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Star Trek: Enterprise: Regeneration (2003)
Season 2, Episode 23
In agreement with all the "yes it could happen reviewers" but...
9 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm in full agreement with most all the reviewers and their timeline assessments of the episode. The only problem with all of it is when you get to The Next Generation when Q introduced The Enterprise to the Borg. Q and Guinan were both in the bar when Q sent The Enterprise to met with the Borg. They aren't as affected by timeline anomalies as normal humans are. Guinan seems to be unaware of any prior meetings or occurrences involving the Borg, as is Q. Could be an unimportant fact for Q, but for Guinan, if there had been any hint of difference, she'd have said something even if vaguely to Picard. She did so on "Yesterday's Enterprise" as it involved what should have been an improbable Tasha Yar, dead in the main timeline but fully alive for some time crossing that timeline back into the prime timeline, all without Guinan not knowing Yar to begin with. So, this was totally overlooked or a unique plot perspective that could have been tied later on in Star Trek could have been added to make additional intrigue. All being said, this episode wouldn't be directly affected but down the line it could have been put into effect for an enhanced story and adding more dimension to the Borg and where they fit in the Star Trek lore.
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an excellent series
7 January 2009
The first season wasn't the best sci-fi had to offer, but without it, the second most awesome season wouldn't have been as awesome a story. you need the back story to understand a bit of what's happening in the second season. Most television, with rare exception, sci-fi shows are usually predictable: either they're too preachy, too political, or very little attempt at a viable story line or cohesive & continuous story throughout with many ending without actually ending. This one, even with the less than perfect 1st season, had an incredibly deep & thoughtful story line that had a continuous line from start to finish. It must be watched completely if it can to be best understood. I only hope they release the 2nd season on DVD as they've done the first. I've only a remaining playable few episodes scattered on VHS that are steadily becoming more & more unwatchable.
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Problems with Plot Summary
23 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
First, I loved this movie. While it may of had a few sticking points, it still surpassed my wildest dreams. I had figured this movie to be a total bust with Will Smith unable to create a convincing carriage of the lead. I just couldn't fit him into the role. I'm very familiar with the book, having read it several times. He proved me wrong!

Now on to the problem with the summary as given: The first problem is "vampires". The turned victims of the supposed cure are eating the flesh of the deer they killed in the building. Vampires suck blood. These creatures are assumed vampires as they don't go out in the light. They are the ultimate cancer victim whose bodies are so weakened by the mutated virus that they can no longer tolerate UV light (as evidenced by his testing of the captured girl with a portable UV lamp). The second point is the input about his family. His family didn't die of the virus. They died while being evacuated in a helicopter crash. The third point is the reference to "years" which implies more than the 1000+ days that have transpired since Neville was by himself.
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MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST SEE!!!!!! (get the hint???)
20 January 2007
An awesome experience. I love to read, so when I found this book had been turned into a movie, I was truly dreading it. The book was good, but very dry & at points quite boring; a true struggle, but worth the effort in the end. I was spellbound from the first moment the movie started. The visuals, the scenery, the action, all this wove so well with the intent of the book. It follows the book rather loosely. I'm rarely wowed by movies that I've read as books. I can critique them to death. THIS ONE BLEW ME AWAY. It was so beyond the book, I couldn't quit thinking of it. I had to buy a fresh copy of the book to revisit it. A must see!!!
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Virus (1980)
A good way to spend a rainy afternoon
27 August 2005
Not a bad movie. A bit lackluster at points performance-wise, but still, rather solid performances with a rather believable storyline. Masao Kusakari & Bo Swenson are among the best in the show with solid performances all around. The one draw back, all movies like this in the early eighties have the same tired old clichéd characters. If you're an aficionado of such movies as I am, you'll understand exactly what I mean. (ie. The Towering Inferno, The Swarm, The Posiedon Adventure, etc. etc. etc. just not as big of a blockbuster style film as these were). That was my only grievance. The ending was excellent. So was the beginning and ending music. They worked well for this movie. Enjoy!!
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good flick; but left gaping questions
21 March 2004
I like it despite the nitpicking I'm about to embark on. It's a zombie flick. Do I need to elaborate anymore than that? My issues are that the people in the mall weren't in there long enough for the the condition of many of the corpses around the building and in the parking garage. Then there's the generators for the mall that can't work as long with the load those people seemed to be using. Also, why did Luda take forever to die when everyone else died within hours? What happened to Andy's attacker(s).

They didn't leave the gun shop, yet they weren't present in the shop either. Just some nitpicking gaps that made it a bit hard to swallow as zombie movies go. We won't even go anywhere near the fact that they don't even attempt to provide even the slightest clue of what caused this tragedy in any way, shape, or form. While I gave this movie a 7 rating, for your money, rent "28 days later". While it has just as many holes in it's credibility as does Dawn of the Dead, it holds it a bit more in check.
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SWM (1998 Video)
pretty good but not for everyone
7 September 2002
pretty hot movie if you like that kinda thing; only reason it got an 8 and not a 10 are that not all scenarios has mason & nick in them. they were the best part! as i said, not your family film. the acting isn't too bad for this kinda movie also. nick and mason have reasonably realistic conversation. nick is the sweetheart. he also is the more believable of the 2.
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excellent period piece; an excellent and moving experience
19 August 2002
While others might not agree, the religious content of this feature while bordering on the preachy side, was well suited if one is at all familiar with Corrie ten Boom and her other works. The horrors Corrie and her sister Betsy faced in Ravensbruk concentration camp were just barely covered. It's a must watch for those interested in the horrors of the Holocaust. While it is admittedly evangelistic, it is gives an excellent view of what good can come out of sufferring. The cameo at the end of Corrie ten Boom herself in her beloved Beje (the ten Boom name for their watch repair/clockshop/home in Haarlem, The Netherlands) made it for me. An excellent and moving experience.
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excellent movie, if it weren't for the stiff acting
18 August 2002
enjoyed it immensely, even if the book recieved EXTENSIVE rewrite to make the story line work. Acting by main actors was somewhat stilted and forced at times as if they weren't sure of how to do the part. overall, good movie, but a hard one to perform satisfactorily
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Morgengrauen (1984 TV Movie)
not too bad a scifi picture for such a low budget
18 August 2002
The premise of life credits and dying after use is old news (e.g. Logan's Run [similar concept]). I saw the English dubbed version. Not too bad acting; a little preachy at times but still not too bad. Believable characters and a somewhat plausible plot make for a good way to pass a rainy day. I found it under "Time Troopers" at a local video outlet. Give it try.
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Genesis II (1973 TV Movie)
if it wasn't for roddenberry, this would have been horrible
18 August 2002
unfortunately, it wasn't to memorable at that. it might have developed into something viable, all things considered for the 70's, but didn't. i love roddenberry's work, but the characters in this series given the relationship between time of the catastrophic event and the changes in the world and rather unbelievable acting lead to a very lukewarm movie at the least. Alex Cord just barely carries off the role of Dylan Hunt. Almost all the undergrounders are rather forced and unbelievable. Mariett Hartley does not do the concept of Terran any good, neither do any of the others portraying this unrealistic and unbelievable mutated race. it just didn't work for me. i'll be adding it to my collection if i can ever find it only because of roddenberry, not for anyother reason!
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