Showing posts with label Debian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Debian. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tricky shell local variables

I have a word of warning against improper use of local in shell functions.

If you are using shell functions, you might want to declare some variables local to the shell function. That is good. The basic syntax for that is

local a b c

In some shells, you can also combine the local declaration and assignment, like this:

local foo=$1
local bar=$2

(The Debian policy even explicitly allows it.)

This is somewhat dangerous.

Bare shell assignment like


does not perform word splitting, so the above is safe even if there are spaces in $bar. But the local command does perform word splitting (because it can take multiple arguments, as in the first example), so the seemingly similar

local foo=$bar

is not safe.

This can be really confusing when you add local to existing code and it starts breaking.

You can avoid this, of course, by always quoting everything to like

local foo="$bar"

but overquoting isn't always desirable, because it can make code less readable when commands are nested, like

local foo="$(otherfunc "other arg")"

(Nesting is legal and works fine in this case, however.)

I suggest using local only for declaring variables, and using separate assignment statements. That way, all assignments are parsed in the same way.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Installing multiple PostgreSQL versions on Homebrew

I was going to post this yesterday, but some might have thought that it was a joke. April 1st is always an annoying day to communicate real information.

If you have been fond of the way Debian and Ubuntu manage multiple PostgreSQL versions in parallel, you can now have the same on OS X with Homebrew:

brew tap petere/postgresql
brew install postgresql-9.2
# etc.
brew install --HEAD postgresql-common

postgresql-common is the same code as in Debian, only mangled a little.

Now you have all the client programs symlinked through pg_wrapper, and you can use the server management tools such as:

pg_createcluster 9.2 main
pg_ctlcluster 9.2 main start

Let me know if you find this useful.


Monday, August 13, 2012

Funny version numbers

Often, I install a new Debian package using apt-get install, and as the progress output flies by, I wonder, Whoa!, should I really be using a piece of software with that version number?

It says a lot, after all. If I see

tool 2.4.1-2
then I (subconsciously) think, yeah, the upstream maintainers are obviously sane, the tool has been around for a while, they have made several major and minor releases, and what I'm using has seen about one round of bug fixing, and a minimal amount of tweaking by the Debian maintainer.

On the other hand, when I see

tool 7.0.50~6.5~rc2+0.20120405-1
I don't know what went on there. The original release version 7.0.50 was somehow wrong and had to be renamed 6.5? And then the 2nd release candidate of that? And then even that wasn't good enough, and some dated snapshot had to be taken?

Now, of course, there are often reasons for things like this, but it doesn't look good, and I felt it was getting out of hand a little bit.

I tried to look into this some more and find a regular expression for a reasonably sane version number. It's difficult. This is how far I've gotten: But this still lists more than 1500 packages with funny version numbers. Which could be cause for slight concern.

Take a look at what this prints. You can't make some of that stuff up.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Tracing shell scripts with time stamps

A random tip for shell script hackers. You know that with set -x you can turn on tracing, so that every command is printed before being executed. In bash, you can also customize the output prefix by setting the PS4 variable. The default is PS4='+ '. Here is an example. I wanted to "profile" a deployment script, to see why it took so long. Ordinarily, I might have sprinkled it with date calls. Instead, I merely added
set -x
PS4='+\t '
near the top. \t stands for time stamp. (The script was already using bash explicitly, as opposed to /bin/sh.) That way, every line is prefixed by a time stamp, and the logs could easily be analyzed to find a possible performance bottleneck.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Time to retrain the fingers

For years, no decades, I've typed tar tzf something, tar xzf something. Except when someone annoying sent an uncompressed tar file and I had to then go and take out the z in the middle.

Then came bzip2, and we learned tar tjf, tar xjf. OK, I could live with that. One emerging problem was that the tab completion now worked the wrong way around conceptually, because you had to pick and type the right letter first in order to see the appropriate set of files to unpack offered for completion.

