By JM, Gretchen and Nate
Texts and translations: chrononautspodcast.blogspot.com/
Goodreads: www.goodreads.com/group/show/1093395-chrononauts
Facebook: www.facebook.com/chrononautspodcast
Twitter: @ChrononautsSF
email: chrononautspodcast@gmail.com
Music and readings: chrononautspodcast.bandcamp.com
Opening theme music by Ionas von Zezswitz
Sounds and effects by Nate
AI thumbnail art by DALL-E-2 and Stable Diffusion

Philip K. Dick - "The Last of the Masters" (1954) | Chrononauts Episode 47.5
Containing Matters of Maintenance
Philip K. Dick biography, general discussion, "Last of the Masters" non-spoiler discussion (0:00)
spoiler summary and discussion 38:55
Capanna, Pablo - "Idios Kosmos - Claves para una biograpfia de Philip K. Dick" (1992)
Luminist Archives: Science Fiction, Fantasy and Weird Fiction Periodicals https://www.luminist.org/archives/SF/
Sutin, Lawrence - "Divine Invasions: A Life of Philip K. Dick" (2005)
Johnston, J. S. - "Electric polka" (1878) https://www.loc.gov/item/2023830168

Isaac Asimov - "Nightfall" (1941) | Chrononauts Episode 47.4
Containing Matters Maladapted and Malconstructed.
non-spoiler discussion (0:00)
spoiler summary (38:15)
spoiler discussion and film adaptations (1:00:13)

W.E.B. Du Bois - "The Comet" (1920) | Chrononauts Episode 47.3
Containing Matters of Vacancy
W.E.B. Du Bois background (0:00)
"The Comet" non-spoiler discussion (41:54)
spoiler summary and discussion (52:07)
Horne, Gerald - "W.E.B. Du Bois: A Biography" (2009)
VanderMeer, Jeff and Ann (eds.) - "The Big Book of Science Fiction" (2016)

S. Belsky - "Under the Comet" (1910) | Chrononauts Episode 47.2
Containing Matters of Regression
S. Belsky biography, non-spoiler discussion (0:00)
spoiler summary and discussion (23:07)
Laboratory of Fantastika - "S. Belsky" https://fantlab.ru/autor10001
Bellak, James - "Comet Schottisch" (1853) https://www.loc.gov/item/2023806609

Amado Nervo - "The Last War"(~1906) | Chrononauts Episode 47.1
Containing Matters of Canine Convincing.
introductions, non-podcast reads, background on the apocalypse (0:00)
Amado Nervo's "The Last War" non-spoiler discussion, plot summary, spoiler discussion (19:00)
Ferreira, Rachel Haywood - "The Emergence of Latin American Science Fiction" (2011)
Tres Cuentos Literary Podcast #41 - "The Last War - Amado Nervo" https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/tres-cuentos/41-the-last-war-amado-nervo-1czSFyqr9Mh/
Scott, Charles P. - "The Cat with the Baritone Voice" (1903) https://www.loc.gov/resource/musapschmidt.10006914/

James Tiptree, jr - "The Girl Who Was Plugged In" (1973) | Chrononauts Episode 46.6
Containing Matters of Cable Management
James Tiptree, jr. biography, non-spoiler discussion (0:00)
plot summary and spoiler discussion (49:56)
Phillips, Julie - "James Tiptree, Jr.: The Double Life of Alice B. Sheldon" (2007)

Harlan Ellison - "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" (1967) | Chrononauts Episode 46.5
Containing Matters of Mercy
Harlan Ellison biography, non-spoiler discussion (0:00)
plot summary and spoiler discussion (49:58)
Segaloff, Nat - "A Lit Fuse: The Provocative Life of Harlan Ellison" (2017)

Frederik Pohl - "We Purchased People" (1974) | Chrononauts Episode 46.4
Containing Matters of Distant Demands.
Frederik Pohl biography, non-spoiler discussion (0:00)
spoiler plot summary and discussion (38:57)
Pohl, Frederik - "The Way the Future Was: A Memoir" (1978)

Gerald Kersh - "The Brighton Monster" (1948) | Chrononauts Episode 46.3
Containing Matters of Disorienting Displacement.
Kersh biography, non-spoiler discussion (0:00)
spoiler summary and discussion (23:22)
The Nights And Cities Of Gerald Kersh https://web.archive.org/web/20160212044247/https://harlanellison.com/kersh/

Sakyo Komatsu - "The Savage Mouth" (1979) | Chrononauts Episode 46.2
Containing Matters of Grotesque Gastronomy.
Gregory, Sinda and McCaffery, Larry - "Not just a Gibson Clone: An Interview with Goro Masaki" https://web.archive.org/web/20070927045310/http://www.centerforbookculture.org/review/02_2_inter/interview_masaki.html
Tatsumi, Takayuki - "Generations and Controversies - An Overview of Japanese Science Fiction, 1957-1997", Science Fiction Studies, Vol. 27, No. 1 (Mar., 2000)

