Showing posts with label programming. Show all posts
Showing posts with label programming. Show all posts

Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Twice and thrice over, as they say, good is it to repeat and review what is good.

Three years ago I wrote about using the AFL fuzzer to find bugs in several NetSurf libraries. I have repeated this exercise a couple of times since then and thought I would summarise what I found with my latest run.

I started by downloading the latest version of AFL (2.52b) and compiling it. This went as smoothly as one could hope for and I experienced no issues although having done this several times before probably helps.


I started with libnsbmp which is used to render windows bmp and ico files which remains a very popular format for website Favicons. The library was built with AFL instrumentation enabled, some output directories were created for results and a main and four subordinate fuzzer instances started.

vince@workshop:libnsbmp$ LD=afl-gcc CC=afl-gcc AFL_HARDEN=1 make VARIANT=debug test
afl-cc 2.52b by <>
afl-cc 2.52b by <>
afl-cc 2.52b by <>
 COMPILE: src/libnsbmp.c
afl-cc 2.52b by <>
afl-as 2.52b by <>
[+] Instrumented 633 locations (64-bit, hardened mode, ratio 100%).
      AR: build-x86_64-linux-gnu-x86_64-linux-gnu-debug-lib-static/libnsbmp.a
 COMPILE: test/decode_bmp.c
afl-cc 2.52b by <>
afl-as 2.52b by <>
[+] Instrumented 57 locations (64-bit, hardened mode, ratio 100%).
    LINK: build-x86_64-linux-gnu-x86_64-linux-gnu-debug-lib-static/test_decode_bmp
afl-cc 2.52b by <>
 COMPILE: test/decode_ico.c
afl-cc 2.52b by <>
afl-as 2.52b by <>
[+] Instrumented 71 locations (64-bit, hardened mode, ratio 100%).
    LINK: build-x86_64-linux-gnu-x86_64-linux-gnu-debug-lib-static/test_decode_ico
afl-cc 2.52b by <>
Test bitmap decode
Tests:1053 Pass:1053 Error:0
Test icon decode
Tests:609 Pass:609 Error:0
    TEST: Testing complete
vince@workshop:libnsbmp$ mkdir findings_dir graph_output_dir
vince@workshop:libnsbmp$ afl-fuzz -i test/ns-afl-bmp/ -o findings_dir/ -S f02 ./build-x86_64-linux-gnu-x86_64-linux-gnu-debug-lib-static/test_decode_bmp @@ /dev/null > findings_dir/f02.log >&1 &
vince@workshop:libnsbmp$ afl-fuzz -i test/ns-afl-bmp/ -o findings_dir/ -S f03 ./build-x86_64-linux-gnu-x86_64-linux-gnu-debug-lib-static/test_decode_bmp @@ /dev/null > findings_dir/f03.log >&1 &
vince@workshop:libnsbmp$ afl-fuzz -i test/ns-afl-bmp/ -o findings_dir/ -S f04 ./build-x86_64-linux-gnu-x86_64-linux-gnu-debug-lib-static/test_decode_bmp @@ /dev/null > findings_dir/f04.log >&1 &
vince@workshop:libnsbmp$ afl-fuzz -i test/ns-afl-bmp/ -o findings_dir/ -S f05 ./build-x86_64-linux-gnu-x86_64-linux-gnu-debug-lib-static/test_decode_bmp @@ /dev/null > findings_dir/f05.log >&1 &
vince@workshop:libnsbmp$ afl-fuzz -i test/ns-afl-bmp/ -o findings_dir/ -M f01 ./build-x86_64-linux-gnu-x86_64-linux-gnu-debug-lib-static/test_decode_bmp @@ /dev/null

The number of subordinate fuzzer instances was selected to allow the system in question (AMD 2600X) to keep all the cores in use with a clock of 4GHz which gave the highest number of
AFL master instance after six days
executions per second. This might be improved with better cooling but I have not investigated this.

After five days and six hours the "cycle count" field on the master instance had changed to green which the AFL documentation suggests means the fuzzer is unlikely to discover anything new so the run was stopped.