Then came lzma, which was (quick, guess?), tar tJf, tar xJf. And then there was lzop, which was too boring to get its own letter, so you had to type out tar -x --lzop -f.

But lzma was short-lived, because then came xz, which was also J, because lzma was now too boring as well to get its own letter.

Oh, and there is also the old compress, which is Z, and lzip, which I'd never heard of.

But stop that. Now there is

 -a, --auto-compress
            use archive suffix to determine the compression program

This handles all the above compression programs, and no compression. So from now on, I always use tar taf and tar xaf. Awesome.

The finger movements will be almost the same on QWERTY and AZERTY, and easier than before on QWERTZ.

Actually, this option is already four years old in GNU tar. Funny I'd never heard of it until recently.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Setting the time zone on remote SSH hosts

The tasks: I have one or more desktop/laptop machines with varying local time zones (because the persons using them are actually in different time zones, or because the one person using them travels). I also have a number of servers configured in some random time zones. (It could be the time zone where they are physically located, or the time zone of the person who installed it, or UTC for neutrality.)

Now what I would like to have happen is that if I log in using SSH from a desktop to a server, I see time on that server in my local time zone. For things like ls -l, for example. Obviously, this illusion will never be perfect. Nothing (except something very complicated) will adjust the time stamps in the syslog output, for example. But the ls -l case in particular seems to come up a lot, to check how long ago was this file modified.

This should be completely doable in principle, because you can set the TZ environment variable to any time zone you like, and it will be used for things like ls -l. But how do you get the TZ setting from here to there?

First, you have to make the remote SSH server accept the TZ environment variable. At least on Debian, this is not done by default. So make a setting like this in /etc/ssh/sshd_config:

# Allow client to pass locale environment variables
AcceptEnv LANG LC_* TZ

You also need to make the equivalent setting on the client side, either in /etc/ssh/ssh_config or in ~/.ssh/config:

SendEnv LANG LC_* TZ

Which leaves the question, how do you get your local time zone into the TZ variable to pass to the remote server? The actual time zone configuration is the file /etc/localtime, which belongs to glibc. In current Debian, this is (normally) a copy of some file under /usr/share/zoneinfo/. In the distant past, it was a symlink, which would have made things easier, but now it's a copy, so you don't know where it came from. But the name of the time zone is also written to /etc/timezone, so you can use that.

The format of the TZ environment variable can be found in the glibc documentation. If you skip past most of the text, you will see the relevant parts:

The third format looks like this:


Each operating system interprets this format differently; in the GNU C library, CHARACTERS is the name of a file which describes the time zone.

So what you could do is set

TZ=":$(cat /etc/timezone)"

Better yet, for hopping through multiple SSH hosts in particular, make sure to preserve an already set TZ:

TZ=${TZ:-":$(cat /etc/timezone)"}

And finally, how does one hook this into ssh? The best I could think of is a shell alias:

alias ssh='TZ=${TZ:-":$(cat /etc/timezone)"} ssh'

Now this set up has a number of flaws, including:

  • Possibly only works between Linux (Debian?) hosts.

  • Only works if available time zone names match.

  • Only works when calling ssh from the shell.

But it practice it has turned out to be quite useful.

Comments? Improvements? Better ideas?

Related thoughts:

  • With this system in hand, I have resorted to setting the time zone on most servers to UTC, since I will see my local time zone automatically.

