
Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Aduna AutoFocus and Metadata Server

Aduna, the company I work for, have just announced the release of AutoFocus 2004.2. From the site:
"Aduna AutoFocus helps you to search and find information on your PC, network disks, mail boxes, websites and Aduna Metadata Server sources. It scans all places where you expect valuable information and provides powerful means for retrieving that information."
The great thing about this tool (from a SW developer's point of view) is that it is based on Semantic Web technology: internally it uses Sesame for storage and querying of document metadata in RDF. The RDF is not directly exposed through the tool's user interface but the normal Sesame APIs could be used to access it from another client application. The mentioned Metadata Server is also based on Sesame. Another thing that many people will find attractive is that AutoFocus is free for private use :-)

Friday, December 03, 2004

Yet Another FOAF browser

For the purpose of demonstrating Sesame at the last ISWC I wrote a small JSP-based FOAF browser. It is not very fancy and there are tons of niftier foaf browsers out there, but the point of this excercise was to show how easy it was to develop something like this on top of Sesame: the browser was created in about 1.5 day. I haven't put the code online yet but if you're interested drop me a line and I'll send it.