramento di fedeltà (bayʿa ) ad Abû Bakr prima che lo facesse ʿAlī b. Abī Tālib; il che significa che riconobbe il primo califfo oltre tre mesi dopo la morte del profeta Maometto. Viene ricordato per aver trasmesso un certo numero di importanti ʾaḥādīth, tra cui il più rilevante è forse quello riportato da Muslim nel suo Sahīh. Definito delle "due cose importanti", esso ricorda la definizione fornita da Maometto di Gente della Casa (Ahl al-Bayt): anche se di grande rilievo è anche quello che riporta una frase pronunciata da Maometto presso lo stagno di Khum (ghadīr Khum), in base al quale il Profeta avrebbe esplicitamente indicato suo cugino e genero ʿAlī b. Abī Tālib come suo successore spirituale e politico, anche se non certo suo erede nella profezia, dal momento che è dogma dell'Islam che con Maometto si sia chiusa per sempre la profezia e che chiunque affermi il contrario è da considerare senz'altro eretico (kāfir ). (it)
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- زيد بن أرقم بن زيد بن قيس بن النعمان بن مالك بن الأغر بن ثعلبة بن كعب بن الخزرج بن الحارث بن الخزرج، الأنصاري، الخزرجى، أبو عمرو، ويقال : أبو عامر، ويقال : أبو عمارة، ويقال : أبو أنيسة ، و يقال : أبو حمزة، ويقال : أبو سعد، ويقال : أبو سعيد المدني كان زيد بن أرقم يتيما في حجر عبد الله بن رواحة، نزل الكوفة وابتنى دارا بالكوفة في كندة. غزا مع النبى محمد سبع عشرة غزوة, تقدم للقتال يوم أحد فرده النبي لصغر سنه مع عبد الله بن عمر بن الخطاب والبراء بن عازب، وأبا سعيد الخدري، وجابر بن عبد الله . (ar)
- Zayd ben Arqam ( ? -env. 688) est un compagnon de Mahomet, prophète de l'Islam. Juste après sa conversion à l’islam, il a participé à la bataille du fossé aux côtés de Mahomet (627). Par la suite, il a participé aux autres batailles. À la mort de Mahomet, il n’a pas prêté allégeance à Abû Bakr avant qu'`Alî ne le fasse. Il a rapporté un certain nombre de hadiths. Dans le sahih de Muslim, il est cité comme l’origine du hadith des deux choses importantes. Dans ce hadith, Mahomet aurait donné la définition de l’expression gens de la maison (Ahl al-Bayt). (fr)
- Zaid bin Arqam adalah sahabat Rasulullah dari kalangan Anshar yang telah memeluk Islam ketika masih anak-anak. Ketika terjadi perang Uhud, ia bergabung dengan pasukan muslim yang siap berangkat, tetapi keberadaannya diketahui oleh Rasulullah dan dia memulangkannya, karena ia masih sangat muda. Ia sangat sedih dengan larangan Rasulullah ini. (in)
- Zayd ibn Arqam (Arabic: زيد بن أرقم) was a Sahabi ("Companion") of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. He was from the tribe of Khazraj and a senior Companion from the Ansar "Helpers" in Madina, he attended 17 campaigns with Muhammad and died in 66 Hijri He was the first person in Islam to give his home for the first Salat (ritual prayer) in Islam, which was led by Muhammad. He gave allegiance to Abu Bakr. (en)
- Zayd ibn Arqam (in arabo: زيد بن أرقم; La Mecca, ... – 688) è stato un Sahaba arabo. Chiamato anche Zayd al-Khayr (ossia "Zayd il Migliore" per distinguerlo da altri Zayd), subito dopo la sua conversione, volle partecipare alla Battaglia del Fossato del 627. In seguito prese parte ad altre battaglie ma non volle prestare giuramento di fedeltà (bayʿa ) ad Abû Bakr prima che lo facesse ʿAlī b. Abī Tālib; il che significa che riconobbe il primo califfo oltre tre mesi dopo la morte del profeta Maometto. (it)
- زيد بن أرقم (ar)
- Zayd ibn Arqam (fr)
- Zaid bin Arqam (in)
- Zayd ibn Arqam (it)
- Zayd ibn Arqam (en)
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