  • Important for the complete server localization illusion: some ideas on dealing with locales on remote hosts.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

git whoami

My favorite feature in bzr (Bazaar) is the bzr whoami command, which prints what your current identity (name and email) is, as far as the repository is concerned. You can tell I haven't used bzr much if that's as far as I have gotten. But seriously, with so many Git repositories around, several project identities, directory-specific shell configuration, and so on, it's easy to get confused, and it's annoying to have to check and repair commits for correct user name and email all the time. So here is git whoami. This has already saved me so many headaches.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Switching desktop environments

So, like many people, I have received GNOME 3 in the latest upgrade on Debian testing, and switched away to Xfce very soon after. What's amazing (to me) about this whole experience, however, is how easy it is to switch desktop environments in Debian. Two years ago, I fled KDE in very similar circumstances. I have since used Openbox, LXDE, GNOME, Xfce, as well as a few more obscure window managers in short-lived experiments. All of this was easy to do and worked flawlessly. Most of my settings, my preferred programs, and startup applications were preserved, and if I didn't like it, I could switch back without a problem. (Ironically, the upgrades from KDE 3 to KDE 4 and from GNOME 2 to GNOME 3 lost far more settings than changes to other environments.) And of course you can mix and match applications from different environments, and these days this doesn't result in a visual crime. I don't know whom to thank for this, probably a combination of upstream developers, guys, and Debian maintainers. Keep it up.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

ccache and clang, part 2

There's more funny business when using ccache in combination with clang. Last time I suggested that you use the invocation
./configure CC='ccache clang -Qunused-arguments -fcolor-diagnostics'
to get rid of the "argument unused during compilation" warnings.

But you still might get loads of warnings that you wouldn't normally get without ccache, such as this example (from the PostgreSQL source code):