Kylas Chunder Dutt - "A Journal of 48 Hours In The Year 1945" (1835) | Chrononauts Episode 46.1
Containing Matters most Revolting.
Banerjee, Suparno - "Other tomorrows: postcoloniality, science fiction and India" (2010)
Banerjee, Suparno - "Indian Science Fiction: Patterns, History and Hybridity" (2020)
Bhattacharya, Atanu and Hiradhar, Preet - "Own Maps/Imagined Terrain: The Emergence of Science Fiction in India", Extrapolation, vol. 55, no. 3 (2014)
Chattopadhyay, Bodhisattva - "Aliens of the same world: The Case of Bangla Science Fiction" (2011) https://humanitiesunderground.org/2011/11/07/aliens-of-the-same-world-the-case-of-bangla-science-fiction/
Chattopadhyay, Bodhisattva - introduction to "The Inhumans and other stories" (2024)
Harder, Hans - "Indian and International: Some Examples of Marathi Science Fiction Writing", South Asia Research, 21, 1, 2001
Khanna, Rakesh - "The Blaft Anthology of Tamil Pulp Fiction", vols 1-3 (2008-2017)
Kuhad, Urvashi - "Science Fiction and Indian Women Writers: Exploring Radical Potentials" (2021)
Mondal, Mini - "A Short History of South Asian Speculative Fiction: Part I" (2018) https://reactormag.com/a-short-history-of-south-asian-speculative-fiction-part-i/
Mondal, Mini - "A Short History of South Asian Speculative Fiction: Part II" (2018) https://reactormag.com/a-short-history-of-south-asian-speculative-fiction-part-ii/
Mund, Subhendu - "Kylas Chunder Dutt: The First Writer of Indian English Fiction", in "The Making of Indian English Literature" (2021)
Phondke, Bal - preface to "It Happened Tomorrow" (1993)
Saint, Tarun K. (ed) - "The Gollancz Book of South Asian Science Fiction" (2019)
Sengupta, Debjani - "Sadhanbabu’s Friends: Science Fiction in Bengal from 1882-1961" in "Sarai Reader 03: Shaping Technologies" (2003)
Tickell, Alex - "Terrorism, Insurgency and Indian-English Literature, 1830-1947" (2012)
Tickell, Alex - "Midnight’s Ancestors: Kylas Chunder Dutt and the Beginnings of Indian-English Fiction", Wasafiri Vol. 21, No. 3 November 2006

Best and Worst of the Last 14 Episodes | Chrononauts Bonus Episode 6
non-podcast reads, non-fiction background favorites (0:00) worst 3 and best 5 of episodes 32-45, future plans (47:25)
Bookstores mentioned: Family Book Shop, 1301 N Woodland Blvd, DeLand, FL 32720 RBC Video, 269 Brighton Beach Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11235 (I said RBC Books by mistake and didn't catch it until after I uploaded this - sorry!)

Edward Page Mitchell - "The Man Without a Body" (1877) | Chrononauts Episode 45.5
Containing Matters of Malformed Materialization.
Switching sounds:

W.C. Morrow - "The Monster Maker" (1887) | Chrononauts Episode 45.4
Containing Matters of Malpractice.
Joshi, S.T. - "The Evolution of the Weird Tale" (2004)
Mobile, AL First National Bank - "Highlights of 75 Years in Mobile" (1940) https://archive.org/download/75yearsinmobile/75yearsinmobile.pdf
Morrow, W.C. - "Some Queer Experiences" (1891) https://archive.org/details/1891somequeerexperiencesmorrowargonaut
Moskowitz, Sam - "Forgotten Master of Horror - The First Phase" in "Discovering Classic Horror Fiction I" (1992)

Ronald Ross - "The Vivisector Vivisected" (1882) | Chrononauts Episode 45.3
Containing Matters of Fluidics.
Haining, Peter - biography on Ronald Ross from "The Monster Makers" anthology (1974)
Nobel Prize and Laureates - "Ronald Ross" https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/1902/ross/biographical/
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine - "Biography of Sir Ronald Ross" https://web.archive.org/web/20140202111525/http://www.lshtm.ac.uk/library/archives/ross/biography/
Sinden, Robert E. - "Malaria, mosquitoes and the legacy of Ronald Ross", Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2007 Nov; 85(11): 894–896

H.G. Wells - "The Island of Doctor Moreau" (1896) | Chrononauts Episode 45.2
Containing Matters of Mammals.
non-spoiler discussion (0:00)
spoiler plot summary and discussion (22:18)
general discussion and film adaptaions (1:08:13)
Philmus, Robert (ed.) - "The Island of Doctor Moreau: a variorum text" (1993)
Rieder, John - "Colonialism and the Emergence of Science Fiction" (2008) Sherborne, Michael - "H.G. Wells: Another Kind of Life" (1988)
Shippey, Tom - "Hard Reading: Learning from Science Fiction" (2016)
Heiné, Joseph - "Madeira polka" (1874) https://www.loc.gov/item/2023820380