Just before stopping the afl-whatsup tool was used to examine the state of all the running instances.

vince@workshop:libnsbmp$ afl-whatsup -s ./findings_dir/
status check tool for afl-fuzz by <>

Summary stats

       Fuzzers alive : 5
      Total run time : 26 days, 5 hours
         Total execs : 2873 million
    Cumulative speed : 6335 execs/sec
       Pending paths : 0 faves, 0 total
  Pending per fuzzer : 0 faves, 0 total (on average)
       Crashes found : 0 locally unique

Just for completeness there is also the graph of how the fuzzer performed over the run.

AFL fuzzer performance over libnsbmp run

There were no crashes at all (and none have been detected through fuzzing since the original run) and the 78 reported hangs were checked and all actually decode in a reasonable time. It seems the fuzzer "hang" detection default is simply a little aggressive for larger images.


I went through a similar setup with libnsgif which is used to render the GIF image format. The run was performed on a similar system running for five days and eighteen hours. The outcome was similar to libnsbmp with no hangs or crashes.

vince@workshop:libnsgif$ afl-whatsup -s ./findings_dir/
status check tool for afl-fuzz by <>

Summary stats

       Fuzzers alive : 5
      Total run time : 28 days, 20 hours
         Total execs : 7710 million
    Cumulative speed : 15474 execs/sec
       Pending paths : 0 faves, 0 total
  Pending per fuzzer : 0 faves, 0 total (on average)
       Crashes found : 0 locally unique


AFL fuzzer results for libsvgtiny
I then ran the fuzzer on the SVG render library using a dictionary to help the fuzzer cope with a sparse textural input format. The run was allowed to continue for almost fourteen days with no crashes or hangs detected.

In an ideal situation this run would have been allowed to continue but the system running it required a restart for maintenance.


The aphorism "absence of proof is not proof of absence" seems to apply to these results. While the new fuzzing runs revealed no additional failures it does not mean there are no defects in the code to find. All I can really say is that the AFL tool was unable to find any failures within the time available.

Additionally the AFL test corpus produced did not significantly change the code coverage metrics so the existing set was retained.

Will I spend the time again in future to re-run these tests? perhaps, but I think more would be gained from enabling the fuzzing of the other NetSurf libraries and picking the low hanging fruit from there than expending thousands of hours preforming these runs again.

Monday, 6 January 2014

NetSurf Developer Workshop Redux

The NetSurf Developers bringing you alternative LOLcat viewing software since 2002Once again the NetSurf developers congregated in Cambridge at the Collabora offices where we were made welcome in a nice environment for the event.

Five developers managed to attend from around the UK Rob Kendrick, Vincent Sanders, Daniel Silverstone, John-Mark Bell and Michael Drake. We also had Chris Young and François Revol providing some bug fixes remotely.

This was the first time we had all met since the previous event towards the end of 2012 and we took full advantage of this to discuss a pretty extensive agenda in addition to the practical programming tasks.

From Friday lunchtime through to Sunday evening we managed 30 hours of work consisting of over 70 commits to over 100 files.

The whiteboard of our notes

Our main focus was working towards a 3.1 release which is scheduled for early April. Along with the source the release will have binary builds for RISC OS, AmigaOS, Windows and Mac OS X (x86 and ppc). Although the NetSurf project will not be directly releasing binaries for the GTK and Framebuffer frontends we will be ensuring the Debian packages are updated which is our prefered method of distribution for those targets.

We analysed the 3.0 release and formulated an improved process for the future. The 3.1 release will be generated automatically by the CI system ensuring constant results and removing the problems we encountered previously.

A set of release blocking issues was derived which we used as a task list during the workshop.The majority of these were completed including:
DOM based forms
Web forms are a feature Netsurf has supported for a long time and their implementation has not kept up with the rest of the browser. This is a long standing problem area which has resulted in numerous strange bugs with form submission. With this change the form system has been reworked to correctly operate directly from the DOM resulting in the squashing of a large number of bugs and a much improved user experience.

DOM based image loading
Up to now image fetching was performed only during the rendering of a page. With this change when the image link is placed into the DOM during the page parse it is scheduled to be fetched, this should give an improved user experience as images should be available earlier in a pages render.

Removal of MNG support
NetSurf has supported MNG since the 1.0 release, indeed the MNG library used to provide the PNG support too though we have long ago transitioned to libPNG. Alas the web has moved on and MNG has been largely forgotten, the libMNG library that performs the image decoding is old and generally unsupported specifically lacking security updates.

