




The National Parks Service have purged trans people from the website on the Stonewall National Monument

Trans people threw the first bricks at Stonewall, this is explicitly genocidal and revisionist, they are removing trans people from our history, they don’t want us to exist

The fact they can’t even acknowledge us in platitudes is fucking terrifying, they can’t even say T in LGBT on the website for Stonewall Inn. Stonewall was the start of our liberation and we can’t and could never have liberation without trans people and specifically trans women like Marsha P Johnson and Sylvia Rivera

During the raid on the Stonewall Inn in 1969, the police forced all women in the bar to undergo genital inspections in the restroom so they could arrest trans women and drag queens. That was what started the riots, people refused to comply with the police attempting to target trans women. It is explicitly revisionist to separate trans people from the stonewall uprising


me: I have GOT to get weirder!

also me when I do get weirder: *visibly shaking* I’m going to be killed with hammers by everyone for being a freak.






I don’t think the main goal is mass deportation. I’m at work rn and will elaborate.

Currently there are huge detainment camp being built in Texas for ICE. Slavery is legal in the case of prisoners. “How will we have field workers if they’re all in detainment camps?” Girl they will still be field workers, but under the thumb of for-profit prisons owners. Will elaborate further w/ but do you see what I’m saying??

Once more: if slavery is legal in the case of prisoners according to the constitution, if Texas (who has the largest amount of profit prisons) and Mississippi both have plans on building large scale detainment camps for undocumented immigrants to hold them indefinitely as per one of Trump’s executive orders, and if there is a large labor vacuum as undocumented immigrants are arrested and in hiding, what do you think is about to happen?

The insidious thing is that OF COURSE groceries are going to seem cheaper because of slave labor. Of course American produce will suddenly be cheaper because… of slave labor. But the thing is, we live in a post scarcity society, we grow and produce in excess to the point where groceries should be cheaper than they are. One peek into Rednote shows that American corn is sold for the equivalent of 90¢ a kilo in china- the same corn is sold for $7 a kilo here. It is INFURIATING that big corporations run amuck, charging more and more for “record profits” EVERY YEAR.

Anyways. I am BEGGING you to start a garden. I researched most of the information I need during work. I am going to set up a little hydroponic garden in my apartment. There are so many free resources, and I’m handy enough to put everything together myself, but you can buy the labs online. Grow veggies, herbs, and vines than you like.

And I understand there is “no ethical consumption under capitalism” but we have to, on a WIDE scale, put our money where our mouth is and boycott any produce that utilizes slave labor. This is something I already do. If I don’t have money for fair trade certified chocolate, I don’t buy chocolate, it’s not that fucking hard. Go to farmers market. Start a victory garden. Talk with neighbors and barter. Walk their dogs if they’re sick. Be kind. Be firm.

It is going to be fucking tough but we need to have each other’s backs on this. Do not give up on this country. Do not give up on your friends and family. Fight for your future. Fight for the future of the kids born today.

I’ve been saying this to anyone who will listen. The goal is not going to be deportation, that’s too expensive. It’s going to be chattel slavery.


it’s a shame you can’t Cool, Silent, and Mysterious your way to being very close to people. we are unfortunately going to have to embarrass ourselves for this


im starting to think that treating nazi germany as a unique and incomparable evil rather than as an extention of the western european colonial project that happened to threaten the interests of other western european powers might be bad actually



incredibly evocative


I’ve been alternating between “holy shit we’re all actually gonna die” and “we will make it through, just as every generation before us has” every few hours for the last week and it’s Not Fun