H.G. Wells - "Under the Knife" (1896) | Chrononauts Episode 45.1
Containing Matters of Morphine.
introductions, recent reads (0:00)
general discussion on the legacy of "Frankenstein" (15:25)
"Under the Knife" discussion (25:55)
Gaping Blackbird - "The Purple Pileus" https://gapingblackbird.wordpress.com/2018/06/22/the-purple-pileus-by-h-g-wells
Haining, Peter - introduction to "The Monster Makers" anthology (1974)
various articles from "The dental and surgical microcosm" (1891-1893) https://archive.org/details/dentalsurgicalmi03na/mode/2up
Dayton, J. - "The Mary Jane Polka" (1857) https://www.loc.gov/item/2023811721/

P.D. James - "The Children of Men" (1992) | Chrononauts Episode 44.4
Containing Matters of Midwives and Miracles.
PD James biography, non-spoiler discussion (0:00)
spoiler plot summary and commentary (33:40)
spoiler discussion (1:12:30)
James, P.D. - "Time to Be in Earnest: A Fragment of Autobiography" (2001)

E.M. Forster - "Little Imber" (1961) | Chrononauts Episode 44.3
Containing a Matters which arrive at a decisive Finish.
Moffat, Wendy - "A Great Unrecorded History: A New Life of E. M. Forster" (2010)

Judith Merril - "That Only a Mother" (1948) | Chrononauts Episode 44.2
Containing a Matter of Mutation.
Judith Merril biography, non-spoiler discussion (0:00)
spoiler plot summary and discussion (35:09)
Knight, Damon - "The Futurians" (1977)
Merril, Judith and Pohl-Weary, Emily - "Better to Have Loved: The Life of Judith Merril" (2002)

David H. Keller, MD - "Unto Us a Child is Born" (1933) | Chrononauts Episode 44.1
Containing the matter of the Junior Philosopher.
introductions, recent non-podcast reads, general discussion of the concept of "the family" (0:00)
David H. Keller, MD background, non-spoiler discussion (29:51)
plot summary and spoiler discussion (51:41)
Hicks, Mar - "Computer Love: Replicating Social Order Through Early Computer Dating Systems" (2016)
Lehmann-Haupt, Rachel - "Reconceptions: Modern Relationships, Reproductive Science, and the Unfolding Future of Family" (2023)
Moskowitz, Sam - introduction to "Life Everlasting and Other Tales of Science, Fantasy and Horror" (1947)

Anna Barkova - "A Steel Husband" (1926) | Chrononauts Episode 43.5
Containing Matters of an Organic System of Movement
Valiashchik, Leon - "Elektro-Miss, or; the Electric Girl Fox-Trot" (c. 1920s) https://dpul.princeton.edu/slavic/catalog/cf95jf74s
Fedotova, Margarita and Taganov, Leonid - introduction to "Eight Chapters of Madness" anthology https://royallib.com/read/barkova_anna/vosem_glav_bezumiya_proza_dnevniki.html#0
Germanovna Kachalova Larisa - "The work of Anna Aleksandrovna Barkova from the 1920s to early 1930s, in the cultural paradigm of the era" https://www.dslib.net/russkaja-literatura/tvorchestvo-anny-aleksandrovny-barkovoj-1920-h-nachala-1930-h-godov-v-kulturnoj.html
Laboratory of Fantastika - "Anna Barkova" https://fantlab.ru/autor6656
Lieberman, Hallie - "Buzz: A Stimulating History of the Sex Toy" (2017)
Maines, Rachel P. - "The technology of orgasm: hysteria, the vibrator, and women's sexual satisfaction" (1998)
Vilensky, Simeon (ed) - "Till my tale is told: women's memoirs of the Gulag" (1999) https://archive.org/details/tillmytaleistold0000unse

Mikhail Zuev-Ordynets - "The Lord of Sound" (1926) | Chrononauts Episode 43.4
Containing Matters of Manhattan
Laboratory of Fantastika "Mikhail Zuev-Ordynets" https://fantlab.ru/autor3217
Maiman, Zinovy - "Don't Need Nothin'" (c. 1920s) https://dpul.princeton.edu/slavic/catalog/9p290d60k

Yelyzaveta Kardynalovska - "Death of the Happy City" (1926) | Chrononauts Episode 43.3
Containing Matters of Dam Gold
Kardinalowska, Tatiana - "The Ever-Present Past: Memoirs of Tatiana Kardinalowska" (2004)
Kyiv - Paris - Dakar Publishing Company - "Tatiana Kardinalowska 'The Ever-present Past' with an afterward written by her daughters - Assya Humesky and Mirtala Pylypenko" https://web.archive.org/web/20201030103053/https://sites.google.com/site/kpdbook/proekty/tetana-kardinalovska-nevidstupne-minule-z-prodovzennam-ake-napisane-ieie-donkami---aseu-gumeckou-ta-mirtalou-pilipenko
Shamraj, Ruth - "Reflections on my Love of Languages and Literatures: A Ukrainian Literary Evening with Professor Assya Humesky", The Slavic Scene, Volume 30, Spring 2019 https://lsa.umich.edu/content/dam/slavic-assets/slavic-documents/SlavicScene_May19_WEB.pdf
Zhigun, S.V. - "Tatiana and Yelyzaveta Kardinalovska: Fate and Creativity" https://elibrary.kubg.edu.ua/id/eprint/37984/1/Zhygun-IF-kardynalovski.pdf
Prisovsky, V.A - "Ukrainian Fantasy" (c. 1912) https://dpul.princeton.edu/slavic/catalog/qb98mj75w