The build issues with libMNG (lack of pkg-config, reliance on libcms1 etc.) were causing maintenance issues in code nobody was actually using (there were crash bugs discovered during its removal!). Because of these issues it was decided to join the vast majority of browsers and remove support for this format.
The developers also addressed several issues with toolchain construction and a number of annoying usability bugs.

Plans for how to improve printing support we made. Initially we intend to fix the existing haru based pdf generation using this to print via pdf and in future have correct css styled page paginated printing render output.

The perennial issue of javascript was discussed however, while efforts to improve the existing support are ongoing, our usage of the spidermonkey library continues to raise various challenges including platform support and API changes between versions.

Due to these issues it has been suggested that we might add support for using the duktape JS engine instead, initial results are promising but given the size of the task of implementing an additional javascript engine binding further investigation is necessary before making a commitment.

Amongst the other discussions the group has also agreed that we will once again apply to be a GSoC organisation for a single student with some very focused projects:
  • Improving our HTML5 parser (hubbub)
  • Improving the DOM library implementing missing functionality.
While neither of these projects are as fashionable as some of our previous proposals they are well defined enough that as a group we believe we could offer enough support to the student to make their experience a pleasurable one and get the resulting code reviewed and merged promptly.

This event was very successful with a great deal achieved, the project is much more likely to be in a good shape to release 3.1 by April now and the meeting has given the developers a much welcomed boost.

I would like to extend the groups thanks to Robert McQueen for letting us use the Collabora offices, Dorée Carrier for organising all the administrative things and to Vivek Dasmohapatra for coming out on his Sunday afternoon to let us back in after locking ourselves out.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing

When Walt Disney said that he almost certainly did not have software developers in mind. However it is still good advice, especially if you have no experience with a piece of software you want to change.

Others have written extensively on the topic of software as more than engineering and the creative aspects, comparing it to a craft, which is a description I am personally most comfortable with. As with any craft though you have to understand the material you have to work with and an existing codebase is often a huge amount of material.

While developing NetSurf we get a lot of people who talk a lot about what we "ought" or "should" do to improve the browser but few who actually get off their collective posteriors and contribute. In fact according to the ohloh analysis of the revision control system there are roughly six of us who contribute significantly on a regular basis and of those only four who have interests beyond a specific frontend.

It has been mentioned by a couple of new people who have recently compiled the browser from source that it is somewhat challenging to get started. To address this criticism I intend to give a whirlwind introduction to getting started with the NetSurf codebase, perhaps we can even get some more contributors!

This first post will cover the mechanics of acquiring and building the source and the next will look at working with the codebase and the Netsurf community.

This is my personal blog, the other developers might disagree with my approach, which is why this is in my blog and not on the NetSurf website. That being said comments are enabled and I am sure they will correct anything I get wrong.


NetSurf has a selection of resources which are useful to a new developer:

Build environment

The first thing a new developer has to consider is their build environment. NetSurf supports nine frontends on several Operating Systems (OS) but is limited on the build environment that can be used.

The developer will require a Unix like system but let's be honest, we have not tried with anything other than Linux distributions in some time or MAC OS X for the cocoa frontend because its a special snowflake.

Traditionally at this point in this kind of introduction it would be traditional to provide the command line for various packaging systems to install the build environment and external libraries. We do have documentation that does this but no one reads it, or at least it feels like that. Instead we have chosen to provide a shell fragment that encodes all the bootstrap knowledge in one place, its kept in the revision control system so it can be updated.

To use: download it, read it (hey running random shell code is always a bad idea), source it into your environment and run ns-apt-get-install on a Debain based system or ns-yum-install on Fedora. The rest of this posting will assume the functionality of this script is available, if you want to do it the hard way please refer to the script for the relevant commands and locations.

For Example:
$ wget
$ less
$ source
$ ns-apt-get-install

Historically NetSurf built on more platforms natively but the effort to keep these build environments working was extensive and no one was prepared to do the necessary maintenance work. This is strictly a build setup decision and does not impact the supported platforms.

Since the last release NetSurf has moved to the git version control system from SVN. This has greatly improved our development process and allows for proper branching and merging we previously struggled to implement.

