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Database List

Database News

[ 24/11/10 ]   The page OCR software "miwo" has been introduced to the transcription functions of the Ukiyo-e DB and the Classical Books DB.

[ 21/12/11 ]   The Early Japanese Books DB:IIF Manifest buttons are provided for materials distributed by IIF from external sources such as the National Diet Library and the National Institute of Japanese Literature.

[ 21/09/12 ]   Early Japanese Books DB: It is now easier to specify the ruby character in the transcription window, and the right ruby is possible.

ARC Portal Databases

The following portal databases allow you to do federated search of not only the ARC collection but also collections of collection holders, collaborating with the ARC.

Cultural Resources Database
Japanese Prints (Ukiyo-e) and Paintings Portal Database(別ウィンドウ)
The Early Japanese Books Portal Database(別ウィンドウ)
Shibai Banzuke (Kabuki Playbills) Portal Database(別ウィンドウ)
The Modern Japanese Books Portal Database (別ウィンドウ)
Woodblocks Database(別ウィンドウ)
Event-type Pictures Portal Database(別ウィンドウ)
Cultural Resources Portal Database(別ウィンドウ)
Landscape Photo Portal Database(別ウィンドウ)
Portal Database of Map of Japan Relations(別ウィンドウ)
ARC Audio/Video Portal Database(ArtTube)(別ウィンドウ)

Reference Database
Chronology Article Database(別ウィンドウ)
Name of Person Database(別ウィンドウ)
Chronology of Performing Art and Cinema(別ウィンドウ)
Biographical and Literary Works Database(別ウィンドウ)
Federated Search System
Portal databases at the ARC(別ウィンドウ)
Some databases at the ARC(別ウィンドウ)

ARC Collections Databases

Banzuke Books Ukiyo-e Arts and Crafts Image Others
The Early Japanese Books Database(別ウィンドウ) Donated and Entrusted Books(別ウィンドウ)
The Modern Japanese Book Database(別ウィンドウ) Exhibition Catalogues Database(別ウィンドウ)
Movie Brochures Database(別ウィンドウ) Shibai Banzuke (Kabuki Playbills) Browsing System(別ウィンドウ)
Japanese Woodblock Prints(別ウィンドウ) Fujii Eikan Bunko Database(別ウィンドウ)
Kyoto Modern Textile-related Materials(別ウィンドウ) Textile Printing Stencils(別ウィンドウ)
Database of AV Materials Donated or Entrusted to the ARC(別ウィンドウ) Film and Drama Scripts(別ウィンドウ)
Noh Chant Books (Utaibon)(別ウィンドウ) ARC Map Collection(別ウィンドウ)
ARC Digital Materials Database(別ウィンドウ) Picture Postcards and Old Photos Database(別ウィンドウ)
ARC Rare Books archive
The Hayashi Yoshikazu Collection(別ウィンドウ) The Sakurai Bunko Collection(別ウィンドウ)
ARC Academic Wiki Websites
Open Gadai Wiki(別ウィンドウ)
Databases of other Ritsumeikan Research Institutes
Image Database of DMUCH Collection(別ウィンドウ) RCGS Collection(別ウィンドウ)
Databases of Other Research Organizations' Collections
Kabuki Books Ukiyo-e Arts and Crafts Others
The British Museum Japanese Old Books Database(別ウィンドウ) Kumon Institute of Education's the Early Japanese Books Database(別ウィンドウ)
Maizuru-shi Itoi Bunko Browsing System(別ウィンドウ) The Browsing System of GHQ-censored Script of Theatre in the Shochiku Otani Library Collection(別ウィンドウ)
Chintei Collection Banzuke (Kabuki and Joruri Playbills) (別ウィンドウ) Shochiku Otani Library Collection, Shibai Banzuke Browsing System(別ウィンドウ)
Osaka prefectural nakanoshima library Collection, Shibai Banzuke Browsing System(別ウィンドウ) Marega Collection(別ウィンドウ)
Maps of Japan from the Collection of Sir Hugh and Lady Cortazzi(別ウィンドウ) Kawaraban and Surimono Woodblock Prints, Kyoto Prefectural Library and Archives(別ウィンドウ)
Kunitachi College of Music Library, Takeuchi Michitaka Bunko Digital Archive(別ウィンドウ) Ukiyo-e Database for Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive (別ウィンドウ)
Kondo Yutaka Photo Database (別ウィンドウ)

