CurlyArrows was founded in 2015 at a time when most chemistry information was shared through forums and Q&A. We truly believes that any complex concept can be well understood when explained using basic, jargon-free language, reinforced further using visual images, storytelling, and examples. CurlyArrows employs various approaches to achieve this goal, such as long articles, short Q&As, blogs, podcasts, comparisons, quizzes, and definitions.
Why Learn Chemistry with CurlyArrows?
CurlyArrows is an online learning platform that uses multimodal instructions to deliver chemistry concepts.
What is multimodal instructions?
In multimodal instructions, we first introduce the concept and its scope through definitions, followed by a lengthy article on its what, why, and how, and also cover the related questions using Q&A.
How CurlyArrows overcomes Concept Confusion?
Any concept confusion is overcome by comparing related concepts side-to-side through our difference between series, followed by quizzes to test the learning outcome.
We don't bombard the learner with too much information but slowly encourage studying so that there is natural progress in skill levels.
Multi-sensory learning
CurlyArrows takes pride in delivering concepts using lots of pictures, podcasts, and storytelling. Try it out!
⇒ Explore our latest - Introduction to Organic Chemistry Course and Topic list.