
moved to workingfortheknifegirl !!


“The goal of the torturer is to make the one, the body, emphatically and crushingly present by destroying it, and to make the other, the voice, absent by destroying it.”

The Body In Pain; The Making and Unmaking of the World

Elaine Scarry 


Reddit does this wrapped rip-off thing and since I’m not super invested in Reddit I don’t care much for it, but this part was accidentally funny


I want an oriental shorthair so fuckin bad


Back in like the early 2000s every sci fi show had to have like a signature made-up cuss word. Like there'd be some bold and dashing space captain courageous and they'd look at the bad guy and say "I sklomphled your mama in the ass last night" and that's how we know their world is different from ours cuz they call sex sklomphling.

Anonymous asked:

Did you have a goodSpotify Wrapped? I didn’t! during…. ahem…… private times 🫢 I would listen to a pathetic moaning anime boy audio that is disgusting but now it’s #3 in my yearly listens and I don’t know what to do! WhT would you do in my situation???? My friends are asking for my Wrapped 🙈

I think this is my favorite anon I've ever received, actually

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