extension.c:382:35: warning: equality comparison with extraneous parentheses [-Wparentheses]
 if (( (((control->directory)[0]) == '/') ))
extension.c:382:35: note: use '=' to turn this equality comparison into an assignment
(This is the opposite of the warning that tells you to put two pairs of parentheses around an assignment used as a truth value.) Or:
path.c:727:7: warning: explicitly assigning a variable of type 'char *' to itself [-Wself-assign]
 path = (path);
 ~~~~ ^  ~~~~
The problem is, these come from macro expansions, so wouldn't normally see them, because (I guess) the compiler driver is smart enough not to warn about such things when they come from macro expansions.

The way ccache works is approximately

  1. preprocess the input file
  2. look for it in the cache
  3. if not found, compile the preprocessed file
What would be better in this situation is
  1. preprocess the input file
  2. look for it in the cache
  3. if not found, compile the original file
And indeed you can turn on that second behavior by setting the obscure environment variable CCACHE_CPP2 (as in, run cpp twice):
export CCACHE_CPP2=yes
Then all these extra warnings disappear.

(The ccache man page is worth a read. There are a few interesting settings to play with.)

I'm currently playing around with a shell script ccache-clang that looks like this:

CCACHE_CPP2=yes exec ccache clang -Qunused-arguments `test -t 2 && echo -fcolor-diagnostics` "$@"

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Bootstrapping Debian packages

I read something about dh_make again a while ago, which made me wonder, besides dh_make, how do people generally bootstrap new Debian packages. I don't think I've ever actually used dh_make for anything but experimenting. For the longest time, copying over the packaging files from some similar package worked pretty well.

Recently, however, I have applied a completely new strategy: I start with nothing, call debuild, fix the error, retry, until it works. This might sound pretty bizarre, but it works pretty well and enhances your understanding of how the packaging tools work.

Here is about how it works:

Start with nothing, call debuild, it complains:
cannot find readable debian/changelog anywhere!
Call dch --create, which says:
Cannot find debian directory!
OK, mkdir debian, call dch --create again, fill in the template. Call debuild again, now it says:
but there's no debian/rules there!
Create a debian/rules, that's easy to do by heart nowadays, at least as a start:
#!/usr/bin/make -f

        dh $@
Call debuild again, now dpkg-buildpackage actually starts, but stops with:
dpkg-source: error: cannot read mypackage/debian/control: No such file or directory
At this point I'm too lazy to figure out what is necessary to put into debian/control, so let's just keep it simple and touch debian/control. At this point dpkg-source gets into a bit of trouble:
Use of uninitialized value $sourcepackage in sprintf at /usr/bin/dpkg-source line 290.
So let's put that in and also follow the subsequent advice to add debian/source/format and the Maintainer and Standards-Version fields. So far we have:
Source: mypackage
Maintainer: Peter Eisentraut <>
Standards-Version: 3.9.2
The next hint of a message is:
dh: No packages to build.
This means we need a binary package stanza, so I'll just add
Package: mypackage
Architecture: any
Now debhelper complains:
dh: Compatibility levels before 5 are deprecated.
Not sure why it didn't complain about that earlier. Let's stick 8 in there.

At this point I had to do actual work and mess around with debian/rules a bit to get the package to actually build, but a few minutes later I had a functioning provisional package.

The next step is to clean up the warnings from the various dpkg-* workers:
dpkg-gencontrol: warning: missing information for output field Description
dpkg-gencontrol: warning: package mypackage: unused substitution variable ${shlibs:Depends}
dpkg-deb: warning: parsing file 'debian/mypackage/DEBIAN/control' near line 6 package 'mypackage': missing description
dpkg-genchanges: warning: missing Section for binary package mypackage; using '-'
dpkg-genchanges: warning: missing Priority for binary package mypackage; using '-'
dpkg-genchanges: warning: missing Section for source files
dpkg-genchanges: warning: missing Priority for source files
So we add Description, Depends, Section, and Priority.

And finally we have a list of complaints from Lintian to address:
W: mypackage source: debhelper-but-no-misc-depends mypackage
E: mypackage source: package-uses-debhelper-but-lacks-build-depends
W: mypackage source: package-needs-versioned-debhelper-build-depends 8
W: mypackage source: debhelper-overrides-need-versioned-build-depends (>= 7.0.50~)
E: mypackage source: temporary-debhelper-file debhelper.log
E: mypackage: no-copyright-file
The only things I added manually after that were Vcs-*, Homepage, and Enhances.

Now the only things left to do are running the thing through cowbuilder a few times and putting in all the necessary build dependencies, and writing a nice changelog entry.

Note, this method does not replace putting in some thought. But it's an interesting way to get a relatively clean package.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Enabling core files for PostgreSQL on Debian

The other day, I was a bit puzzled over a seemingly simple task: Enable core files to be generated from a PostgreSQL instance running on Debian. That instance has unfortunately been segfaulting on occasion, but never left a core file.

Now in principle it is clear that
ulimit -c unlimited
is the incantation to get this done. But where do you put this? You could hack it into the init script, but that seemed a bit ugly, and I wanted a sustainable solution.

A useful thing in the meantime is to check the current settings. That information is available in /proc/$PID/limits with the PID of the postmaster process (or any child process, really), and it looked like this to begin with:
Limit                     Soft Limit           Hard Limit           Units     
Max cpu time              unlimited            unlimited            ms        
Max file size             unlimited            unlimited            bytes     
Max data size             unlimited            unlimited            bytes     
Max stack size            8388608              unlimited            bytes     
Max core file size        0                    unlimited            bytes     
Use sudo grep core /proc/$(sudo cat /var/run/postgresql/ if you want it automated.

So it's good to know that we only need to set the soft limit.

One way to configure this properly would appear to be in /etc/security/limits.conf. There you can add a line like
*               soft    core            unlimited
to enable core dumps globally. I'm not actually sure whether that would work if the service is started during the boot without PAM. In any case, I didn't want to enable core files globally; who knows what that would lead to.

One could replace the * by a user name, such as postgres, and then enable in /etc/pam.d/su. But the postgresql init script in Debian is nested about four levels deep, so it wasn't clear whether it called su at all.

Now as it turns out, the init script ends up changing the user using this Perl code:
$) = $groups;
$( = $gid;
$> = $< = $uid;
(see change_ugid in /usr/share/postgresql-common/, so the whole PAM line of thought wasn't going to work anyway. (Other packages such as pgbouncer and slony1 do got through su, so that would be a solution for those.)

The way to solve this is the pg_ctl -c option, which sets the soft limit for core files to unlimited. And the way to pass this option through the init script maze is the file /etc/postgresql/8.4/main/pg_ctl.conf, which should contain a line like this:
pg_ctl_options = '-c'
Then restart postgresql, and check /proc/$PID/limits again:
Limit                     Soft Limit           Hard Limit           Units     
Max cpu time              unlimited            unlimited            ms        
Max file size             unlimited            unlimited            bytes     
Max data size             unlimited            unlimited            bytes     
Max stack size            8388608              unlimited            bytes     
Max core file size        unlimited            unlimited            bytes     

Another thing that's recommendable in this context is to change the core file names to have a unique element, so that if multiple backends crash before you can take a look, they don't overwrite each other's core files. The core(7) man page explains the configuration options; I went with this sysctl setting:
kernel.core_pattern = core.%e.%p
which includes process name and PID. The PID file still ends up in the data directory of the PostgreSQL instance, which could also be changed, but I didn't find it necessary.

Stick the above line in /etc/sysctl.d/local.conf and reload with
service procps force-reload
I actually use a setting like that on all machines now; it's just nicer.

OK, and now I'll wait for the next core file. Or not.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

ccache and clang

Just a note for the Internet: When you use ccache and clang together, you will probably get a lot of warnings like these:
clang: warning: argument unused during compilation: '-c'
clang: warning: argument unused during compilation: '-I .'
These are harmless, but if you want to get rid of them, use the clang option -Qunused-arguments, which will hide them. (The first one is already fixed in ccache.)

The reason for this is that ccache splits the compilation into separate calls to the preprocessor and the compiler proper, and it tries to sort out which of the options that you called it with go with which call. But since gcc doesn't complain about passing -c to the preprocessor or -I to the compiler, ccache doesn't bother about sorting this out (bug). That's why you don't lose any information relative to using gcc if you use the -Qunused-arguments option.

Also, if you like clang's colored diagnostics messages, you'll have to turn them on explicitly with -fcolor-diagnostics, because when running through ccache, clang doesn't think it's printing to a terminal and turns off the color by default.

So a complete invocation might look like this:
./configure CC='ccache clang -Qunused-arguments -fcolor-diagnostics'

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My new Git pre-commit hook

This appears to be kind of useful:

output=$(find . -name '.#*' -print)
if [ -n "$output" ]; then
        echo "unsaved Emacs files:" 1>&2
        echo "$output" 1>&2
        exit 1
Had that kind of problem a few times. :-)

Now what would be really handy are system-wide Git hooks that apply to all repositories, like ~/.gitignore complements .git/info/exclude.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Squeeze + PostgreSQL = Broken

The PostgreSQL package in Debian squeeze, just released, is linked with libedit instead of libreadline. This has two interesting properties:
If either of these is a concern, think carefully before you upgrade.

Is there a way to at least configure libedit to accept non-ASCII characters?

Friday, January 7, 2011

Git commit mode

Hardly anything ruins a glorious day of coding like fat-fingering the commit message late at night as you doze off, and then pushing it out for the world to see. To prevent that, I have equipped my Emacs configuration with a few little tools now.

First, I found the git-commit-mode, a special mode for Git commit messages. This helps you format the commit messages according to convention, and will use ugly colors if, for example, you write lines that are too long or you do not keep the second line blank. It also allows the use of things like M-q without shredding the whole file template.