Research Databases, Based on ARC Projects
Kabuki Books Ukiyo-e Arts and Crafts Others
Institute of Disaster Mitigation for Urban Cultural Heritage Collection(別ウィンドウ) Database of Railway and Bus Photo in Kyoto(別ウィンドウ)
Kyoto Topography Database(別ウィンドウ) Database of 20th Century TV Commercials(別ウィンドウ)
Modern Japanese Ceramics Image Database(別ウィンドウ) Japanese Ceramics(別ウィンドウ)
Lacquerware Research Link Collection(別ウィンドウ) Bamboo Baskets(別ウィンドウ)
Miyanaga Tōzan Ceramics Database(別ウィンドウ) A Chronological Table of Edo Kabuki Musicians, and
a List of Edo Kabuki Song Books(別ウィンドウ)
Ongyoku Shisho Shurokusho Sakuin(別ウィンドウ) Ongyoku ShishoTenkyo Sakuin for Waka Poems(別ウィンドウ)
Comprehensive Chronological Database of Japanese Performing Art and Theatre Productions(別ウィンドウ) Performance Records of Kabuki Actors, based
on the 3rd Phase of Yakusha hyobanki(別ウィンドウ)
Kabuki and Joruri Roles' Names Database(別ウィンドウ) Kabuki Actors Database(別ウィンドウ)
Search System by Titles, based on Bibliographical Introduction to Kabuki and Plays by Category by Seitaro Atsumi(別ウィンドウ) A Comprehensive Database of Erotic Books,
Paintings and Prints
in the Edo Period(別ウィンドウ)
Hanamichi Research Group's Dotonbori Hanamichi Text (別ウィンドウ) Yakusha Hyobanki Kenkyukai's Dictionary for Unified Processing Chinese Characters(別ウィンドウ)
Japanese Arts and Cultures Bibliography(別ウィンドウ) Japanese Literature Electronic Texts (別ウィンドウ)
Noh Video(別ウィンドウ) Utagawa Kuniyoshi Caricature Catalogue Database edited by Yuriko Iwakiri(別ウィンドウ)
Ukiyo-e-related Sites(別ウィンドウ) Kyoto Famous Places Image Database(別ウィンドウ)
List of Ukiyo-e Catalogues and Books with Ukiyo-e (別ウィンドウ) Asahi Collection Kuchi-e Database(別ウィンドウ)
Kazuyoshi Ookawa Collection Database, Ritsumeikan Archive Center(別ウィンドウ) Zero Age Web Content Database (別ウィンドウ)

External Database, Built by an ARC-affiliated Researcher
Sukenobu Nishikawa Database(別ウィンドウ)
Web GIS・Overlay Map
Heian-kyō Overlay Map(別ウィンドウ) Yamashiro Overlay Map(別ウィンドウ)
Modern Kyoto Overlay Map(別ウィンドウ) Japanese version of Map Warper(別ウィンドウ)
heian-kyō imperial palace(※Click to start download. Download takes time.)(別ウィンドウ)

The database and materials

The ARC's collection and digital archives are the fruit of materials collected, donated and entrusted for the promotion of ARC's undertakings.
The collection also includes invaluable materials not available elsewhere but these are strictly for research purposes and many are not available to the public for preservation reason even if viewing is requested. Please also be advised that viewing of materials available for public viewing may be declined due to research schedules at the ARC.

Using the database and materials

As a rule, all materials in the ARC collection and the digital archives can only be viewed inside the ARC. In some cases, a fee set by the ARC may be payable for the reproduction of certain materials.
For further information, please see the Visitor's Guide.


The copyrights of all materials in the ARC collection and digital archives belong to the ARC, or individuals such as researchers and entrusters.
No materials may be reproduced or reused without permission whatsoever.
Visitors may use the photocopying machine at the ARC to make reproductions of materials in the ARC collection. Prior application is required for the reproduction of digital archive materials. For further information, please see the Visitor's Guide.