Vladimir Orlovsky - "Steckerite" (1929) | Chrononauts Episode 43.2
Containing Matters of Matter.
Laboratory of Fantastika - "Vladimir Orlovsky" https://fantlab.ru/autor8584
State University of Polotsk - "Vladimir Evgrafovich Grushvisky" https://www.psu.by/ru/slavnaya-letopis/vypuskniki-kadetskogo-korpusa/grushvitskij-vladimir-evgrafovich
Mizandari, Valiko - "Tango of Death" (c. 1910s) https://dpul.princeton.edu/slavic/catalog/n870zv089

Alexey Volkov - "Aliens" (1928) | Chrononauts Episode 43.1
Containing a Matter of Maps.
introductions, background and history on 1920s Soviet magazine science fiction (0:00)
Alexey Matveyevich Volkov - "Aliens" (1928) (56:57)
Koval, Marian - "The Factory" (1932) https://dpul.princeton.edu/slavic/catalog/k0698b78r
Archive of Fantastika: archivsf.narod.ru
Archive of Fantastika "World of Adventure" entry: https://archivsf.narod.ru/1910/mir_priklyucheniy/index.htm
Archive of Fantastika "Universal Tracker" entry: https://archivsf.narod.ru/1925/vsemirny_sledopyt/index.htm
Ashley, Mike - "Time Machines: The Story of the Science-Fiction Pulp Magazines from the Beginning to 1950" (2000)
Ashley, Mike - "Transformations: The Story of the Science-Fiction Magazines from 1950 to 1970" (2005)
Banerjee, Anindita - "We Modern People: Science Fiction and the Making of Russian Modernity" (2012)
Banerjee, Anindita (ed) - "Russian Science Fiction Literature And Cinema: A Critical Reader" (2018)
City Walls: A St. Petersburg Architectural Website: "P.P. Soikin Publishing House building" https://www.citywalls.ru/house4894.html
Contento, William G. and Stephensen-Payne, Phil - The FictionMags Index: http://www.philsp.com/homeville/fmi/0start.htm
Episodes in Space "Bibliography of Fantastika authors, 1921-1925" https://epizodsspace.airbase.ru/bibl/fantast21-25.html
Laboratory of Fantastika: fantlab.ru
Laboratory of Fantastika - entry for "Aliens" https://fantlab.ru/work96387
Okulov, Valery - "On Magazine Fantastika from the First Half of the 20th Century" https://royallib.com/read/okulov_valeriy/o_gurnalnoy_fantastike_pervoy_polovini_hh_veka.html#0
Soviet amateur radio website and archives: https://sergeyhry.narod.ru/
Terra, Richard P. and Philmus, Robert M. - "Russian and Soviet Science Fiction in English Translation: A Bibliography" (1991)
"The 'Ural Tracker' magazine: a jewel in the world of periodical literature" https://dzen.ru/a/ZMOX-gwCYR5r8MMS
"World of Adventure" scans at Russian Public Library http://publ.lib.ru/ARCHIVES/M/''Mir_priklyucheniy''_(jurnal_izd.''P.P.Soykin'')/_MP.html

More Fritz Leiber "Change War" Shorts | Chrononauts Episode 42.3
Containing Matters of Madeira, Meteors, and Mediums
"Damnation Morning" (1959) (0:00)
"Try and Change the Past" (1958) (19:07)
"A Deskful of Girls" (1958) (33:10)

Fritz Leiber's "Change War" short stories | Chrononauts Episode 42.2
Containing Matters of Performance and the Transmissions of Such.
"No Great Magic" (1963) (0:00)
"The Oldest Soldier" (1960) (29:58)
"Knight to Move" (1965) (43:43)

Fritz Leiber - "The Big Time" (1958) | Chrononauts Episode 42.1
Containing Matters of an Inversion of Introversion.
introductions, recent reads (0:00)
Fritz Leiber background (9:55)
non-spoiler discussion (41:28)
plot summary, spoiler discussion (1:01:47)
Scrolls of Lankhmar https://scrollsoflankhmar.com/
Leiber, Fritz - "The Book of Fritz Leiber" (1975)
Leiber, Fritz - "Second Book of Fritz Leiber" (1976)
Leiber, Fritz - "The Ghost Light" (1984)

Jim Mortimore - "Eye of Heaven" (1998) | Chrononauts Episode 41.2
Containing Matters of Punishment.
Doctor Who personal background and novel history (0:00)
"Eye of Heaven" chapter 8 reading excerpt (47:51)
non-spoiler discussion (55:45)
spoiler plot summary and discussion (1:23:53)
Jim Mortimore - "Red Ghost of the Sun", from "Ghosts of the Sun" album, 2018 (used in ch. 8 reading excerpt with permission)
Jim Mortimore Facebook:
Jim Mortimore Bandcamp:

Diane Duane - "The Wounded Sky" (1983) | Chrononauts Episode 41.1
Containing Matters In which the Captain goes Once more unto the Breach.
a brief overview and recommenations of non-literature SF media before 1965 (0:00)
personal backgrounds with Star Trek (25:58)
Diane Duane background, Star Trek novel history, non-spoiler discussion (47:51)
spoiler summary and spoiler discussion (1:20:36)
Ayers, Jeff - "Voyages of Imagination: The Star Trek Fiction Companion" (2006)
Bacon-Smith, Camille - "Enterprising women: television fandom and the creation of popular myth" (1992)
Benson, Michael - "Vintage Science Fiction Films, 1896-1949" (1985)
Costa, Jordi - "Hay Algo Ahí Afuera: Una Historia del Cine de Cine-Ficción, 1895-1959" (1997)
McGilligan, Patrick - "Fritz Lang: The Nature of the Beast" (1997)
Solomon, Matthew (ed.) "Fantastic Voyages of the Cinematic Imagination: Georges Méliès's Trip to the Moon" (2011)
Verba, Joan Marie - "Boldly Writing: A Trekker Fan and Zine History, 1967 - 1987" (1996)
Wade, John - "The Golden Age of Science Fiction: A Journey into Space with 1950s Radio, TV, Films, Comics and Books" (2019)
Diane Duane personal websites:
JM's Star Trek streams on John Gill's channel:https://www.youtube.com/@johngill6290

C.L. Moore - "Greater than Gods" (1939) | Chrononauts Episode 40.7
Containing Matters of Indecision
non-spoiler discussion (0:00)
spoiler plot summary and spoiler discussion (8:08)
Astounding July 1939 story ranking, general issue discussion (51:34)
Hirsch, Louis A. - "Sweet Kentucky Lady" (1914) https://www.loc.gov/resource/music.musihas-100006686/?sp=1&st=image
Dodge, Mr. & Mrs John Wilson - "Moon, Moon, Moon" (1910) https://www.loc.gov/resource/musm1508.10020387.0/

Amelia Reynolds Long - "When the Half Gods Go" (1939) | Chrononauts Episode 40.6
Containing Matters of Idolatry and Interventionism
Amelia Reynolds Long biography, non-spoiler summary (0:00)
spoiler summary and discussion, "Geography for Time Travelers" non-fiction article (21:56)
Science Fiction Encyclopedia - "Amelia Reynolds Long" https://sf-encyclopedia.com/entry/long_amelia_reynolds
Simms, Richard - "A Tribute to Amelia Reynolds Long" amelialong.tripod.com
Yaszek, Lisa - "Sisters of Tomorrow: The First Women of Science Fiction" (2016)

Ross Rocklynne - "The Moth" | Chrononauts Episode 40.5
Containing Matters of Chromatic Death
Rocklynne background, non-spoiler discussion (0:00)
spoiler summary, discussion (9:48)
"Brass Tacks" letters section (26:37)
Ellison, Harlan - "Dangerous Visions" (1967)
Rocklynne, Ross - "Introducing the Author", Fantastic Adventures, May 1939
Rocklynne, Ross - "Meet the Author", Startling Stories, November 1942
Rocklynne, Ross - "PS's Feature Flash", Planet Stories, May 1943
Rocklynne, Ross - "Introducing the Author", Imagination, January 1954

Nelson Bond - "Lightship, Ho!" (1939) | Chrononauts Episode 40.4
Containing Matters of Perpetual Cooking
Nelson Bond background, "Lightship, Ho!" non-spoiler discussion (0:00)
"Lightship, Ho!" spoiler summary and discussion (12:40)
"Tools for Brains" non-fiction article (30:02)
Bond, Nelson - "Introducing the Author" Fantastic Adventures, July 1939
Bond, Nelson - "Introducing the Author" Fantastic Adventures, November 1939
Locus Magazine - "Nelson S. Bond: Looking Way Back" https://www.locusmag.com/1998/Issues/10/Bond.html
Reed, Betsy - "Nelson S. Bond Obituary", The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/news/2006/nov/21/guardianobituaries.booksobituaries
Science Fiction Encyclopedia - "Nelson S. Bond" https://sf-encyclopedia.com/entry/bond_nelson_s

Nat Schachner - "City of the Cosmic Rays" (1939) | Chrononauts Episode 40.3
Containing Matters of Harg and Rockets.
Nat Schachner background, non-spoiler discussion (0:00)
spoiler summary and discussion (35:31)
Asimov, Isaac - "Before the Golden Age" (1974)
Moskowitz, Sam - "The Science-Fiction of Nat Schachner", Fantasy Commentator, #43, #44, #45/46 (1992) https://fanac.org/fanzines/Fantasy_Comment/
Schachner, Nat - "Introducing the Author", Fantastic Adventures, September 1939

