

@sleepyzane / sleepyzane.tumblr.com

they/them chronic fatigue, nintendo games, lowercase text australia Letterboxd | Bluesky

“wait, the calculator company makes bombs now?”

No, the bomb company made so many bomb microchips they were able to flood the calculator market and then drive prices up because they have a monopoly.

That graphing calculator you used in high school is made with about $2 of parts and the rest is monopoly markup


The duality of man is thinking “children cannot help themselves and we all need to be patient with them as they explore what it means to be human in public” and also “damn, I wish this crying baby was not on the plane rn :/“

Just as courage is not the absence of fear but doing the brave thing in spite of it, patience is not the absence of irritation but doing the kind thing in spite of it.


generally speaking a lot of people wrongly take TERFs and other transphobes at face value when assembling their awesome rhetorical gotchas in a way that makes them seem like gullible suckers

"do these TERFs realise that they're never going to get bathroom genital inspections implemented" yes they do they're not trying to get them implemented they're trying to intimidate trans women out of existing in public so they'll detransition or die

"umm im a trans man with a beard and if i used the bathroom these stupid TERFs want me to they'd hate that lol" right that's because they don't want you to use any bathroom they want you to detransition or die

"lol social contagion theory is stupid do these parents really think isolating their kids will magically turn them cis" well you see they actually think itll make them detransition or die

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