In addition to the core requirements external libraries NetSurf depends on will need to be installed. Native frontends where the compiled output is run on the same system it was built on are pretty straightforward in that the native package management system can be used to install the libraries for that system.

For cross building to the less common frontends we provide a toolchain repository which will build the entire cross toolchain and library set (we call this the SDK) direct from source. This is what the CI system uses to generate its output so is well tested.

External Libraries

NetSurf depends upon several external development libraries for image handling, network fetching etc. The libraries for the GTK frontend are installed by default if using the development script previously mentioned.

Generally a minimum of libcurl, libjpeg and libpng are necessary along with whatever libraries are required for the toolkit.

Project Source and Internal Libraries

One important feature of NetSurf is that a lot of functionality is split out into libraries. These are internal libraries and although technically separate projects, releases bundle them all together and for development we assume they will all be built together.

The development script provides the ns-clone function which clones all the project sources directly from their various git repositories. Once cloned the ns-make script can be used to build and install all the internal libraries into a local target ready for building the browser.

For Example:

$ source
$ ns-clone
$ ns-make-libs install

Frontend selection

As I have mentioned NetSurf supports several windowing environments (toolkits if you like) however on some OS there is only one toolkit so the two get conflated together.

NetSurf currently has nine frontends to consider:
  • amiga
    This frontend is for Amiga OS 4 on the power PC architecture and is pretty mature. It is integrated into the continuous integration (CI) system and has an active maintainer. Our toolchain repository can build a functional cross build environment, the target is ppc-amigaos.
  • atari
    This frontend is for the m68k and m5475 (coldfire) architecture. It has a maintainer but is still fairly limited principally because of the target hardware platform. It is integrated into the continuous integration system. Our toolchain repository can build a functional cross build environment for both architectures.
  • beos
    This frontend is for beos and the Haiku clone. It does have a maintainer although they are rarely active. It is little more than a proof of concept port and there is no support in the CI system because there is currently no way to run the jenkins slave client or to construct a viable cross build environment. This frontend is unusual in that it is the only one written in C++ 
  • cocoa
    NetSurf Mac OS X build boxes for PPC and X86This frontend supports the cocoa, the windowing system of MacOS X, on both PPC (version 10.5) and X86 (10.6 or later). The port is usefully functional and is integrated into the CI system, built natively on Mac mini systems as a jenkins slave. The port is written in objective C and currently has no active maintainer. 
  • framebuffer
    This frontend is different to the others in that it does not depend on a system toolkit and allows the browser to be run anywhere the projects internal libnsfb library can present a linear framebuffer. It is maintained and integrated into the CI system.
  • gtk
    This frontend uses the gtk+ toolkit library and is probably the most heavily used frontend by the core developers.  The port is usefully functional and is integrated into the CI system, there is no official maintainer. 
  • monkey
    This frontend is a debugging and test framework. It can be built with no additional library dependencies but has no meaningful user interface. It is maintained and integrated into the CI system.
  • riscos
    This frontend is the oldest from which the browser evolved. The port is usefully functional and is integrated into the CI system. There is an official maintainer for this frontend although they are not active very often. Our toolchain repository can build a functional cross build environment for this target.
  • windows
    This frontend would more accurately be called the win32 frontend as it specifically targets that Microsoft API. The port is functional but suffers from a lack of a maintainer. The port is integrated into the CI system and the toolchain repository can build a functional cross build environment for this target.

Building and running NetSurf

For a developer new to the project I recommend that the gtk version be built natively which is what I describe here.

Once the internal libraries have been installed, building NetSurf itself is as simple as running make.

For Example:
$ source

Though generally most developers would change into the netsurf source directory and run make there. The target (frontend) selection defaults to gtk on Linux systems so that can also be omitted  Once the browser is built it can be run from the source tree to test.

For Example:
$ source
$ ns-make
$ ./nsgtk

The build can be configured by editing a Makefile.config file. An example Makefile.config.example can be copied into place and the configuration settings overridden as required. The default values can be found in Makefile.defaults which should not be edited directly.

Logging is enabled with the command line switch -v and user options can be specified on the command line, options on the command line will override those sourced from a users personal configuration, generally found in ~/.netsurf/Choices although this can be compile time configured.