Isaac Asimov - "Trends" (1939) | Chrononauts Episode 40.2
Containing Matters of Divine Disagreement
Asimov background, non-spoiler discussion (0:00)
spoiler summary and discussion (54:06)
Asimov, Isaac - "The Early Asimov" (1972)
Asimov, Isaac - "Before the Golden Age" (1974)
Asimov, Isaac - "In Memory Yet Green" (1979)
Nevala-Lee, Alec - "Astounding" (2018)
Hoffman, F - "Ouverture 'Jupiter'" (1883) https://www.loc.gov/item/2023850031/

A. E. van Vogt - "Black Destroyer" (1939) | Chrononauts Episode 40.1
Containing Matters of Feline Carrier Difficulty
introduction, opening sketch, 1939 "Union Leader Tobacco" ad read (0:00)
Astounding 1939 cover, contents, ads, non-fiction piece on atomic power (5:42)
A.E. Van Vogt background, "Black Destroyer" non-spoiler discussion (17:38)
"Black Destroyer" spoiler summary and discussion (45:02)
Aldiss, Brian and Wingrove, David - "Trillion Year Spree: The History of Science Fiction" (1986)
Astounding Science Fiction, July 1939 issue https://archive.org/details/Astounding_v23n05_1939-07_dtsg0318/mode/2up
D'Ammassa, Don - "Encyclopedia Of Science Fiction" (2005)
Hartwell, David G. - "Age of Wonders: Exploring the World of Science Fiction" (1984)
James, Edward - "The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction" (2003)
Panshin, Alexei - "The Early Stories of A.E. van Vogt" https://www.panshin.com/articles/vanvogt/vanvogt1.html
Platt, Charles - introduction to "The World of Null-A" (1977)
in order of appearance in opening sketch:
Hirsch, Louis A. - "Sweet Kentucky Lady" (1914) https://www.loc.gov/resource/music.musihas-100006686/?sp=1&st=image
Dodge, Mr. & Mrs John Wilson - "Moon, Moon, Moon" (1910) https://www.loc.gov/resource/musm1508.10020387.0/
Bayes, Nora and Norworth, Jack - "Falling Star" (1909) https://www.loc.gov/item/ihas.200004367/
"Union Leader" ad read from Astounding July 1939 issue (with "Sweet Kentucky Lady")

Voivod Discography Ranking | Chrononauts Bonus Episode 5
Containing Matters of a Morgoth Diversion.
band history, background (0:00)
album picks #15-10 (37:42)
album picks #9-5 (1:35:28)
album picks #4-1, general discussion (2:35:35)
Thumbnail art from Speed Attack #2
Deceased photo history excerpt https://web.archive.org/web/20030415192525/http://www.upthetombstones.com/1986_summer_party.shtml
The Corroseum fanzine archive https://thecorroseum.org/fanzines/
Anarcheology #3 Chile (1989)
Barst #5 Belgium (1984)
Blitzkrieg #2 Germany (1984)
The Book Of Armageddon #4 USA (1988)
L'ame De Fond #8/9 France (1987)
Metal Madness #3 USA (1984)
Metal Meltdown #8 USA (1990)
Metal Warriors #2 Belgium (1987)
Metallic Assault #2 Canada (1984)
Sheet Metal #3 USA (1988)
Slam #1 (1987) USA
Sledgehammer Press #8 USA (1984)
Speed Attack #2 Germany (1984)

Fandom, Fanzines and Fanfiction | Chrononauts Episode 39
Containing Matters of the Community.
introductions and recent reads (0:00)
personal histories with fandom (35:26)
1930s fandom history and fanzine excerpts (49:24)
Sam Moskowitz - "Why Doesn't Our Ship Move" (1937) (1:48:44)
James Blish - "Pursuit into Nowhere: Adopted from the Annals of Space Patrol" (1936) (1:57:49)
Ralph Milne Farley - "The Rexmel" (1935) (2:09:12)
Clark Ashton Smith - "The Primal City" (1934) (2:15:12)
George Hamm - "Cluck Rogers in Astounding" (1936) (2:47:21)
Ruth Berman - "Star Drek" (1968) (2:55:31)
Cowan, Zagria - "Donald A Wollheim/Darrell G Raynor (1914-1990) science fiction writer and editor, trans memoirist - Part 1" https://zagria.blogspot.com/2023/05/donald-wollheimdarrell-g-raynor-1914.html
Davin, Eric Leif - "Pioneers of Wonder: Conversations With the Founders of Science Fiction" (1999)
The Eldritch Dark: The Sanctum of Clark Ashton Smith http://www.eldritchdark.com/
FANAC Fan History - "Early Star Trek Fandom - Ruth Berman and Devra Langsam, Fan History Zoom" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHIpNXq6wSo
FANAC - "Chronological List of Fanzines on Fanac.org" https://fanac.org/fanzines/chronological_listing_of_fanzines.html
Fancyclopedia 3 https://fancyclopedia.org/Fancyclopedia_3
Fancyclopedia 3 - "First Convention" https://fancyclopedia.org/First_Convention
Jamison, Anne - "Fic: Why Fanfiction is Taking Over the World" (2014) https://www.wattpad.com/story/13132615-fic-why-fanfiction-is-taking-over-the-world Moskowitz, Sam - "Immortal Storm: A History of Science Fiction Fandom" (1954)
Pocket 2000 bookstore https://www.facebook.com/p/Pocket-2000-libreria-100058006428228/
Profondo Rosso store http://www.profondorossostore.com/en/
Speer, Jack - "Up To Now" (1939)
Wagner, Ferdinand - "Little Jupiter; Polka schnell" (1881) https://www.loc.gov/item/sm1881.10566/ (interlude 2)
Bayes, Nora and Norworth, Jack - "Falling Star" (1909) https://www.loc.gov/item/ihas.200004367/ (interlude 7)