Second, I integrated on-the-fly spell checking into the git-commit-mode. It won't stop you from writing nonsense, but it will catch the silly mistakes.

Here's a simple configuration snippet:
(require 'git-commit)
(add-hook 'git-commit-mode-hook 'turn-on-flyspell)
(add-hook 'git-commit-mode-hook (lambda () (toggle-save-place 0)))
The last line is handy if you have save-place on by default. When you make a new commit, it would then normally place the cursor where a previously edited commit message was finished, because to the save-place functionality, it looks as though it's the same file.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


It is widely considered good style to include
set -e
near the beginning of a shell script so that it aborts when there is an uncaught error. The Debian policy also recommends this.

Unfortunately, this doesn't work in pipelines. So if you have something like
some_command | sed '...'
a failure of some_command won't be recognized.

By default, the return status of a pipeline is the return status of the last command. So that would be the sed command above, which is usually not the failure candidate you're worried about. Also, the definition of set -e is to exit immediately if the return status of the last pipeline is nonzero, so the exit status of some_command isn't considered there.

Fortunately, there is a straightforward solution, which might not be very well known. Use
set -o pipefail
With pipefail, the return status of a pipeline is "the value of the last (rightmost) command to exit with a non-zero status, or zero if all commands exit successfully". So if some_command fails, the whole pipeline fails, and set -e kicks in. So you need to use set -o pipefail and set -e together to get this effect.

This only works in bash, so if you're trying to write scripts that conform to POSIX or some other standard, you can't use it. (There are usually other ways to discover failures in pipelines in other shells, but none are as simple as this one, it appears.) But if you are writing bash anyway, you should definitely use it. And if you're not using bash but use a lot of pipelines in your scripts, you should perhaps consider using bash.

(Hmm, it looks like there could be a number of latent bugs in the existing Debian package maintainer scripts, because this issue appears to be widely ignored.)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Git User's Survey 2010 Results

The results of the Git User's Survey 2010 are up.

Not many surprises, but I can see how this sort of survey is very useful for the developers of Git.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Git User's Survey 2010

The Git User's Survey 2010 is up. Please devote a few minutes of your time to fill out the simple questionnaire; it'll help the Git community understand your needs, what you like about Git (and what you don't), and help improve it.

The survey is open from 1 September to 15 October, 2010.

Go to for more information.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Increasing the priority of Debian experimental

Many people run Debian testing or unstable or some mix thereof.  This works pretty well for a development system or a general desktop system if you know a bit about what you're doing (note: nonetheless officially not recommended).  Sometimes you throw packages from experimental into the mix, if you want to get the latest stuff that isn't yet fully integrated into the rest of Debian.

The default APT priority of the Debian experimental release is 1, which ensures that it is never automatically installed or upgraded. This is not always ideal, in my experience. Of course, you don't want a package from experimental to take precedence over a package from stable, testing, or unstable by default. But I think when you have in the past installed a package from experimental, you probably want to pull in upgrades to that package from experimental as well. Otherwise, you will end up with completely unmaintained packages on your system.  That is because in practice many packages in experimental are not actually experimental or broken or unmaintained, but just an advance branch of some software that is just for some reason not ready to go down the unstable-testing-stable road.

To make this work better, I have set the priority of experimental to 101 in my /etc/apt/preferences:
Package: *
Pin: release experimental
Pin-Priority: 101
Now the following will happen: If you just apt-get install a package, it will come from whatever "normal" release you have in your sources.list, say stable or testing. You can override that using -t experimental as usual. If you install a package from experimental and later an upgrade is available in experimental, apt-get upgrade will install that automatically. Also, if an upgrade in a "normal" release appears that has a higher version number, that version will be installed.

Of course, caveats apply. Some software in experimental is really experimental and should only be installed under close supervision. If a package is available only in experimental, this setup will install it when you ask for the package, even if you might not have actually wanted it if you had known that it was in experimental. Figure it out yourself. :)

Similar considerations apply to backports. I use
Package: *
Pin: release a=lenny-backports
Pin-Priority: 102
On the system I have in mind here, the standard distribution is stable, testing is 101, and backports is 102, taking precedence over testing. Because for some architecture-independent packages you don't need backports, so you can pull them directly from testing that way.

In general, the APT priority business is relatively powerful and often a good alternative to, say, manually downloading packages from various distributions, installing them manually, forgetting where they came from, and never upgrading them.