John W. Campbell - "Who Goes There?" (1938) | Chrononauts Episode 38.6
Concerning Matters of Fire and Ice.
John Campbell biography, non-spoiler discussion (0:00)
spoiler summary and discussion (34:21)
John Campbell's legacy on science fiction (1:08:27)
Ashley, Mike - "The Time Machines: The Story of the Science-Fiction Pulp magazines From the Beginning to 1950" (2001)
Bleiler, Everett - "Science-Fiction: The Gernsback Years" (1998)
Davin, Eric Leif - "Pioneers of Wonder: Conversations With the Founders of Science Fiction Hardcover" (1999)
Silverberg, Robert and Nevala-Lee, Alec - "Frozen Hell: Introduction and Foreword" (2019)
Tymn, Marshall B. and Ashley, Mike (eds.) - "Science Fiction, Fantasy and Weird Fiction magazines" (1985)

Harry Bates - "Alas, All Thinking!" (1935) | Chrononauts Episode 38.5
Containing Matters of a Preponderance of Ponderance.
Harry Bates biography, non-spoiler discussion (0:00)
spoiler summary and discussion (18:00)
"The Astounding Harry Bates" featurette, from "The Day the Earth Stood Still" DVD (2008)
Schwartz, Julian and Weisinger, Mortimer - "Titans of Science Fiction: Interview with Harry Bates", Science Fiction Digest #6, February 1933 https://www.fanac.org/fanzines/SF_Digest_2/SF_Digest_0106-09.html?

Raymond Z. Gallun - "Old Faithful" (1934) | Chrononauts Episode 38.4
Containing Matters of Binary Flashes and Semaphore Dashes.
Gallun biography, non-spoiler discussion (0:00)
spoiler summary and discussion (30:27)
Ashley, Mike - "The Time Machines: The Story of the Science-Fiction Pulp magazines From the Beginning to 1950" (2001)
Bleiler, Everett - "Science-Fiction: The Gernsback Years" (1998)
Davin, Eric Leif - "Pioneers of Wonder: Conversations With the Founders of Science Fiction Hardcover" (1999)
Pierce, J.J. - introduction to "The Best of Raymond Z. Gallun" (1978)
Tymn, Marshall B. and Ashley, Mike (eds.) - "Science Fiction, Fantasy and Weird Fiction magazines" (1985)

Murray Leinster - "Sidewise in Time" (1934) | Chrononauts Episode 38.3
Containing Matters of Romans and Confederates.
Tremaine-era Astounding background, Murray Leinster background, non-spoiler discussion (0:00)
spoiler summary and discussion (19:50)
Ashley, Mike - "The Time Machines: The Story of the Science-Fiction Pulp magazines From the Beginning to 1950" (2001)
Bleiler, Everett - "Science-Fiction: The Gernsback Years" (1998)
Davin, Eric Leif - "Pioneers of Wonder: Conversations With the Founders of Science Fiction Hardcover" (1999)
Duncan, Andy - "It's All SF: Science Fiction, Southern Fiction, and the Case of Murray Leinster" (2000)
Science Fiction Book Club - "Interview with Steven Silver and Billee Stallings" (2022) https://middletownpubliclib.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Interview-about-Murray-Leinster-website.pdf
Tymn, Marshall B. Tymn and Ashley, Mike (eds.) - "Science Fiction, Fantasy and Weird Fiction magazines" (1985)
Beck, Sam - "Neptune Rondo" (1845) https://www.loc.gov/resource/sm1845.050900.0?st=gallery

Sophie Wenzel Ellis - "Creatures of the Light" (1930) | Chrononauts Episode 38.2
Containing Matters in which Proteus transforms the Species.
Sophie Wenzel Ellis background and non-spoiler discussion (0:00)
spoiler summary and discussion (24:42)
Adams, M.B. - "The politics of human heredity in the USSR, 1920-1940" (1989)
Ashley, Mike - "The Feminine Future: Early Science Fiction by Women Writers" (2015)
Bleiler, Everett - "Science-Fiction: The Gernsback Years" (1998)
Davin, Eric Leif - "Partners in Wonder: Women and the Birth of Science Fiction, 1926-1965" (2005)
Gilbert, James B. - "Collectivism and Charles Steinmetz" (1974)
Dodge, Mr. & Mrs John Wilson - "Moon, Moon, Moon" (1910) https://www.loc.gov/resource/musm1508.10020387.0/

Captain S. P. Meek - "The Cave of Horror" (1930) | Chrononauts Episode 38.1
Containing Matters in which Mutton is a Joy to All.
introductions, non-podcast reads (0:00)
Astounding Stories background, Captain S.P. Meek biography, non-spoiler discussion (14:52)
spoiler plot summary/spoiler discussion (39:06)
Astounding Stories of Super Science, January 1930 issue https://archive.org/details/Astounding_Stories_of_Super_Science_1930/asf1930-01/
Ashley, Mike - "The History of the Science Fiction Magazine - Part 1 (1926-1935)" (1976)
Ashley, Mike - "The Time Machines: The Story of the Science-Fiction Pulp Magazines from the Beginning to 1950" (2001)
Bleiler, Everett - "Science-Fiction: The Gernsback Years" (1998)
Nevala-Lee, Alec - "Astounding: John W. Campbell, Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, L. Ron Hubbard, and the Golden Age of Science Fiction" (2018)
Robelen, Harry - "Pluto Polka" (1874) https://www.loc.gov/item/sm1874.04744/

Renato Pestriniero - "A Night of 21 Hours" (1960) | Chrononauts Episode 37.3
In which the Heavens provide a Relax of the Mind.
background on Italian science fiction (0:00)
Pestriniero biography and non-spoiler discussion (30:47)
spoiler summary and discussion, "Planet of the Vampires" discussion (44:54)
Catalogo Vegetti della letteratura fantastica - "Renato Pestrinero" https://www.fantascienza.com/catalogo/autori/NILF14184/renato-pestriniero/
Edizioni Solfanelli - "Renato Pestriniero" https://www.edizionisolfanelli.it/renatopestriniero.htm
Delos Books - "A Mestre omaggio a Renato Pestriniero" (2008) https://www.fantascienza.com/11588/a-mestre-omaggio-a-renato-pestriniero
Saiber, Arielle - "Flying Saucers Would Never Land in Lucca: The Fiction of Italian Science Fiction", California Italian studies, 2011
Brioni, Simone and Comberiati, Daniele - "Italian Science Fiction: The Other in Literature and Film" (2019)
Lucas, Tim - "Mario Bava: All the Colors of the Dark" (2007)
Science Fiction Encyclopedia - "Italy" https://sf-encyclopedia.com/entry/italy

Graal Arelsky - "Tales of Mars" (1925) | Chrononauts Episode 37.2
Containing Matters of Radium, Evolution and Revolution.
Arelsky biography, non-spoiler discussion (0:00)
"Professor Dagin's Observatory" spoiler summary/discussion 23:20
"Two Worlds" spoiler summary/discussion 36:35
"Towards a New Sun" spoiler summary/discussion 52:06
Imperia Auctions, Auction 95, Lot 220, June 24, 2022 http://www.auction-imperia.ru/wdate.php?t=booklot&i=79580
Kons - "Stefan Graal Arelsky", Laboratory of Fantastika https://fantlab.ru/autor12055
Nikolskaya, T. L. - "Graal Arelsky: Biographical Information", Library of Maxim Moshkov, http://az.lib.ru/g/graalxarelxskij/text_1994_bio.shtml

Harry Martinson - "Aniara" (1956) | Chrononauts Episode 37.1
Containing Matters which keep the Human race Preserved.
introductions, recent non-podcast reads (0:00)
Harry Martinson biography and non-spoiler discussion (17:46)
plot summary and spoiler discussion (48:08)
opera and film discusion (1:35:42)
Generation Spaceship Project - text and notes of "Aniara" https://gsproject.edublogs.org/gs-texts/texts-used-in-2017/aniara-by-harry-martinson-3/
Johannesson, Eric O. - "Aniara: Poetry and the Poet in the Modern World" Scandinavian Studies, Vol. 32, No. 4 (November, 1960)
Klass, Stephen - introduction to "Aniara" (1999)
Sjöberg, Leif - "Harry Martinson: From Vagabond to Space Explorer", Books Abroad, Vol. 48, No. 3 (Summer, 1974)
Sjöberg, Leif - translator's note to "Aniara" (1999)
Smith, William Jay and Sjöberg, Leif - "On Harry Martinson", The American Poetry Review, Vol. 14, No. 4 (July/August 1985)
Titelman, David - "On Nomadic Shores Inward - Harry Martinson’s Journey to Late-Life Suicide", The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 90:2, 2021
Vowles, Richard Beckman - "Harry Martinson, Sweden's Seaman-Poet", Books Abroad, Vol. 25, No. 4 (Autumn, 1951)

Fitz-James O'Brien - "The Wondersmith" (1859) | Chrononauts Episode 36.4
Containing Matters in which the Toys play Poorly.
O'Brien background and non-spoiler discussion (0:00)
plot summary and spoiler discussion (20:52)
Hoppenstand, Gary - "Robots of the Past: Fitz-James O'Brien's 'The Wondersmith'", the Journal of Popular Culture, Spring 1994